
Melisande said:
Oh no...:cry:...sure didn't expect to see Miyazaki's face pop up here...:shock: Why him though...now...of all the horrors...? Just curious...:p

I totally understand your perspective though...:flower:
Because I can't stay on topic, ever. Because it's never about one thing, it's about everything with me. Miyazaki, in particular, with a thread on cellulite and self-loathing, because--despite the fact he chopped up a bunch of little girls, he's got a sweet face, doesn't he?

Really scary things, to me, start off or seem inocuous...like necrotizing fasciitis, or the weird kid who everybody thinks is okay but just isn't, or being methodically taken apart by whatever big or little horror that finds you out there or in here. And you're guaranteed this in your own lifetime! But no one ever 'fesses up to it. So we spend our entire lives keeping this horror at bay.

What that has to do with cellulite, I'm not sure: control? power? will?--imposing it on others?--especially women and little girls? I notice reading these forums, particularly TFS forums, that there are some very, very young women here--and incredibly deluded ones at that. (The "ew, gross" phenomenon) Self-disgust, self-loathing, and how dangerous that is.

I just have precursory knowledge of Miyazaki's background--multiple birth defects, tormented as a kid, poorly socialized, deeply deluded--you think we're past the days of Shakespeare when you could tell who the bad guy is because he's got a hunched back and little claw hands. Just the act of saying "this is good", "this is bad, shameful", we create these monsters, be they drug-resistant bacteria or Miyazaki Tsutomu.

I'm aware none of this is earth-shatteringly original, by the way, but I think rescuing a generation of women from the "ew, gross" phenomenon is a worthwhile activity. If you're lucky, girls, you will get cellulite, wrinkles, grow old and die. It's not the worst that could happen.
F!cking hell....whatever you do, don´t do a search on what necrotizing fasciitis is,..... :sick: :sick: :sick: (i think i will vomit soon...):doh:

..it will make you forget of having cellulite, for sure!!!
ive heard that rubbing coffe granules into wet skin can seriously help (though ive never tried it- i think cellulite is hereditary, and neither my mother or grandmother have it, so i dont think i ever will, knock wood)
I do rub coffee granules while I am in the shower (I wanted to post it much before), but not very often, that I can tell what is the long distant result. The first result I see, and feel, is very, very smooth skin you just have to love (btw I dont have so much cellulite)
Coffee is diuretic so it helps you to get rid of the water from your cells, plus most of the creams that are made for cellulite contain coffeine. But since the summer is coming very soon I will establish my routine daily, and let you know!
mellowdrama said:
I think rescuing a generation of women from the "ew, gross" phenomenon is a worthwhile activity. If you're lucky, girls, you will get cellulite, wrinkles, grow old and die. It's not the worst that could happen.

Amen! :mowhawk:
Cellulite Shopping List
  • Mangoes
  • Kiwis
  • Cantaloupe melons
  • Grapes
  • Pineapple
  • Lemons
  • Brazil nuts
  • Almonds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Bottled water
Cellulite is one of the hardest things to banish. That familiar orange-peel effect is caused by a buildup of toxins under the skin, which is why taking things out of your diet is as important as adding new things. Caffeine and alcohol are the worst culprits. Kick-start your body, cleansing [your system] with a cup of hot water and a slice of lemon first thing in the morning. Foods rich in antioxidants will help clean from the inside out, as will those high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. And drink lots of water.

I found this in an article called "Eat Yourself Gorgeous" from Third Age Health & Wellness.
Meg said:
I think cellulite is exaggerated and can even be confused with non-toned legs/bum. Someone mentioned once on this board that if you can pull your skin taut and the effect goes away it's more a matter of toning and less of cellulite.

maybe theres help for me after all!!:woot:
And also a torturing method my friend tried out:

-sauna-pants. She wore them over her PJs for two weeks (sometimes
even at night), and she claims that she lost a LOT of inches in hips and thighs... Mainly cellulite I suppose.
i am 5'6" and i weigh only 110 lbs and i have cellulite on my legs and butt!! i hate it. even jennifer love hewitt has cellulite and shes tiny! so you dont have to be fat! i work out a lot and its not going away! i am starting to use Clarins cellulite cream i love it it seems to work. i guess i need to masage it more. does anyone have any ideas? i just ordered AVON cellulite cream i hope it works thanks
sofialuv said:
F!cking hell....whatever you do, don´t do a search on what necrotizing fasciitis is,..... :sick: :sick: :sick: (i think i will vomit soon...):doh:

..it will make you forget of having cellulite, for sure!!!
AAAH I googled,I googled,why did you tell me not to?:cry:
What are Sauna Pants? Are those the "garbage pants" ( because they kinda look like garbage bags material:p ), those black pants?
Sauna pants she used were made out of some sort of thick saran wrap.
Garbage bags, saran wrap..... it's all the same.
hello? i got a boar brush and brush it on my cellulit IT HURTS the brush is sooo hard! whats a good brush for cellulite?
I am using now the new slimming lotion from lancome "Slim Success",and I can say it's a miracle,only after one week of use,I already noticed a big enhancement of the aspect of my skin and my cellulite:heart:
my weapon for cellulite:
-spinning classes
-cellulite lotion

it helps :flower:
pink_lipgloss said:
I have a little on my bum. I never had it until i went on the contraceptive pill. I exercise 4-5 times a week and drink a lot of water and watch what i eat but it doesn't go away. So who knows?

I agree completely - mine reduced by 99% (no exaggeration) after I went off the pill and started brushing my legs daily in the shower - this breaks it up and stimulates circulation - same idea as all those cellulite busting creams but more effective and a lot cheaper! :flower: Fizzy drinks are best avoided too..

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