Brandon Routh

eugenius said:
um..prolly not appropriate here...but if you google "brandon routh" and the word "penis", im sure you'll find it..
I Googled it!!

*clears throat* said:
The new Superman is giving movie bosses a headache - because of the size of
his bulge. They fear Brandon Routh's profile in the superhero's skintight
costume could be distracting, reports the Sun.​
Hollywood executives have ordered the makers of Superman Returns to cover it
up with digital effects.
The Sun's source said: "It's a major issue for the studio. Brandon is extremely
well endowed and they don't want it up on the big screen.
Basically, he has a big wee-wee...Didn't this same rumor circulate about Tom Welling?:innocent:
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Not that i was looking or anything but it did appear that he was "gifted" in that department:innocent:
sonjanicky29 said:
Not that i was looking or anything but it did appear that he was "gifted" in that department:innocent:
Damn, after seeing these pics, now I wish I went to the premiere on Monday! I could've had first hand information! :lol:

But seriously, if we are to believe all these sources then practically every man in Hollywood has as big dick...
Diorling said:
Didn't this same rumor circulate about Tom Welling?:innocent:

Dont know who Tom Welling is, but I know a similar rumor was circulating about Lindsay Lohan: digitally shrunk her breasts for that Herbie movie she was in..
eugenius said:
Dont know who Tom Welling is, but I know a similar rumor was circulating about Lindsay Lohan: digitally shrunk her breasts for that Herbie movie she was in..
He's only one of the finest specimens of corn-fed 100% American hunk!! He also plays Superman on Smallville...


let's stick to the topic of brandon routh, yeah? haha just kidding! tom welling is gorgeous too : )
He's good for superman like people said, but I just don't find him that hot. Sure, he's a handsome, good looking guy, but he's not like "exuse me for drooling on your abs can you please hand me a napkin" type hot. If that made sense at all.
ShuggaStiletto said:
He's good for superman like people said, but I just don't find him that hot. Sure, he's a handsome, good looking guy, but he's not like "exuse me for drooling on your abs can you please hand me a napkin" type hot. If that made sense at all.
I agree, Brandon Routh isn't that hot, he's a handsome fellow but he doesn't ooze sex like other possible candidates. Maybe that's what they wanted for Superman, classically handsome, not total stud in his red bikini!
he looks like someone that could be a serial r*pist pedophile to me..he's obviously not ugly, but just has that creep factor about his look. it like he's TOO p.c good looking to be attractive.
MTRLBY said:
he looks like someone that could be a serial r*pist pedophile to me..he's obviously not ugly, but just has that creep factor about his look. it like he's TOO p.c good looking to be attractive.
Haha, I can see that...Very American Psycho...(I havent seen that movie but it seems to fit this situation...haha, does it?)

Its his pale skin and dark eyes and hair, very pervy, and his hair combed to the side. He'd be perfect for a Tom Ford campaign!
Diorling said:
Haha, I can see that...Very American Psycho...(I havent seen that movie but it seems to fit this situation...haha, does it?)

Its his pale skin and dark eyes and hair, very pervy, and his hair combed to the side. He'd be perfect for a Tom Ford campaign!

very american psycho! haha
except christian bale is drop dead gorgeous :D
hahah eternity goddess!

He's on Leno right now. His hair is always just a little too perfectly combed and gelled to the side part. And his eyes are like little spinning drills just staring and darting around!

On the other hand, he looks muuuuch much better and way sexy in profile! Just cut out all the head on life in profile! (I heard it's the coolest thing to do these days...)
^He is handsome, but something about him is just OFF. He looks...plastic...or waxy...he's good looking but those looks don't connect with me.

I think Tom Wellings is a little too boyish to be playing adult Superman.
I hate Jay Leno, does he still think he's funny? And Conan is even less funny, so Im not quite sure what NBC thinks they're doing...

Anyways, he is almost too perfect...Strange...He's a killer, I can see it in his eyes! Wait till he blugeons Kate Bosworth to death with a platform shoe while filming the sequel!

Tom Welling does have that innocent-16-year-old-Abercrombie-model-posing-nude-on-a-bearskin-rug thing going on...He is legal, right? Id feel like a perv for oogling him (haha, Im only 19!)
haha he does have that intense killer look in the eyes. platform shoe killing scene sounds brilliant...Oscar worthy even!

Tom Welling doesn't seem right for superman in my eyes. He is a hottiiie though. In some angles at least.

Diorling you're worried about being legal! I'm only 16...and I'm already in a love triangle with 2 European footballers. Engaged to be married to one...lusty steamy scoring goals act with the other. :p :lol:
I just watched Superman returns, he didn't do much for me when I saw the trailer or previous pics but in the movie he was so lovely to look at! He has this quality about him that just grows on you.
Here's a particularly scary picture of Mr Routh...The way his eyes are, are sort of "Im gonna gut you!"



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