
wowandflutter said:
I have been exercising regularly and full-on for well over six months and although I am getting more toned and have lost weight/inches, the cellulite does not budge. so no, i don't believe exercise makes a difference.

The toning has to be in the areas with the cellulite. If the bum and hamstrings region are really toned and firm then your cellulite should not be visible.

Just give it more time. It will work.
Pilates is really good for that...I do it and I still have no cellulite. ^_^
From what I understand one gets cellulite from the types of food they eat - processed and cooked foods in particular cause problems. Supposedly, eating raw fruits and vegetables and reducing salt intake help a lot, along with massages. I have a lot of cellulite due to being overweight...it's really annoying that I now have it on my upper arms. Blech. I feel like an old lady.
i'm young and thin and i have cellulite. i'd like to try and combat it now so when i'm older i wont have as many problems with it.can anyone reccommend creams or soaps or anything for it?
I'm not part of that 95 % :p
But ive heard that running and drinking a lot helps
running slow and long distance+lots of water+a diet+a massage+Vichy cream twice a day for a month, and your legs will be smooth. Tried and tested!!
I used to perform endermologie on women for cellulite. 90% of women have cellulite. I have cellulite; you have cellulite, and if you don't have it yet, you most likely will. Yet, despite what you may think, cellulite isn't a health condition. ("Cellulitis" is, and is serious.) Cellulite was invented by the French in 1970's, I believe. As women's clothing became more neglible, new frontiers of the marketing of our essential dissatisfaction opened. Cellulite is a goldmine.

In screening candidates for endermologie, I had to find out if they had cancer or not, which is a contraindication for endermologie. I had a potential client --young, very thin, pretty, negligible cellulite-- who had just been diagnosed with cancer. I had to turn her away. I just couldn't understand why a bumpy butt trumped a malignant tumor in her mind. Like, "I can't control this, but I can control cellulite." I also remember another client who had extensive liposuction and suffered from the "michelin man" syndrome where fat cells redistributed to other areas of the body where she wasn't prone to having fat before (Pears turn into apples, etc).

Endermologie does work, but it's expensive, and results vary. I don't perform endermologie anymore. Unlike massage therapy, the sessions turned into a psychodrama of personal details I did not care to know about my clients. The impression I got is that many of these women had a body dysmorphic disorder. I wished at the time I had had a psychologist or psychiatrist to whom I could refer these clients out to, but what a delicate topic that is to broach!

I can't tell other women where they should stand on the topic of their own bodies, but I would advise all of us to be more gentle with ourselves and others. The more self-acceptance you have, the more you surrender yourself in service to the greater good, the less you notice petty imperfection in yourselves and others, the deeper you breathe, the more you laugh, the better you look and feel.
Wow, what a great post mellow--once again, I may add:p!

What is the difference between cellulite and celluliTIS?

From what I hear, cellulite is caused by pockets of toxins and water trapped within very tenuous collagen fibers intertwined with the fat layer under the skin, and is thus difficult to remove...But basically since they are toxins, general detoxing and improving the circulation and lymphatic system and breaking up those globules through massage and certain excercises are said to help. I heard people say that the very process of treating cellulite improved their health and other symptoms like fatigue, acne, etc., since what you're doing is basically removing accumulated toxins. Losing weight per se apparantly reduces the appearance of cellulite but doesn't remove it, and can at times make it worse even. I'm not an expert though, maybe mellowdrama can help out.^_^

My body was its firmest ever when I was macrobiotic vegan, drinking 2 liters of water a day and doing an hour of yoga pranayama (breathing) and meditation daily; not even much excercise. :p

Anyway, we should all look at more paintings by Reubens; cellulite used to be considered the height of beauty. ^_^
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Your idea of cellulite is 100% correct, Melisande. "Cellulitis" is serious--either a precursor to sepsis or concomitant with actual infection--this is something you'll see in medical literature alongside things such as pressure sores among the bedridden, diabetes and its resulting poor circulation, for IV drug users near their injection sites, and stuff like necrotizing fasciitis -- things all less pleasant than a dimpled ***. Cellulite sounds medical, but it isn't, really.

When performing endermologie, I was also to encourage people to drink more water, eat whole foods, and perform exercise that made one break a sweat. Rather than macrobiotics (which brings to mind that dylan line "brown rice, seaweed, and a dirty hotdog" no offense), I was to emphasize a "paleolithic" diet: whole raw foods, lean protein, no processed anything. Doing all these things likely helped more than the endermologie did. The one thing that prevented positive results, I found, was HRT in postmenopausal women and the Pill in younger.

Also, I don't really like the word "toxins": though it's true, it's also overused. I had a massage client tell me that her prior therapist claimed the client's sinus congestion --after being face down for an hour receiving bodywork-- was actually due to the "toxins" draining from her body. I had to inform my client that, no, this was a sign of the Law of Gravity still being in effect. Everybody's sinuses fill up lying prone, face down in a massage table cradle, usually after 20 minutes or so. Nice marketing attempt on the other therapist's part (I am ridding you of toxins! I am rearranging your chakras!) I do know there are powerful healers out there, but I wouldn't make that claim even if I were one. Asking for all kinda trouble saying stuff like that, IMO. In every life, some trouble and toxins must fall.^_^
Thank you Mellowdrama for your really informative post! (Sorry I wasn't able to karma you)

No offense at the macrobiotic thing :p , actually now that you mention it, what I was doing was more what you said...paleolithic...food as raw and unprocessed as possible...but vegan. Without intending it, I guess my experience was exemplary for combatting cellulite. ;)
mellowdrama said:
I also remember another client who had extensive liposuction and suffered from the "michelin man" syndrome where fat cells redistributed to other areas of the body where she wasn't prone to having fat before (Pears turn into apples, etc)

That is the most terrifying thing ever!
SiennaInLondon said:
That is the most terrifying thing ever!

No, necrotizing fasciitis is the most terrifying thing ever. L'eng Tche, that's a fright. And this guy, Miyazaki Tsutomu, he's pretty scary, too. However, having fat redistribute to your neck because you had it all sucked out of your ***, I don't know if that's tragic or funny. My compassionate, immediate response response to vanity--my own or others--is a frightening combination of laughter and tears. But when I burst out laughing in crying at the same time, it tends to dampen commerce and make my mascara run. So I try to keep it in check with mindless shopping.;)

Dry brushing is using a soft boar's bristle brush (like a shower brush) in a circular motion on your dry skin, preferably before a shower, always in the direction toward your heart, until you're a good shade of red (or feel you're a good shade of red, if your skin's the hue that doesn't show this easily). This can be combined with various applications of potions and unguents--a few droplets of sesame oil with grapefruit and cypress essential oils blended in, or rosemary & pine--whatever makes you feel cleansed and pure, while visualizing yourself in perky pat, barbie doll smoothness and contentment. Dry brushing works especially well when you pay someone else to do it for you, doubly so if they coo and fawn over you while the petit flaying occurs.

If dry brushing doesn't cut it, you can always work up to the harder stuff, like endermologie, or being thrashed with the limbs & leaves of birch saplings, or I've read there's some new ultrasonic, infrared flesh-melter out there. After that, it's the dungeons of SOMA, I dunno. ;)

Anyway, be kind to your bodies, and other people's bodies, or at least have a safe word.
Oh no...:cry:...sure didn't expect to see Miyazaki's face pop up here...:shock: Why him though...now...of all the horrors...? Just curious...:p

I totally understand your perspective though...:flower:
Baebis said:
^Who is he? This post is very interesting, imo.

Honey, you really don't want to know. :( He did horrible sick things and is now on death row.

Let's get back on topic...cellulite, yay! :p :flower:

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