Chanel Haute Couture S/S 2013 Paris

I'm rather fond of this collection-- the only thing I did not like was the excess of feathers later on. I felt a wee bit like I was choking on them.
The prints were OK, I really enjoyed the dress on post #44 (6 images in) as it wasn't garish or excessive. It was simple, lovely and one of the most elegant for a print dress. :smile:
I'm not a fan of the silver metallic leggings early on, they took away from that chic, feminine look I imagine when it comes to Chanel. That said, all of the white pieces at the beggining were rather sweet and probably my favorite part of the collection. The colors were elegant and soft at times but I didn't like the bright floral print in that one look (you know :P).
Also enjoyed the statement at the end, very much. Bravo, Karl. :smile:
At first, I was kind of reluctant towards this collection but it really grew on me. There are very few looks I don't like and I loved the statement at the end of the show. :smile:
This is like Halloween costumes by Chanel... but i like some looks !
the footwear, as always with chanel, is horrible. so unflattering.
I love this collection and adore the two brides. :clap:

so many feathers though :P
Any video? Finally a good couture collection from Karl since a long time
Wow...must feel good to be in Karl's shoes. This guy basically gets his way all the time. Spoilt but he totally earn it. I'm just awed by the set and the clothes too.
Ughhhhh this is so boring. Same silhouettes, same colors, yadda yadda. Very pretty clothes but Karl has totally lost his creativity.

And don't get me started on those atrocious flower prints.

Even though there are some doozies here, this is, for the most part, a solid collection. That dress on Jemma is easily the most beautiful piece of the collection. Hate the feathers though. And I love the power statement he did. :heart:
Better than expected. Nothing too hard to do, i didn't expected a lot...
The last dresses look gorgeous, can't wait to see them on the red carpet where Chanel always looks better.
I have to process this. But that purple dress was instant love. :heart:
The missing looks (looks 36-49:(

That lot probably should have stayed missing.

Right now I've got mixed feelings. I'll probably love it in a few months. Do I care about the two brides. Not really when he ruins it (yes on marriage) with a negative (no on adoption).
Wow...must feel good to be in Karl's shoes.

Yes, I'm sure it feels good to be in Mr. Lagerfeld's shoes, but I feel like you couldn't pay most sane women to spend a second in those terrible boots.

The clothes are exquisite, but the styling feels overwrought to me, and the shoes seem gimmicky.
I miss the days when Chanel used to be flirty and dare I say it even sexy at times :(

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