How Important are Grades when Applying to to a Fashion School?

as someone who applyed to fit i have entirely to much experence with this and im going to tell you my little story.

my dad died a short while ago and as a result ym grades in my 10th grade year were horrid. i was depressed, unfocused and idiotic among other things. it took me about a year to really get out of that phase and realized fashion si what iw anted to do. i took 6 precollege programs and got a's in everyone which is unheard of. i was the best in every one of my classes and at the end of my basic pattern making class i got letter of rec. which is also unheard of for a high school student. many have seen my work here. i slaved over my portfoliof ro month soemtimes not sleeping and just going to schoolt he next day and then doing it again, drawing sketching sewing staying up all night until i had schol the next morning. well one day i checked my app staus and it had said waitlist. i was devastated and still have no idea wether am i going to be accepted or not. and all because of my grades. it just sucks alot.

moral of the story just get your grades to a 3.2 and have a great portfolio and youll get its that simple. dont blow it out of proportion. because i know alot of really bad people who got in and i know really good people who didnt. its really a toss up. i wish everyone luck!
i think my grades worked out fine this year, i passed math (yay!) but i still have a few b's so im still a little worried.
@ MarcSebastian
wow! your determination is very honorable
i wish you luck and good future in your fashion career
I'm glad you passed math e-v-elina. Congrats! :) Now you don't have to worry about not graduating, and that was the most important part here, imo. Since you want to get into fashion schools, not the Stockholm School of Economics :), you can probably work your way around those B's.
what about people who are goinf
for fashion merchandising? since they
probably dont have to make a portfolio the school probably looks
more at the grades right?
really depends upon the school.. at central saint martins... they looked at my portfolio then read my personal statement then interviewed me.. then i got acepted on the spot. it wasnt until a month or two later they asked for my grades which it didnt seem like they cared about *shrug* (but then again this was for graphic design not quite sure for FM)

what about people who are goinf
for fashion merchandising? since they
probably dont have to make a portfolio the school probably looks
more at the grades right?
what about people who are goinf
for fashion merchandising? since they
probably dont have to make a portfolio the school probably looks
more at the grades right?

I hope not lol.
For me, I've always been an honor student and taken AP classes but my grades have always been average (mainly Cs & Bs). I'm currently in the midst of applying at FIT & Parsons for Fashion Merchandising so I hope they don't consider it a major acknowledgment in making their decision.:(
I graduated in Holland from the HAVO (Senior General Secondary Education) and I (hope to) start a course Fashion Styling in Amsterdam/Rotterdam in September (2 years at Artemis Academy).

Will this be enough to get accepted to FdA Fashion Styling and Photography course on London College of Fashion? I will develop a portfolio on the course at Artemis.
sorry havn't read through all the replies, but they don't really!
ive got fds in st. martins and LCF, a few of them had a conditional offer of 1 C in A-Level because their port. was amazing!

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