Easy to get into schools.


Apr 16, 2006
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I am currently a senior living in NH. I am looking into fashion design for a major but my problem is this: I wanted to apply to fashion design schools earlier this year but my parents were, lets say a little lacking in support, so I didn't get to it. But now they have decided to allow me to make my own decisions for college - as they are paying I understand their reasons for protesting my choice. Well I am looking for schools that aren't too difficult to get into and have flexible admission deadlines, as it is late in the year. I have decent grades it's just that certain classes have lowered my GPA because I was stupid and tried higher level classes at my mom's request when I knew I wouldn't be able to handle it. Anywho. If anyone could help me with this it would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and location isn't an issue. I'm versatille and might actually enjoy a change of scenery. Thank you so much in advance. ^_^
FIDM had rolling admissions and you don't need any prior fashion design experience, just passion.
really? someone told me that FIDM was a difficult school?
well i haven't started yet so it may be a difficult school but i got in and i don't have any previous experience. i also applied and got into a few other schools and none of them we're really "hard", i think you just need to apply to a few schools you like and see what happens.
FIDM is difficult, especially depending on your major (textile and interior are the hardest). It's just not a hard school to get into. Like Tangiblelvoe said, if you show that you have a passion that is what is important. The school isn't snooty about being able to draw this and sew that. They take the time to teach the basics to people who have no technical experience.
i looked into FIDM a little while ago and found that you need to submit design sketches, i'm just nervous my ideas will be too boring or common or something
Is Fashion Design what you definitely want to do? Because there is also Merchandise Marketing and Product Development. A lot of people who are interested in business and creative go for product dev. I dont think you need to do sketches for those.

I'm a recent alumni of Fidm and I can tell you that all you need to get into FIDM, no matter what major, is MONEY. If you can pay tuition you can get in....it's not a difficult school to get into whatsoever. There are some advanced programs like the shoe design program that only accepts 10 students...but other than that, the majors for an A.A. degree are all easy as pie to get into.
oh yeah and at Fidm, you can get straight A's if you have a pulse.
^Not entirely true. Although I did get 3.7 for my first two quarters (which is all A's and one B), pretty much everyone I know struggled and did around a 3.0 and they worked a lot harder than I did. But the major matters as well. Interior Design especially isn't easy. I'm in product development which is one of the easier majors, it's just a few classes in particular that are hard. Lol, people are even shocked to learn that I passed some of them.

So if you plan on attending FIDM, be ready to put in some work!
GreenSkirt said:
I'm a recent alumni of Fidm and I can tell you that all you need to get into FIDM, no matter what major, is MONEY. If you can pay tuition you can get in....it's not a difficult school to get into whatsoever. There are some advanced programs like the shoe design program that only accepts 10 students...but other than that, the majors for an A.A. degree are all easy as pie to get into.
oh yeah and at Fidm, you can get straight A's if you have a pulse.

Can anyone tell me how many students they let in the advanced fashion design program?
I know a girl who just got in and had absolutely no previous experience sewing, minimal skills in drawing and average grades so I suppose it can't be that hard.
J'aime_la_mode said:
I know a girl who just got in and had absolutely no previous experience sewing, minimal skills in drawing and average grades so I suppose it can't be that hard.

hahah, i came across this and that sounds like me! totally reassuring, so thanks i guess.
i got accepted to parsons and i dont think it was that hard. i didnt actually start my portfolio 2 weeks before the deadline because i didnt know i would be applying but i got in. i know someone who got in and she had a fairly poor portfolio, but she got into the chase scholars program. its expensive though
I think I really want to do something with graphic/product design and maybe advertising/marketing. I live in the state of NY and really just want to get away and go to California, so I was looking at FIDM or maybe Otis. FIDM looks so nice, the student housing at least. Can anyone give me more info about either of these schools..personal experience/etc? Or ideas for what I could major in. I'm only a sophomore in hs..but I really think this is what I want to do!
I've really been thinking about this for the past day and have come up with more questions. I live about 3hrs away from NYC so if I got into Parsons or FIT, that's where my parents would probably wish for me to go. But I love the idea of FIDM or Otis..west coast livin! I want to get away and experience the world. Any suggestions?

Is FIDM considered a true/respected/"held in high regard" type of school? I'm interested in communications design, graphic design..marketing/advertising type of thing. The housing there also looks so nice..compared to FIT's where I know housing is expensive/not that nice.

For instance, if I wanted to work for graphic design/marketing/advertising type firms would going to FIDM be enough?

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