Don't Shop Here - Post Online Shopping Problems

as a rule of thumb i would never wire transfer.
after you do this the receiver has full access to your bank account
thus they can continue to steal until you're cleaned out.
it's also quite hard to trace.
with e-commerce wire transfer usually equals scam.
This makes me so mad... I hope you get this resolved.
In the mean time, I notified NM of the images that this bogus site is using that belong to them.:innocent:
thank you all so much for you help!! she sent me through email some reciept from DHL who are sending them.. and according to that they were sent 11 days ago.... and that according to them, i will recieve them on may 22nd!after the weekend im going to contact DHL and see if it's true. probably not. especially not after what i have heard now... i really appreciate you help!!!
I had to delete some posts because I got a legal type email (see below). Please take this matter up with the Better Business Bureau.
From: Fashion Glow [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 8:38 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: LEGAL NOTICE --- Cease & Desist

8721 Santa Monica Blvd #1058
Los Angeles CA 90069-4507
United States (323) 297-2576

Re: Post on Your Forum

Social Knowledge LLC. DBA.
Att: Andy Robinowitz
3523 McKinney Avenue #419
Dallas, TX 75204
Fax: (877) 778-7418

c/c : sent by certified mail to the above addresses
bcc: Soenberg & Prater Associates LLP. ( Attorney At Law)


Official Request For Express Removal of FashionGLow's Name, Links to its Official Website: and the post below:

Re: CEASE AND DESIST OFFICIAL REQUEST FROM FASHIONGLOW inc. to have the post below removed:

Reply requested within 48 Hours (FOURTY-EIGHT HOURS)

Dear Sir or Madam,

It has come to our attention that the post mentionned above about our company FashionGlow inc. , is being published on your website :
We are dissatisfied with the nature of this post and as we do not wish to participate in your program nor do we wish to remunerate your rating or advertising services, we request the express removal of the said Post, removal of RATINGS or any mention of, FashionGlow, FashionGlow inc, or any Hyperlinking to our official website or URL: from your website.

Be advised that FashionGlow has actively and successfully pursused and prosecuted several companies for publishing or hosting false, defaming libels and overall damaging posts about its organization and affiliates .We request express removal of any posts or mention of from your FORUM /Website or we will be forced to turn this over to our attorneys.

As your website does not verify nor produce any proof of truth on the reports posted and are not remunarated by FASHIONGLOW to publish any information or mediate disputes with its clients, it is not only violating our company's privacy but also contributing to damaging our reputation and causing loss of business by allowing false contents to be posted and divulged on the internet.
We will be seeking damages, and our attorneys will be required to file a legal complaint against: Social Knowledge LLC. in this matter should this post not be removed by June 3rd, 2006.

We are aware that companies are harmed every day by false reports about their stock or business and with today's proliferation of Web logs, the problem has increased dramatically: We however, will not allow our company to be victims of such practices and will not only denounce them but fight them to the fullest extend of the laws protecting us from violation of privacy and Intellectual Property, as well as defamation. Due to the popularity of blogs and forums with extremely advanced and almost immediate search engine indexing, this is a problem that is pervasive as it seems this slander and defamation does not stop as being published on your website but is accessible to millions on search engines. Therefore the loss caused to our company by the false posts on your forum are considerable.

We feel Social Knowledge LLC. DBA. is allowing false contents about to be prolifered and to be attacked by defamatory posts .
This matter pertains to Defamation Law, and Corporate Privacy Law which our attorneys specialize in as it damages businesses such as ours, online everyday .

We are well aware that we can not only pursue the author of false or defaming publication on the internet or media, but also the perpetrator, host or publisher , therefore this matter may result in legal proceedings against SOCIAL KNOWLEDGE LLC. under the Corporate Privacy and the Defamation Protection Acts which create strict liability of a company such as your FORUM .
Any information you provide us with may be used in this matter against your company if we chose to retain legal counsel .

If you are willing to promptly and sufficiently comply with all of the above demands at by June 3rd, 2006 , FashionGlow Incorporated will consider your response as an amicable resolution to this matter. If you do not adequately comply with ShopChic's demands by the above time period, however, FashionGlow inc. will be forced to immediately consider legal action against you, in both California and Texas States. In the hopes of avoiding further deception and litigation expenses, we look forward to receiving a sufficient response and/or action from you by the deadline stated above

This is a CEASE and DESIST OFFICIAL REQUEST to have the post and FashionGlow 's Name, URL Address and any other mention or Hyperlinking removed IMMEDIATELY by June 3rd, 2006 at 11: 59 pm to avoid legal proceedings in this matter .
The URL for the post in question is:

We appreciate your immediate cooperation .

Truly Yours,

Elisabeth R. Corbett
Copyright & Loss Prevention Agent

8721 Santa Monica Blvd . Suite 1058
Los Angeles, CA 90069
United States
Tel: (323) 297-2576

CC: Soenberg & Prater Associates LLP.
NEVER shop at I ordered a hoodie from them they claimed to have shipped it out but I never received it. After that they refused to respond to emails and my money was burnt!
Most of these cease and desist letters are total bullsh*t, that are handed out no matter what the legal merits are, just to intimidate people. Their claims are totally without merit.

If they actually knew anything about running a business, they would actually try to address their problems rather than threatening their own customers.
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Also a simple search on lexis-nexis and westlaw shows "Soenburg and Prater" does not exist. That, or the 'firm' has never actually sued anybody in any state or federal court. Also, what firm calls themselves "associates llp"? Usually the firm will have the founding partners and then the LLP designation. 'Associates LLP' doesn't even make any sense. It's an oxymoron. It implies that the partnership doesn't have any partners.

Also, they say they've successly "prosecuted" a number of companies. Libel is a civil action not a criminal offense. You can't 'prosecute' someone for libel.

Also, 'fashionglow' has never been a party to any action in any state or federal court. Nor does fashionglow show up in any pleading, motion filed in any federal or state court.

Next time, tell them to serve you a complaint, and then you'll remove the posts.
Korean shopping sites in general ...... They have such gorgeous merchandise but 1, how the F!!! do you understand whats going on and 2, how do you buy stuff????!!!! So frustrating!!!
Also they claim to have 3 stores but I have done a search on the shop name and nothing turns up. Plus they are not listed as stockists on the websites of any of the brands they carry......which is NO surprise to me as I know alot about this site but I won't post it here as the thread will get deleted.

Not related to fashion but L' has really rude and bad service. They screwed up an order and were extremely rude about it when it was their own fault. was extremely rude.
i'm sorry, i dont wanna be stoned because of this, but all these places you mention here seem pretty lame to begin with, why would you all shop at these websites?
You know... a good tactic when a site doesn't give you your money is to file a chargeback with your credit card company. I've always gotten what I've deserved when I do that. And that way it forces them to deal with you sooner rather than later.

I honestly cannot believe shopintuition is still around with all the bad stuff peoeple say. Like each website I feel get s few freebies, mistakes happen yadda yadda yadda, but like, 50% of the people that shop there have complaints including myself. And it would be one thing if they were all "I'm sorry, here take this coupon code" but they don't even care. Sad.
That FashionGlow thing is bullsh!t.

When someone writes about their experience.. it is NOT slander and fashionglow can't do anything about it!

It is perfectly legal to have opinions. If it wasn't I'd hate to be the people at :lol:
Wow, this is really interesting because I'm new to shopping online. Thanks you guys and thanks BuyMeShoes for starting the thread.
Dulcisima said:
I second that...i had an awful experince with them as well... very bad customer service + rude + return policy doesnt really exist ( i wanted to return an item, i called them non stop international calls asking them to answer me via email or call...i got no month later i emailed them again...they denied that i tried to contact them or send them emails...very bad service plus rude)

And another prices are higher than shipping is expensive as well

Just a comment :flower: - I had an amazing experience with famousfashionsfound- I wasn't sure which size to order so they contacted the manufacturer directly with my exact measurements because the item was a preorder. That all was done within a 24 hour period which was soo impressive. Plus the item was priced more than $20 cheaper than on
I Am Mortified!

okay... so, last week, I ordered a new pair of Karl Lagerfeld skinny jeans from Neiman Marcus and a new pair of skinny jeans from APC.... I did all of this online... I've shopped with NM before and never had any problems... however, this is my first time shopping with APC... nonetheless, my jeans from NM came Monday, but the APC jeans still hadn't come... so I tracked my order on on Tuesday and it said it had been delivered on Monday at 12:48 pm.... well, my parents were at work and I was at school, but my brother and his friend were here all day and they never heard the doorbell ring... and they were outside for some of the day and never saw a package... so, I called UPS and they told me to contact the person who shipped it to me, which would be APC... once I called APC, they checked with UPS to verify and said, since it was saying the item was delivered, there was nothing they could do for me... I contacted UPS again and they called APC themselves to take care of the issue... and now they're in the process of investigating my package dilemma by "tracing it" ... I have no idea what that means, but I just want my package or my money back...

I'm mortified because I don't know what to do... they're insisting that the package was delivered, so what if someone stole it? what am I supposed to do then? eat the $140?

I have a feeling they're going to think I'm lying and I'm just trying to get my money back... that's not the case... I'd rather just have my pair of jeans that I ordered...

if I don't get my pair of jeans or my money back, I will NEVER shop with APC again... I don't care how sweet their jeans are... it's not worth it... at the company I work for, if a customer order gets lost in the mail, we take the hit and personally deliver a replacement item, or come up with some sort of compensation... APC just seems to be shrugging their shoulders... I'm mad at APC and UPS... gosh, out of 6 years of ordering stuff from the internet, I've NEVER had a problem until now... what the heck? does anyone have any advice? words of encouragement? anything you know that I don't? is there more I can do? PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP ME!
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i had a really bad experience with
they never returned my emails. in fact they ignored all my emails requesting cancellation. since no one answered my mails to confirm cancellation, i called my bank to suspend my credit card for about a month and a half. a few weeks later, to my surprise, i got a package from them and found out i was charged not long the suspension was lifted. they did it without my consent or knowledge. i tried to email them again telling them i have cancelled the order weeks ago but of course they did not reply my emails either. finally i kept the dress. i didn't dare to return the merchandise, they might just ignore me and keep the money and the dress.
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Uh - I'm shocked at the letter! I know nothing more about that site than the letter posted, but that is enough to tell me I never want to shop there!

I had such a terrible shopping experience with - Bad, awful, nasty, my point coming across? ;)

I ordered a dress with a coupon code. Long story short...Two days after they've shipped it to me, and confirmed my total in both the online check out system, the emailed copy of the receipt, and the paper receipt that comes with the package - I get an email saying "We have your credit card on file and we're not going to honor the coupon code you used. We're taking the liberty of charging your card the extra amount. Have a nice day." My eyes nearly bugged out of my head. I called customer service, got the manager who gave me nothing but attitude and then finished up by saying "You got a great deal on this dress. If you don't like it, then ship it back!" Which I promptly did. And that is the first and last purchase I'll ever make with them.
what hapepned to freedom of speech?

i understand how it technically could be considered "slander" but we're definitely allowed to express our own opinions! geeze thats insane. that letter alone is all i need to see to know never to shop from there.

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