Cierra Jonasson

lol thanks guys its nice of you to say haha its hard though going from one thing to the complete opposite. its a change, and it takes a lot of getting used to i suppose.
hahahah. well it all fits in a pony tail now, so i guess it isnt that bad!
New Cierra photos!! Shot by Tina Chang... they are so gorgeous!!



from Tina Chang
Wow Cierra those are beautiful! Reminds me of Cecilia Mendez!! Very pretty ^_^
I'm suprised not many more people like this girl. I love her look. :heart:
Has there been any recent photoshoots from her?
I haven't seen anything recent from her but I'm not sure, I haven't talked to her lately, either. I think she has a beautiful look, as well!
hey guys! Sucks, i havent been doing anywork lately! Can't wait to get back to NYC and do something! been trying to get all my school work done... diploma prep! hopefully i will have new work coming soon!!
That sucks! But keep us posted. I'll look forward to more of your pretty photoshoots.:flower: & Good luck on school too.
too bad I wanted to start a thread on her because I noticed her gorgeous polaroids on supreme

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