"The idea of cultural cringe was defined by Australian sociologists Brian Head and James Walter as the belief that one's own country occupies a "subordinate cultural place on the periphery", and that "intellectual standards are set and innovations occur elsewhere". As a consequence, a person who holds this belief is inclined to devalue their own country's cultural, academic and artistic life, and to venerate the "superior" culture of another country."
(via wikipedia)
So much self-hating negativity on this thread. Time to get over it Australians. Well-dressed people are on every other corner, if only we could quit bemoaning the fact that we aren't New York or London long enough to notice.
(via wikipedia)
So much self-hating negativity on this thread. Time to get over it Australians. Well-dressed people are on every other corner, if only we could quit bemoaning the fact that we aren't New York or London long enough to notice.