Designer Sketches

Originally posted by clay@May 15th, 2004 - 5:56 am

The "industrial sketches " as you call them are actually easier than the the full figure on ILlustrator. Once you have a few shirts, or pants or dresses, it is very easy to copy and manipulate into new styling. also you can keep your line and proportions the same. No need to start from scratch on everyone. That saves alot of time.
And like everything else it gets easier and you get faster.
there is also a plug-in program to illistrator called Snap Fashion which gives you technical sketches of trendy garments and embellishments. It makes producing my technicals so much easier.
I did not knw about the Sanpa Fashion plug in . Will check it out.

Yeah lena we call them technical or flat sketches. Like I said they are easy in illustrator cause you build from each one instead of starting from scratch. I would love to see your hand sketches.
Lena -- hello.

You said fashion illustrators are paid well? I'd like to know more about this!

By the way, I still plan to ask you some questions about textile design, but havent gotten to it yet.

kinda nice...
Originally posted by sophiaxi@May 30th, 2004 - 2:14 pm
I like these one ,from Japan

I found it here :rolleyes:
:woot: those are GREAT, thanks for posting sophiaxi and welcome to tFS :flower:

i also like the boots at the illustration Asdiklon posted, welcome to tFS for you too Asdiklon :flower:
could it be this is your own sketch? :unsure: if so you are quite very talented
Originally posted by Amelié@May 30th, 2004 - 8:04 am
gorgeous...whose the designer/sketcher?
I dont know really. I just found it on the net. I think it is a begginer/student.
But I really like it too!
I have some more sketches
but i can't remember the owner~


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this picture from China
I have more if you want


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Originally posted by sophiaxi@May 31st, 2004 - 9:18 am
I have some more sketches
but i can't remember the owner~
I believe the Artist is Celia Calle. She is a ILlustrator, Artist, and does comics as well.
Check out her Website it is great!!!!!
I wish to see a sketch by TOM FORD.

did anyone here saw a sketch by him, if any please post...please..

I was hoping to see one in his book but there was none!
First Post !

Hey guys, this is my first post, but I've been lurking for a long while. I'm so impressed by everyone's knowledge and insight ! I'm 20 yrs old and from Houston, Texas and in a small design school hoping to transfer very soon to FIT.

More on topic, I've always loved the idea of fashion illustration. Art inspiring fashion, inspiring art has always been really interesting to me. Probably my favourite illustrator has to be Antonio Lopez, I'm sure most people are familiar. He did a lot of work in the 80s for Missoni and many others.

I talked to a counselor at FIT and they told me to be more concerned with being able to clearly show my ideas and it was very important I could illustrate what type of material was being used. She said developing my own style, the art aspect of sketching was not so important right now, for admissions purposes.

Thank goodness I have an amazing sketching teacher at the moment, since I have very little art experience.

Anyway here is an Antonio Lopez ills. ....... hopefully:unsure:

i love this thread... i wish someone would post some manolo sketches... they're beautiful... and i think they count as designer sketches...
These are a couple of mine inspired by Dior


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Wow, tctra, thats really great. It does seem Dior inspired. Is that water colour ? I guess a good question is what is everyone's favourite medium ? I just use pencil and charcoal so far.

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