Carolina Herrera S/S 2024 New York

This dress is particular is heavenly. There are some great pieces. Overall, not my cup of tea but I appreciate the craftsmanship. A solid offer from NY.
Didn't have to be 61 looks, but is a very sweet and approachable collection. Impeccably made too. Wish there was a stronger through line though with the choice of fabrics and colours. The "sections" of the collection are bit too distinct.
It's all just so classy, ladylike and glamorous that I cannot help but to instantly drawn to Wes Gordon's Carolina Herrera collections each and every season. Very much a fan!
Pretty color palette but a very safe and boring collection

A brand that could've been shuttered already imo.
Funny how life works sometimes. From what I remember, Carolina initially wanted the Monse duo to be the CD of her brand, right? but then they moved to Odlr and she finally picked Wes?

Now look at the state of Odlr.. meanwhile Carolina Herrera the brand seems to be getting stronger each season.
This is really good because it looks like CH. the reinterpretation of her standards is low mey masterful. It screams easy glamor and elegance. There are a lot of extra looks - like there is no reason to see a knit polo or a birdseye shirt on a runway.
Thank god there are so many evening looks here, we don't have to see some ugly hoodies on the catwalk.
It’s not groundbreaking but it was pleasant, well made and elegant and that’s just fine sometimes.
Funny how life works sometimes. From what I remember, Carolina initially wanted the Monse duo to be the CD of her brand, right? but then they moved to Odlr and she finally picked Wes?
Seriously?! Where did you get this from? It makes sense, considering Monse's heavy focus on shirting in their early collections.
At least he has stayed true to the brands classic sophisticated aesthetic. I would remove some of the pieces but as a whole its a good collection.

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