David Lachapelle - Photographer

I used to really like his stuff. Some of his photos are so original and cool-looking, but I feel like a lot of times he tries so hard to make a schocking/disturbing/weird photograph, that the images are just stupid and gross.
Originally posted by AlmostFamous@Aug 17 2004, 02:31 PM
:unsure: :P
Fun!!! His pictures are soo saturated with color. I :heart: it.

David doesn't need to shoot fashion edits anymore, he's directing lame *** music videos instead (I.e Britney Spears-Everytime :blink: ). He also directed No Doubt-Its My Life, but at least that resembled something he would shoot as a fashion edit. I'm sure he's getting paid much more to direct videos than shooting fashion edits.... Its a shame. :unsure: :P

hey taylor :flower: . its meg (jackandtrack on livejournal). haven't talked to you in a while sweetie!
Originally posted by Incroyable@Aug 17 2004, 04:22 PM
Amanda Lepore snorting lines of diamonds doesn't do it? ;)

The utter contrived perverse fabulousness of it is enough fodder to make it an aesthetic pleasure.

Coke joke, darling.
No no no, it's not the coke reference.....it's Amanda's nipple.
Originally posted by Spike413@Aug 17 2004, 06:14 PM
No no no, it's not the coke reference.....it's Amanda's nipple.

I don't think I've ever seen a picture of Amanda without a nipple showing. :P
Originally posted by kitsch@Aug 17 2004, 05:16 PM
I don't think I've ever seen a picture of Amanda without a nipple showing. :P
Really? I wasn't sure if she even had nipples.
the magazine cover in masssive size ... is in the windows of the heatherette studio..
i dun understand studios are meant to be light n airy.. natural light n all that jazz
i dont particularly rate that cover very much at all... amongst all his other more spectacular work.. i would actually say it is his worst piece of all the stuff i have seen... i have his portfolio (german magazine/book) i have the hotel la chapelle book... i have loads of issues of the face i-d etc etc mags his work is in...
his best work was in a mag...in my opinion...
a photo shoot using sports wear...
with naomi campbell ... n 2 male hunks
I think his work is great, I even kind of like the Pam Anderson spread for Playboy... :woot:

His last editorial from memory was based on Christina Aguilera... :innocent:
Originally posted by strawberry daiquiri@Aug 17 2004, 05:22 PM
You and I both.
Me three, I adore Bourdin B)
As far as David, i've never really been a fan. I just remembered reading this a while back and thought it was hilarious. Vince Gallo on DL : "What happened to New York? Remember the old days when a girl like Connecticut Chloe Sevigny would be lucky to blow for a living? David LaChapelle was just an average, purse-snatching, coke-wh*re, cleaning up Studio 54?" :o :lol:
Yes, me 10. Bourdin is by far my fav by far. It's not just "fashion" that he's shooting. It's something that he has experienced and is projecting outwards in turn creating an image. By far in art standards that is the way that most "artists" create great work. Not to say LaChapelle doesn't. It's just that his "vocab" seems to be limited already so far. Not to be judgemental, but look at his recent and newer commercial work/editorials, has he done anything new or pushed himself? Evidently not. I think he sure has a lot of talent and vision, he has impressed me before, but does not continue to challenge me with his work.
Love him, Love him...did anyone look through his new book? I didn't realize it came out. I have so many fav DC photos its hard to choose my favorites...
My favorites..I love the more provocative shots:


I loved that Ana-Claudia editorial...
Originally posted by onehotgrrl@Aug 18 2004, 12:29 AM
My favorites..I love the more provocative shots:



This also reminds me of the Patrick Cox campaign. Also by LaChapelle. As I've said before, a technicolor orgasm of kitsch, and sex.


arena was a daring shoot!
Karolina looks great its not the usual Karolina you see

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