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How is the u in couture pronounced? i say Ote COO-tyure for Haute Couture but I'm not sure if that's correct. the soft-n works, nor how the ai is pronounced
Thanks in advance!
How is the u in couture pronounced? i say Ote COO-tyure for Haute Couture but I'm not sure if that's correct. the soft-n works, nor how the ai is pronounced
Thanks in advance!
How do you pronounce "Cushnie et Ochs" I still can't figure it out.
^I'm pretty sure it's Vair-SAH-chay with r pronounced by flicking the tongue against the front teeth instead of just puckering the lips. I think the Italian "ce" gets pronounced like Chay, since everyone says Dole-chay & Gabbana instead of Dole-chee
How is the u in couture pronounced? i say Ote COO-tyure for Haute Couture but I'm not sure if that's correct. Oh and how are Balmain and Lanvin pronounced? I have no idea if the Ns at the end are pronounced or not or how the soft-n works, nor how the ai is pronounced
Thanks in advance!
^ Balmain is Bal-mayne? I always pronounced it Bal-mah?