Cows Milk vs. Soy Milk?

Sunn'Dia said:
My one year old daughter will not drink cow's milk. She is a breastfed baby, and the only milk she likes is vanilla soy milk. Do you guys think there is anything wrong with her drinking milk w/ vanilla it it everyday? She drinks 2 cartons a week :shock: .

There was an interesting article published in the SF chronicle. I basically stated that giving soy milk to children can be dangerous. My Japanese friend also told me that soy milk isn't good for young people....not that being Japanese makes it a valid statement or no =/
baskinrobyns said:
I have been reading up on going vegan and in one book i read quoted a study that said that while 40 million American women have osteoperosis only about 250,000 African wqomen have bone diseases. They did a study on 40 tribes in Kenya and only one had members suffering from osteoperosis- and they happen to be the only cattle-owning milk drinking tribe. The countries with the highest rates of osteoperosis are the countries that consume the most dairy and animal products. Studies by the National Dairy Council have found that milk leaches calcium from the body.

Does it say the age of the women?
I think another good thing is to actually talk to women who raise their children vegan. I asked the question recently to Susan at and she raised her child a vegan, she is incredibly healthy and never misses a day of school and never gets sick. So definitely talk to a few doctors but to be honest I don't see why anybody would need soy or dairy in their diet growing up, it's not really a natural substance either way.
TheKiwi said:
I used to drink soy milk all the time, and then learned that it blocks iron absorption in the body, so I went back to cow's milk for a few months. Now I'm convinced that the key is variety! A little soy, a little dairy, more veggies, nuts, etc.

Exactly, variety is the key! :flower:

Personally I really can't tolerate milk though, other than a little bit of aged cheese now and then, so I stick to soy... I'm not hugely intolerant, but I do notice some weird digestive sensations if I eat dairy; I'll spare you the details. :P
wow this thread is very interesting....i personally can't handle cow's milk 'coz im lactose intolerant..but i put soymilk on my cereals or coffee and that's pretty much it.

Basically..i eat variety of foods no matter what 'coz i luv food and i luv being healthy!:D
baskinrobyns said:
Nope, didn't say anything about their ages. Sorry :flower:

Then the study is probably scientifically inaccurate (which is what happens with almost all the "divulgative" ones). The incidence of osteoporosis is lower in Africa because most women die before they are old enough to develop it, the same reason why there's no Parkinson, Alzheimer, dementias in general, atheroesclerosis.... Osteoporosis is a degenerative disease, that means it's related to age, you can't compare the USA to Africa when the life expectancy in the USA is somewhere betwen 70 and 85 and in Africa it's between 40 and 55 and women in their fourties are not expected to develop it, there's a higher incidence in the USA because there's a higher proportion of women in the age-risk group.

The fact that the tribes that consume milk have a higher incidence of osteoporosis could be related to a higher life expectancy for other reasons. Also, I remember one of my teachers saying one day that tribes consuming milk in Africa drink like 2 litres a day, and that's a lot more than humans need, so probably an excess of calcium could lead to osteoporosis since it would be related to an excess of bone cells activity, but the fact that normal consumption of milk could cause it seems a bit sensationalist to me.

I'm quoting you just because you posted it, it's not directed to you, just my thoughts about the issue, but if you could post the article of the National Dairy Council I'd be grateful (just interested in reading it).
Irene_A, you've brought up some really important points there.

I'd really love to read more about the issues of cow's milk in relation to health. To everyone, please post some articles if you find any please. :flower:
Soy milk is awesome. I can drink a lot of it with out getting that phlegmmy throat feeling.

Also.. fat free soy milk is 70 calories per cup.... skim milk is 90 calories per 8 oz.

I'm thinking of switching to soy cheese too :smile:
i dont drink dairy milk but i have plenty of soy milk in my cereal each day.

i catch up on calcium and protein with lots of cheese and supplements.

i really reccomend solk brand soy milk.

its also fun to make soy milk smoothies with chocolate ice cream or sorbet.
Soy milk cappucinos are to die for. They're so thick and frothy and creamy and mmmm oh so sweet *dies*
This is an interesting paragraph from an interview with the Alex Jamison, girlfriend of Morgan Spurlock from Supersize me and 30 days

" Take milk, or what she calls the "dairy dilemma". The US department of agriculture's recommendation of three servings of the white stuff a day (including yogurt and cheese) is "about twice what the World Health Organisation recommends. Why is that? Why are we all of a sudden needing so much more than everybody else on the planet? I don't understand that. And we have diseases here that involve protein and calcium that they don't have in rural China; they have very little dairy in their diet there, and they have no osteoporosis. Here we're told to drink milk for healthy bones but we have more osteoporosis than anybody. There is something happening here - we're not being told the whole story.",3605,1678392,00.html?gusrc=rss
Lies, Lies! We're told so many different things from different sources, I'm not sure we'll ever find an answer to anything since it's hard to discover the truth between all the fabrication that's fed to us....ugh!! I'm still gonna drink a bit of both, I'm sure I can't go wrong with that. lol
missbliss said:
I'm not sure we'll ever find an answer to anything since it's hard to discover the truth between all the fabrication that's fed to us

Although i'm sure the millions of lactose intolerant people would disagree with your statement! We can make deductions from observations and common sense too don't forget.
JamieRL said:
lactose intolerance and milk allergies are not natural. They are because of bad imunities that we all have due to the way we over clean everything, eat food thats been bleached etc... in the days where food was not processed and all natural (200 yrs ago) noone had half of the allergies we have today.

I know that this is an old post but I have to say I strongly disagree! Almost all ethnicities besides White Europeans have almost no milk in their diet because they are historically lactose intolerant. Almost all the dairy they had was in forms of cheese or yogurt which (correct me if I'm wrong) does not harm people who are lactose intolerant as much. Think of a typical Native American, Latin American, African, Middle Eastern, or Asian diet... I can't think of anything that is heavy in milk. Most are heavy in meat, rice/bread, or vegetables. The ability to digest milk properly is often lost in childhood for most people.

I find it hard to believe that we need a lot of (if any) cow's milk. Cow's milk is meant for baby cows, as breast milk is meant for babies. I don't think most people would even consider drinking breast milk as an adult so I don't see why people think they need to drink cow's milk.
anyone here tried lactaid as well? i tried it recently and i reccomend drinking it if you are in a pinch. i think its slightly less flavorful than regular soy milk.
i was raised on skim and 1 percent milk and i cant drink whole milk, but i think soy is bleh :yuk: . ive tried to drink it straight and its just disgusting, but i rarely drink milk anyway, just in my coffee or sometimes cereal. sometimes if im feeling stuffed up ill get soy in my latte because regular milk makes you phlegm up more. its not awful, but its not my preference.

and after reading this thread, ill stick to cow's milk. i had no clue how sugar-y soy milk was and i really dont like that and i also didnt know the health problems associated with soy milk either.

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