Brigitte Bardot #2

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Ah, thank you! Now I can see them! And hee, I love the grins on the men's faces as they hold her up... not that I can blame them in the least. ;)
cieldelit, please add the source the caps were taken from otherwise your posts will be removed. Thank you. :flower:

Well, I already said I made the screencaps myself. :doh: They're not from Vodkaster, I used my own DVD.
Well, I already said I made the screencaps myself. :doh: They're not from Vodkaster, I used my own DVD.

Hahaha, whoops. :p Do you have the russian-subtitled DVD, Ciel? I heard it was the best copy of the movie out there.

And a request... can anyone put up this one large publicity shot of brunette BB from Doctor at Sea where she's wearing a one-piece, off-the-shoulder swimsuit, sitting down with her legs stretched out, and holding a ball? I know it was posted on this thread and I went looking for it but I can't find it in the last 15 or so pages. I think it may have been taken down.

This is the outfit she's wearing, btw. From Bellazon:

^ do you mean this one ?

Here's a couple more from the same session:

facebook page "La beauté, la carrière et le style de Brigitte Bardot."

And oh, Ciel, thank you for the lovely caps! Ah, they're exquisite, and so hi-def too! :heart: Seriously, the movie itself is a grimy little affair (I lucked out in that lovely Fiammi gave me a copy with subtitles) but Brigitte was as exquisite as her character was morally repulsive. So good to see more caps from this under-estimated movie. :blush: BB in her maid's outfit... yowza!

it is definitely underrated ! So is "La Lumière d'en Face" in my opinion. I mostly agree with what you said but I love "And God Created Woman" and "Une Parisienne" :heart:
I have the french DVD of "En Cas de Malheur" ;)

Oh and I see you have a Tumblr! I just added you, mine is La Fille de Paille, despite its name it's not a Bardot blog so you don't have to follow me back if you're not interested ;)
Well, I already said I made the screencaps myself. :doh: They're not from Vodkaster, I used my own DVD.
Sorry about the confusion, I thought you had posted they were from Vodkaster, not someone else. I fixed it.
Yes, thank you for the pictures! :heart: I've been going over Doctor at Sea and got up to the part where BB is sunbathing on the boat in that fantastic emerald swim-suit. I needed some more publicity shots of her to properly show it off. :flower:

it is definitely underrated ! So is "La Lumière d'en Face" in my opinion. I mostly agree with what you said but I love "And God Created Woman" and "Une Parisienne" :heart:
I have the french DVD of "En Cas de Malheur" ;)

Oh and I see you have a Tumblr! I just added you, mine is La Fille de Paille, despite its name it's not a Bardot blog so you don't have to follow me back if you're not interested ;)

"God Created Woman and "Une Parsienne" are both examples of movies that are delightful more-or-less simply due to BB's charm and beauty. I actually love them both simply for her and pretty much fast-forward through any non-BB scenes. But oh how great her presence in them is! :p I only wish BB could have starred in a comedy as sharp as, say, Some Like It Hot, like Marilyn Monroe got to do. She had good comic timing but I haven't yet seen a movie of hers that fully exploited it!

(Or maybe I'm missing out on great Gallic humor... that could be true as well!)

La Lumiere is fantastic, though, and one day I've got to clean up my screen-caps (all... 100+ of them... geeze I've got to pare them back) and put them up. The fashion of the movie isn't all that amazing, since her clothes are meant to reinforce how home-bound and innocent she really is, but BB is so BEAUTIFUL in that movie! And she projects this wonderful vulnerability and tenderness I've rarely seen of her in other flicks... it's too bad the movie is so hard to find, since it's really quite a gem.

And I definitely will you... we have very similar interests, after all. ^_^ Thanks for liking my tumblr in return... it gives me great incentive to finish recapping more of BB's movies, if nothing else!
Oh, and here's a rare and lovely pic of BB in her night-gown from Doctor at Sea, from the lespetroleuses tumblr. She's so very striking with the dark hair and the dark eyes... she actually looks rather semitic to me in black-and-white with her natural coloring, to be honest! In any case, lovely, isn't she?

^ I find her stunning too, I love this hair color on her, she was probably the only one to hate it :lol:
But I don't think it's from Doctor at Sea, it rather looks like "Le fils de Caroline Chérie".

"God Created Woman and "Une Parsienne" are both examples of movies that are delightful more-or-less simply due to BB's charm and beauty. I actually love them both simply for her and pretty much fast-forward through any non-BB scenes. But oh how great her presence in them is! :p I only wish BB could have starred in a comedy as sharp as, say, Some Like It Hot, like Marilyn Monroe got to do. She had good comic timing but I haven't yet seen a movie of hers that fully exploited it!

(Or maybe I'm missing out on great Gallic humor... that could be true as well!)

I love "And God Created Woman" not because of the plot but because of Juliette, that is to say Brigitte, since she was being herself.
I agree that "Une Parisienne" is not on par with "Some Like Hot", I find it lighthearted and amusing nonetheless. And of course there's BB and I enjoy that type of typical 1950s comedy, it's slightly camp but I like it :ninja:
I am yet to see "The Bear and the Doll" but I heard it's a good comedy of hers ;)

That's true her talent could have been exploited so much more, because of a lack of interesting parts and Brigitte's little interest in cinema. :(

Brunette Brigitte :heart::heart::

creakaro centerblog (this girl makes collages with rare photos but they're so small !)

^ I find her stunning too, I love this hair color on her, she was probably the only one to hate it :lol:
But I don't think it's from Doctor at Sea, it rather looks like "Le fils de Caroline Chérie".

I love "And God Created Woman" not because of the plot but because of Juliette, that is to say Brigitte, since she was being herself.
I agree that "Une Parisienne" is not on par with "Some Like Hot", I find it lighthearted and amusing nonetheless. And of course there's BB and I enjoy that type of typical 1950s comedy, it's slightly camp but I like it :ninja:
I am yet to see "The Bear and the Doll" but I heard it's a good comedy of hers ;)

That's true her talent could have been exploited so much more, because of a lack of interesting parts and Brigitte's little interest in cinema. :(

Brunette Brigitte :heart::heart::

creakaro centerblog (this girl makes collages with rare photos but they're so small !)

What a lovely rare pic! In terms of adorable gamine pertness, there is nothing young BB lacks! :blush:

I usually adore Brigitte's "couldn't give a ****" attitude but at times, I do wish she took her career more seriously! :p A lot of the times, when I see her movies, I actively have to fight to stay immersed just in the pleasure of watching her, since the rest of the movie tends to be quite a let-down or very silly in many ways. Mind you, I've only seen her early movies (which were never the best) and a hand-ful of her later ones (Contempt, Viva Maria) so I'm not an expert on her ouvre.

Contempt is also a very good movie-- probably the best she ever shot in terms of visual grace and a captivating story-line. Unfortunately, it's also a bit of a soul-killing experience-- albeit in the best way possible. Still, I can't watch it too often, since it usually makes me feel rather... :(

Out of all of her movies, in fact, I think my personal (and very idiosyncratic) favorite is La Lumiere. The central conflict (man can't have sex with his mind-blowingly gorgeous wife and goes insane from it!) is pretty inane and vastly unrealistic... but I loved the lead performances of both Raymond Pellegrin and Brigitte... and BB actually gets to act in this movie as well! And since she's so often cast as either the sex-pot or the innocent ingenue, it's interesting to see her in a role that sort of encompasses both while also showing her very real vulnerability and pain. It's a shame it's such a rare movie and so difficult to get ahold of-- I think it has one of BB's best on-screen performances!

I also love Doctor on Board as well... it's lighter than air but BB is so cute and funny in that movie. Too charming for words! :heart: Plus, it's in beautiful, full-definition color-- such a rarity in her early films!
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Oh, and look at this amazing rare photo from Bellazon. Coal-black BB! I've never before seen her with this hair sans wig!

I think the plot of "La Lumière d'en Face" is quite compelling actually (although it's not made clear whether the man has become impotent or if he's been forbidden to have sex while he recovers, or both !) but it could've been pushed further. It's like they tried to tackle a thorny issue (male impotence, lust, abstinence, adultery) but did not dare to go too far, because of morals and 1950s conservatism. I was a tad disappointed by the ending :(
The actors are outstanding though ! You can see that they had great chemistry, which is confirmed by Brigitte in her autobiography.

Oh, and look at this amazing rare photo from Bellazon. Coal-black BB! I've never before seen her with this hair sans wig!

such a rare picture, thank you :heart: It was obviously colorized though; her hair was not that black.

Her naturail hair color is chestnut/dark blonde, as can be seen here:

But she had to dye them black for a (minor part in a very forgettable) movie, "Le Fils de Caroline Chérie", hence the darker hair circa 1954-1955:

(all pics from bellazon)

I think it suits her extremely well but she loathed it :lol:
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It's a shame Brigitte apparently hated her dark hair... I thought she looked great with it! It really makes her features pop, while her blonde hair... well, it doesn't wash her out, exactly, and I think she looks BEAUTIFUL with dark golden hair, ala God Created Woman and Night Heaven Fell.

That said, in her late twenties and early thirties and beyond, I honestly think she would have looked fantastic switching over to dark hair again, since her super-pale hair tended to wash her out in color. (Although she looked fantastic in black-and-white photos, as her hair made her stand out in them). I'm thinking about her rocking the huge black bouffant in Le Mepris... I think it really made her features POP out so beautifully!

source: my screen-caps, from the DVDs. Thanks to Fiammi for helping me get ahold of them! :flower:

I'm curious... did she hate her natural chestnut-brown hair color as well? Too bad if she did... I thought it was a completely gorgeous color, almost touching auburn but with rich brown rather than red high-lights. It never fails to surprise me how hard gorgeous women are on their looks! :o

I think the plot of "La Lumière d'en Face" is quite compelling actually (although it's not made clear whether the man has become impotent or if he's been forbidden to have sex while he recovers, or both !) but it could've been pushed further. It's like they tried to tackle a thorny issue (male impotence, lust, abstinence, adultery) but did not dare to go too far, because of morals and 1950s conservatism. I was a tad disappointed by the ending :(

The actors are outstanding though ! You can see that they had great chemistry, which is confirmed by Brigitte in her autobiography.

Hmm... the copy of La Lumiere that I have (thanks to Fiammifero! :heart:) had subtitles saying that the doctors flat-out forbid the husband from having sex with Olivia (BB's character) because any strain would kill him dead. It would actually make far more sense if he just became, well, impotent instead. And even then... God, I wish I could chuck a copy of Joy of Sex or something at his head. There are OTHER THINGS you can do beside P-in-V, man! Get creative! :lol:

Still, it's a very well-acted and tense drama with BB giving her (IMO) most incredibly affecting and naturally beautiful performance on film, despite that awful ending you mentioned. Seriously, we're supposed to cheer Olivia on for waiting for her [WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS!] homicidal, wife-abusing husband to come back? It's clear that he's an otherwise loving man who snapped from the strain of his terrible accident and after getting a push from the local Iago-figure... but he still tried to kill his wife! And we're supposed to be hoping for a reunion?! :shock:

I just try and blank that entire part out when I watch the movie. It's too bad about that terrible and conservative ending though.
Screen-Caps for The Bride is Too Beautiful/Her Bridal Night!

Also, since I have been meandering and having far too much fun on tumblr, I've been neglecting my self-appointed screen-capping duties here much too much. So without further ado... let me put up a few screen-caps for the very early 1956 romantic comedy, La Mariee Est Trop Belle! (Which is known as both Her Bridal Night and The Bride is Too Beautiful in the US.)

(Many, many thanks, btw, goes to Fiammifero for mailing me a copy of this movie. These screen-caps could never have been done without her. :flower:)

Anyway, this movie is a little bit of a weird entry into BB's filmography, as it was released in the very same year as And God Created Woman, which overshadowed it more-or-less completely. This is actually one of the first film performances of BB as as blonde, but her adorable protagonist Chouchou (seriously, that's her name) could not be more different than the sensuous, free-spirited, convention defying Juliette of And God Created Woman.

Chouchou is very much a romantic protagonist of the '50s... she's a lovely young provincial girl who's discovered by a handsome scout, gets whisked off to Paris to wear a series of gorgeous fashions, falls in love with the same scout, gets involved in a crazy love trapezoid with a male model who adores her and a female editor who wants her man, has to stage a fake wedding, and eventually gets a real one! Needless to say, the movie is mostly a series of wacky set-pieces (including a great dance number with BB!) leading to a happy ending... but it's very cute, BB makes for a plucky leading lady you can really root for, and she gets to parade around some fantastic fashion shoots as well. It's a shame this movie isn't well known and isn't commercially available in the US, as far as I know. It's quite a charming film, even if it's lighter than air.

Anyway, you can download 80+ caps here:

[Disclaimer: Mediafire is not my personal fan-site nor a site I am affiliated with or make any income from. It's a file-sharing site that I'm using only to upload these screen-caps, which are for private use. You won't be charged for using this site and the download process is free, easy, and takes place without any waiting period. And don't worry about getting your computer infected-- Mediafire has no viruses!]

[And feel free to put up these screen-caps on any other site if you like-- no need to credit me! Take them and have fun.]

Anyway, now that that disclaimer is over and done with... let me give discuss a few notable outfits from the movie... although I'll save some for the days ahead. Screen-caps are all mine, taken from the DVD.

I. Chouchou's Spectacular "Sham-Wedding" Bridal Gown

Naturally, the very first dress everyone is going to be dazzled with in this movie-- and in fact, the very first costume we ever see-- is the gorgeous, gorgeous dress that BB's character, Chouchou, wears at her "sham-wedding" to drum up publicity for her career. Needless to say, it's a princess dress to end all princess dresses, complete with a dazzling high-necked bodice bedecked with what must be thousands of rhinestones, an enormous skirt with one hell of a bow at the back,
accompanied by a GIANT sparkling tiara and a yards-long veil.

Needless to say, it's a gorgeous dress that must weigh a metric ton and would have eaten a lesser woman alive. I love that Brigitte manages to pull it off with aplomb and still look like herself in the middle of this beautiful monster anyway! :blush:

And wait till you see the undergarments she had to wear to support this thing...! Seriously, walking around in this must have been like moving through bloody molasses. :shock:

free image hosting


...Say, does anyone have more hi-fi photos of this dress? I know I ran across a few but I can't seem to find them now.
Huh, well, there are these two images from Sorry for the ugly criss-cross stamped effect... but you can clearly see the intricate lace-work and the rhinestones in these photos. What a fantasy gown!

^ beautiful ! somehow I never managed to get the pictures on Glowimages :doh:.

lower quality but without watermark:

I'm curious... did she hate her natural chestnut-brown hair color as well? Too bad if she did... I thought it was a completely gorgeous color, almost touching auburn but with rich brown rather than red high-lights. It never fails to surprise me how hard gorgeous women are on their looks! :o

No she liked her natural hair color ^_^ becoming blonde wasn't her idea, it was -again- for a movie.

thank you for everything, the screencaps, the recaps,... :clap: The details on the wedding dress look wonderful. Only a graceful, slender woman like Brigitte could prevent it from looking too matronly !
I feel like posting pictures ! pictures of 1950s Brigitte of course, to please Funnyfan ^_^ But if anyone else has got requests, I'd be happy to help ^_^!

kate gabrielle flickr


Oh, gorgeous photos, Ciel! There are several that are new to me, especially the *gorgeous* one with her in the gown, with flowers in her hair. (That was from a movie, I'm guessing???) Lovely pic spam! :heart:

And if you're still taking requests... mind putting up ones in her early blonde period? I'd love to see her around the late 1950s, with that huge mass of golden hair! :woot:

And this is the second candid of young BB where I've seen this portrait. It's of Brigitte herself, isn't it? Her nostrils remain amazingly distinctive. Does anyone know who painted this...?

A Few More Screen-Caps from Bride is Too Beautiful...

... Since I went on a mini-break recently and never posted up the rest of the screen-caps from Bride is Too Beautiful... here are some more memorable outfits from the movie!

Source: my screencaps from the DVD, via the lovely Fiammifero

II. The blue sun-dress of innocence

We all know this outfit, don't we? Young Chouchou appears in it near the start of the movie, in order to show just how young and innocent she is. And doesn't she look adorable in pig-tails? It's too bad that the movie isn't in color, as the dress is even lovelier in bright blue. And it's cute that BB kept the dress and wore it even years later, as you can see in the last picture in this sequence! :flower:

III. We all know this outfit, don't we? She wore it everywhere in the '60s!

IV. Her teeny-bopper outfit

Another great outfit that show-cases her innocence and sweetness at the beginning of the film. With her high pony-tail and her pleated skirt, she looks like the prototypical wholesome '50s teen. And I'm not 100% sure but her grey (?) skirt actually looks like one she would wear years later in Le Mepris!

V. Her "commercial" rain-coat

She only wears it in a short scene for a commercial she shoots but she's utterly adorable in her misery!

VI. Her "Racing" Outfit

Another short outfit she wears for a modeling gig. I wish this movie was in color to better show-cases the wonderfully outre outfits she wears in this movie as a model. I love how luxe the material looks and the criss-cross pattern of the top. I'm still a little confused about whether she's wearing a coat or a dress though...

...More outfits to come later!
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