chiangsi1980 said:^
You're welcome
FYI, it also comes with a pouch which you can detach if necessary.
gingeroo77 said:Chiangsi - did you get yours on sale in Sydney ? And is yours deer or calf skin ? I've only seen it in calf (which apparently is called caviar) and that seems rather hard ?
klow-chloe' said:Ginger - Where have you seen the cerf in calf skin?? I mean which region Asian or US coz I'm thinking to get one from US if the bag is made of deerskin otherwise I would get it from here if it's the same leather.
chiangsi1980 said:Nope it wasn't on sale, but I got it cheaper due to the tourist tax rebate.
According to the SA, mine was made from calfskin.
The tote is textured, but it is not hard at all B)
Thanks Chiangsi - it's a lovely bag. How much did you pay for it ?
klow-chloe' said:M4ry - You mind I'm asking how much do you pay for your brown cerf?? I think someone mentioned before that it's about USD$1650.00. I wonder why there is some legit ebay seller is asking BIN price for a pink cerf only USD$1325.00.
Wonder why it is being sell below RRP.
gingeroo77 said:yup. lilygirl can you confirm that your deerskin is smooth and not textured ?
dgie said:FYI- for anyone considering buying a Cerf bag, Chanel may be raising the price. This season, it's been $1650.00 (which is what I paid), but when I got mine shipped to me from the Honolulu store (the Beverly Hills store was out of them), the price tag attached to it read $1725.00. Usually, Chanel is pretty consistent with its pricing, so the higher price on the price tag may indicate a price increase.