Oil+heat, shampoo/condition/lemon rinse (just a few teaspoonfuls diluted in a litre of water) towel dry, lightly oil, dry.
What does the lemon rinse do?
I've long straight hair and if I do not wash it every day it looks so ugly. I hate it.
I put sometimes coconut oil on my hair-ends. I have the feeling that my hair looks shiny after that.
I've tried 100 of different shampoos, but none of them was good enough.
oil suiting ur hair varies from person to person. u just have to try a few and see what suits u best.
i swear by castor or almond oil.
coconut is great but ive heard many ppl complain about dandruff.
Reviving this. Any good hair masks to recommend?
I swear by coconut oil, and abstaining from any heat (blow drying and cold water showers) made my hair super soft around the summer, but now that it's colder and I need to leave the house early most days, I've been doing the opposite and my hair's resenting it pretty bad.... I keep hearing a lot about Wen masks, same for Carol's Daughter (although most people seem to find it too greasy?), any experiences with these? is Lush' h'suan wen hua treatment worth a shot too?