Chrystèle Saint Louis Augustin

Zothike's pictures are the first ones I posted. This site is one of the only ones with an Chrystelle album proper. Anyone know of any others or is it more a case of finding random snaps here and there online?
Here is a more extensive discussion like the one we were having.

I think it is silly to be offended by people who think she is mixed. Just because she is pure FRENCH does not mean she is pure BLACK. Yes the colonies are both french but there is no way that there is no white or latino ancestry in her, even if her parents are very dark skinned.
i think its offensive only from the standpoint of being proud in one's heritage... being mixed is about a cultural experience, not one'e ethnic make up. pretty much all people from the carribbean are mixed. but if you called a puerto rican mixed, they would get upset too.. same as filipinos. most result from a mixture of peoeples but do not want to be called mixed. i think its really she doesn't want to be connected to the political stuff that comes along with calling urself biracial. some black people dislike the idea of it altogeather as they refute the whole label by saying if your black , your black.
Yes but it may just cause more controversy when people refuse to believe you and think you have Eminen complex or something. When she makes the silly decision to straighten her gorgeous afro, people think she is a white girl. You can decide on your own heritage because it is cultural, but you cant change your ethnicity because that would mean changing your parents. Being mixed should be about one's ethnic makeip, NOT a cultural experience which is I suppose where we disagree. Most people in the world are mixed someway or the other so saying she is mixed is really not saying much. And I would also disagree with those people who say if you are black, you are black or if you are white you are white. It makes the world seem too... well black and white (;)) as well as coming off as too defensive. You miss all the colour in between. Like it is facinating to me that Naomi Campbell has Chinese ancestry in her. You can slightly see it and it is beautiful.
but naomi isn't constantly considered mixed... that is what its different. people are pinpointing chrystele for her light skin, which she dislikes, as it is not right to pick her out from the bunch of all the other black girls because she happens to be lighter. a key example is demi moore--who , to me, is obviously part native american(explainig her hair), yet people don't expect her to claim that. chrystele has the right to not want to be called mixed.... its really her choice. ad if it really didn't matter we could refer to her as a beige complexioned woman with large hair--- which i am leaning towards as it is.
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As for the discussion tl;dr.

Would somebody besides me post pictures of Chrystele? This tilts so close to wankery.

Ooooh! Very nice! What's the url for the site where you found this? And, Thank you!

sepia said:
supers forum
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she is with elite in LA.. new york? oh well-- ok i am gonna hunt for some new pics--ebonbird
I look forward to seeing what you find!

gia0202 said:
she is with elite in LA.. new york? oh well-- ok i am gonna hunt for some new pics--ebonbird


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