Brit's Latest letter of truth

I'm lisetening to this Mona Lisa song and I can't stop laughing! Is she talking about Mona Lisa or herself? Because all these things she is saying about Mona Lisa.. I have never associated with the painting.

And if this song is about Britney than she really should go because she has some kind of ego.
Hang on its not even funny anymore!
a chandelier for her dogs.. my god give me a bucket :sick:
so much crap happens around the world people starve, have AIDS, are homeless and she buys her dogs a what? a dresser? what the hell? does she know that dogs dont give a crap?
her idea of reality is so distorted its scary
Cammy said:
Hang on its not even funny anymore!
a chandelier for her dogs.. my god give me a bucket :sick:
so much crap happens around the world people starve, have AIDS, are homeless and she buys her dogs a what? a dresser? what the hell? does she know that dogs dont give a crap?
her idea of reality is so distorted its scary

i'm no britney fan but i think your post came across as very offensive. as far as i know she gives a lot to charity - and sh*t will still happen whether she spends a billion on clothes for her dog, anyway... i know she's an airhead but indirectly blaming AIDS and poverty on her spending makes no sense, to say the least.

and styled the entire shoot myself using Juicy Couture clothing.

Kudos to Britney. She really has amazing style and puts together things really well. I'm looking forward to seeing the video to get some classic style tips.

TheSoCalledPrep said:
Kudos to Britney. She really has amazing style and puts together things really well. I'm looking forward to seeing the video to get some classic style tips.
i bet she'll go for the "layered" / boho look :innocent:


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Cammy said:
Hang on its not even funny anymore!
a chandelier for her dogs.. my god give me a bucket :sick:
so much crap happens around the world people starve, have AIDS, are homeless and she buys her dogs a what? a dresser? what the hell? does she know that dogs dont give a crap?
her idea of reality is so distorted its scary

Lots of celebrities do that though. They all buy many cars, huge mansions, unneccessary things. So, britney's not the only one.
MissP said:
i'm no britney fan but i think your post came across as very offensive. as far as i know she gives a lot to charity - and sh*t will still happen whether she spends a billion on clothes for her dog, anyway... i know she's an airhead but indirectly blaming AIDS and poverty on her spending makes no sense, to say the least.

i dont believe i did indirectly blame AIDS and poverty on britney spears spending money thats a bit of a joke... and i do know she gives a lot to charity, good for her, but i do think when there are ppl with greater need buying a chandelier for ur dog is a tad weird.. all i did was make a passing statement on what i felt at the time ..and only about britney since it is a britney thread not really much point in pointing out other celebs who do the same
Cammy said:
i dont believe i did indirectly blame AIDS and poverty on britney spears spending money thats a bit of a joke... and i do know she gives a lot to charity, good for her, but i do think when there are ppl with greater need buying a chandelier for ur dog is a tad weird.. all i did was make a passing statement on what i felt at the time ..and only about britney since it is a britney thread not really much point in pointing out other celebs who do the same

i'm just saying that i don't like people telling me my spending (bags in the 1000's range, expensive shoes etc etc etc) is a joke and that there are people who need the money more than me... so why say it to celebs? she's earnt her money and spends is as she likes, just like you and me :flower:
MissP said:
i'm just saying that i don't like people telling me my spending (bags in the 1000's range, expensive shoes etc etc etc) is a joke and that there are people who need the money more than me...

:lol:When I read that first sentence I thought "Gosh Is it Britney talking?" .Silly me.
jadedomega said:
Interesting find....

Britney look-a-like, scroll all the way down, you'll be suprised. :-)

(I put it in yellow because it ruins the surprise lol)

oh my....dear...lord!!! *stutters*

He looks exactly like her!!!!!!! *hides* I thought "she" was pretty, and then I scrolled down and come to find out---its a guy. Lmao.:innocent: :doh:
she has to be crazy there is no doubt about it

my reaction to this article
with writing like this i don't know why someone would pay thousands for her old book report..
i think it's just nuts. i just can't take her seriously at all, but then again, who can?
The "Do Something" was really good! Well this is coming from a Britney's fan....lalalala
"I even came up with all the choreography and styled the entire shoot myself using Juicy Couture clothing."
I have to give it to her, the video "Do Something" is wickedly awesome. You can check it out at

Also she credited herself as "Mona Lisa", her alter ego.
Britney Spears told MTV that she adopted an alter-ego named Mona Lisa on the set of her latest video, which she directed, because she felt uncomfortable barking orders at her cast and crew: "Whenever I feel like being mean or fussing to get stuff right, it's kind of easier to be called Mona Lisa instead of Britney."

i think she's gone mariah...:innocent: :lol:

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