Camilla (or is it Camila), is pretty much flawless. But that hardly matters because she appears to think that she has to smile with her head on one side to try to convince her mom to buy her a new barbie doll. Hardly the look anybody over 13 aspires towards. She needs to learn the moves and she needs to grow - the clothes hang on her like she's a little girl all dressed up in her mom's clothes.
But, thanks perlefine for these last pix. With some harsher make up she looks completely insane, which adds some mystery to her look. Which she needs badly...
She reminds me of Emmy Rossum, but in my opinion Emmy is even more beautiful. What they have in common, except their general coloring, is that they are unquestionable drop-dead-gorgeous but also VERY boring. Fortunately for Emmy she is a very talented singer and intelligent enough to take direction. Either Camilla will learn the moves or if she's lucky she's going to be Alessandra Ambrosio version 2. If she's lucky.