Comme Des Garcons - Guerrilla Stores

Orders Guerrilla Store

Hello, a friend of mine from Switzerland ordered from the Berlin Guerrilla Store.
She ordered by phone, paid by credit card and received her jacket just two days after. So if you know what you are looking for, it should be no problem...;)
No it makes perfect sense. I was wondering about that before, now I'm tempted to order something ^_^
Welcome to the Forums!
I'd like to know if they are going to do one in NY as would compete with the store they already have though, no?

I know the perfect girl to do the franchise.....................:innocent:
Comme des Garcons Guerilla Store Berlin






Courtesy of High Snobiety at
There are much more great looking pieces in other Guerilla stores then in the one thats in Helsinki.. :(
nqth said:
The new guerrillazine nr II - with werk magazine

oh may i ask where did u get these pictures from? a thanks in advance!
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Many thanks for the pictures BB:-)

Do you guys notice the repackaged Red perfume series. I heard that a few days ago. I think the new bottles are 50 ml, like the Incense ones, (which are sold out everywhere:-) I am wondering if it is the reason I can't see them in the pictures.

BB, I got the GZ II pics from the Warsaw Guerrilla owner:-)
It will be reallocating, by the end of Sept. I think.
nqth said:
Warsaw disapeared. Cologne and Reykjavik soon:-)

Any reason why the store disappeared 20 days ahead of the scheduled date?

Seems like most of the Scandinavian capitals have or will have a guerrilla store, maybe Oslo would be next.
whizkit said:
Any reason why the store disappeared 20 days ahead of the scheduled date?

I don't know. Maybe it is a logistic issue. It maybe reopen faster, perhaps:-)
I think it doesn´t have to be a full year...The Guerrilla rules on the Guerrillazine say that the store will not last MORE than one year.

Great that Cologne will open soon...the store will be run by two females and will be more SHIRT style from what I heard...:-)
The Cologne store is a former butcher shop with "hangers" still at the all white tile covered walls and a big "bath-tub".

I'll try to post some pictures soon:-)
Just two pictures from Cologne
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