and that has the paper magazine feature i have- CCP_Paper.pdf CCP_Paper.pdf
and that has the paper magazine feature i have- CCP_Paper.pdf
what did you want to express the most in this season's collection (S/S 2003)?
to be able to make some garments.
materials are usually a strong feature in your work, such as the intestinal leather and dog hair used in a sweater. since you started, which fabric sticks out the most in your mind? could you elaborate on the difficulties you have encountered while developing materials?
the fabrics that stick out in my mind are the ones still to realize. many difficulties and a lot of making mistakes but always worth it.
if you could present your creations in the place of your choice and the way you want to, where would you choose?
are there other things you would like to design apart from fashion?
orthopaedic instruments and body parts.
if you were to express the carol christian poell vision in a single word or phrase, what would that be?
no vision but indecision.
what is the first thing you do at the start of the season, when designing a collection?
I complain.
what/who are the current people, art. music and periods/styles you are interested in?
the people I work with.
what else might you have done if you were not a designer?
what do you think is the most important quality for being a designer?
to have a good memory.
could you say a few words towards young people who hope to become designers?
if you want to be really creative you are better off not to become a designer.
Reversibility: the finger of the glove that is turned inside out---There is no need of a spectator who would be on each side. It suffices that from one side I see the wrong side of the glove that is applied to the right side, that I touch the one through the other (double “representation” of a point or plane of the field). the chiasm is that: the reversibility---
It is through it alone that there is passage from the “For Itself” to the For the Other---In reality there is neither me nor the other as positive, positive subjectivities. There are two caverns, two opennesses, two stages where something will take place---and which both belong to the same world, to the stage of Being.
There is not the For Itself and the For the Other---They are each the other side of the other. This is why they incorporate one another: projection-introjection---There is that line, that frontier surface at some distance before me, where occurs the veering I-Other Other-I.
The axis alone given---the end of the finger of the glove is nothingness---but a nothingness one can turn over, and where then one sees things---The only “place” where the negative would really be is the fold, the application of the inside and the outside to one another, the turning point---
I experience — and as often as I wish — the transition and the metamorphosis of the one experience into the other, and it is only as though the hinge between them, solid, unshakeable, remained irremediably hidden from me. But this hiatus between my right hand touched and my right hand touching, between my voice heard and my voice uttered, between one moment of my tactile life and the following one, is not an ontological void, a non-being: it is spanned by the total being of my body, and by that of the world; it is the zero of pressure between two solids that makes them adhere to one another.
As the secret blackness of milk, of which Valéry spoke, is accessible only through its whiteness, the idea of light or the musical idea doubles up the lights and sounds from beneath, is their other side or their depth. Their carnal texture presents to us what is absent from all flesh; it is a furrow that traces itself out magically under our eyes without a tracer, a certain hollow, a certain interior, a certain absence, a negativity that is not nothing...
merleau-ponty / the visible and the invisible, followed by working notes