Designer Sketches

Oh my GOD!!!! Your so talented!!! IS that using the pen tool???? Coz that would piss me off coz it would take years :o
:woot: great sketch clay, thanks for posting :heart:

* is 'illustrator' a special program for fashion illustrations?
Thanks Versace and Lena!

Lena, Illustrator is a drawing program from Adobe. It is a vector based program which I believe means it based on lines rather than pixels like Photoshop. All sorts of designers use it, not just Fashion designers.
You can get it for PC or Mac ( Ihave MAC version ). I tell you if you guys like my sketch you should see my friend Henrik's! His stuff makes mine look like crap. But I do like the way it can really make your ideas look

Lena your Designs are really great also! I was blown away!

Yes i used the pen tool. It is headache at first. But then you get faster the more you do it. It still takes up time that yu really do not have when working for a company. But I did all my flats and spec packages in Illustrator unless I was travelling ( that was at my last job, currently I am solo).

But I do enjoy it when i have the time. you should try it. Scan in your sketch and go over it. I usually draw over a body croqui. Keeps me improving my art.

I appreciate you liking my sketch. I will post more once I reduce the file size.
Versace show some of your work.

(everyone forgive if i dbl post)
:blush: thank you clay.

so do you illustrate from scratch on the illustrator ?
do you insert sketches and then work them on the program?
i love the result and i'd love to hear more from your experience
(industrial sketches are very usefull to me right now )
Hi Lena!

Good to catch you online! I have a croqui of different poses just as I do with my freehand , but I sketch directly over in ILlustrator. This is hard cause the tool you use is basically a straight lien that get get anchored to 2 points,
then depending on which way you drag your mouse or pen it bends the line and you must control it. It took me a month to learn ind understand it.

Like I said when I worke at my last I did all my sample packages in Illustrator and sent them via e-mail to the factories. I am really happy I learned it.
thank you clay, i just had a look at adobe illustrator on line,
i may try out and see how it works.

i'd be thrilled to be able to scketch all on illustrator,
congrats on the good work ;)

igniiii :woot: the balenciaga coat sleeves hmmm :heart:
I need help with my portfolio.. im only basically new to designing so i dont know much.. if ne1 wants to help me could u pls PM me.. only if you want to tho!!!

Clay: I learnt how to use the pen tool in 1 day because i do a course that uses both adobe photoshop and illustrator.. its really frustrating at first and i hated it.. but now its boring me!!

The "industrial sketches " as you call them are actually easier than the the full figure on ILlustrator. Once you have a few shirts, or pants or dresses, it is very easy to copy and manipulate into new styling. also you can keep your line and proportions the same. No need to start from scratch on everyone. That saves alot of time.
And like everything else it gets easier and you get faster.
i see, thank you clay, for the moment i do everything by hand but its a good idea trying Illustrator when i manage to get some free time :P (summer vacations hmmm)

btw, are those called 'technical' sketches?
not sure about the correct term :unsure:
thats all people care about when manufacturing samples

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