Canadian Schools ... for Fashion

i met some students who took that^ Seems great! Very happy with their mannequins. they were put in pairs to create a mannequin for each other.

any info about this school??

(labelled as registered)
Sylvie Dubois .Couture Sewing School
1439 Youville Drive,
Orleans, ON
K1C 4M8
(613) 841-6443
As far as continuing education courses, I'm taking Fashion Illustration&Design as well as Intro to industrial sewing at George Brown here in T.O. and they're both pretty good.
The sewing especially is impressive-- very little talking, we started sewing on the first day. The illustration class is very beginner but still fun, and gives you a bit of info on fashion illustration. I wish there was more technical illustration involved though.
i had all of my secondary and university education in Canada, I went to U Alberta or Geology then Art but my I screw up really bad in university.

Now I am Hong Kong and if I am dead lucky I will have higher diploma two years later and I want to come back to Canada to finish my bachelor/continue my study.
Now my question is will my university transcript will still be very important by then?!
Vancouver College Of Art and Design has Fashion Marketing and Merchandising, has anyone took that program, or know any information about that school and program?

I wish they offered a bachelor though :|
The only place they offer bachelor for Fashion Marketing(communications) is at Ryerson. (I'm moving to Vancouver next summer)
So anything else in Vancouver that's similar?
i've never heard of that school before^ It must be new
It's in a good location

What is the tuition like?

The only schools in Canada that offer degrees in fashion are Ryerson and Kwantlen...
i talked to a guy who works at VCAD and he said the tuition for the fashion design program is around 24,000 and its only for a year!...i dont know if i heard it wrong but i was talking with him over the phone so i dont know...i really want to go to that college tho..vcc is my second choice..
I think Kwantlen's program is Fashion Design AND Fashion Marketing, not seperate. Which sucks for me cause I only want the Fashion Marketing bit.

victorco92 - the tuition is only for a year, or the program?

maybe this summer ill stop by and ask some questions :\
After researching a bit, I have a few questions regarding the fashion programs at Kwantlen in BC.
I’m interested in fashion marketing. I saw the video on their site and it said that a fashion marketing diploma is pending. Right now they only have fashion design diploma which leads to the bachelor.

The only concern I have is, I don’t want to focus my studies in fashion design, mostly just fashion marketing, would it be possible?
My goal is to attain a bachelor in my studies, so I don’t want to stop at a diploma alone.

Does anyone have any information about this?
I know theres a fashion marketing certificate but thats different. I heard from a few people that Kwantlen is very businessy, and i would like that, but according to their website, i dont see how thats possible…
i talked to a guy who works at VCAD and he said the tuition for the fashion design program is around 24,000 and its only for a year!...i dont know if i heard it wrong but i was talking with him over the phone so i dont know...i really want to go to that college tho..vcc is my second choice..
what have you heard about VCAD that makes it your first choice ?
I called Kwantlen yesterday, and they are adding Fashion Marketing Diploma either in september or january, which would eventually, 2 years later, lead to the Bachelor program :)
I go to the Art Institute of Vancouver majoring in Fashion Design & Merchandising.
Hello Y'all!
Fairly new to the Fashion Spot and not enough time to read every post and thread!
I am also looking into Kwantlen so any info is appreciated. I am not looking for a degree as I already have one, thus no interest in the "famous" Toronto schools.
I am looking for practical and skills-focused training, so any info about any diploma or good certificate would be greatly appreciated. I have also looked at the Kelowna institute and BlancheMCD. HelenLef. closed down this summer!

Xionasi, How's the Art institute going? I got an info email from them this year but I don't have any info from current or past students, reputation, etc. your feedback would be great.
I also found this college today Marvell College in both BC and Alberta. any info on this college? Although, I must say that I rather go to reputation, such as kwantlen.
I'll be back as soon as possible this week. I just finished a dress I was practicing with and I am not happy with it. The thing is that Kwantlen wants you to have an on-site portfolio of 6 to 10 garments with specific features such as pockets, collars, etc. The portfolio plus my full time job keep me off line sometimes.
victorco92, FabFashion:

The tuition for AiV is around $1,000.00 CDN dollars if you are a citizen. I don't know about international students.
We recently just moved to a new campus at the Renfrew skytrain station. It's a really nice contemporary space.
I'd say that the experience at AiV is pretty awesome. It really depends on what teacher you get.
Some teachers are really good at teaching and you can actually learn a lot from them. While some other teachers are really slack and don't really know what they're doing.
But overall, I think this program will prepare us for the industry.
And honestly, I think all fashion programs in Vancouver offered by the different schools should be rather similar. It really depends on how much time and effort you are willing to put into your learning in order for you to succeed.
So yea, just some humble comments of mine!
Ask me any other questions you want ! :D
$1000 CDN per semester or per course? I thought the AIV was about $10-20K for the program.
Kwantlen's total is about $5000 or so for the full diploma, tuition and fees for Canadians or landed immigrants. don't know about international fees. there is the which is a private school. someone told me it would be consider a foundation type program before you go to kwantlen, Toronto or any other. it helps you create your portfolio and get the sewing and other such skills if you don't have any or need to improve. for me, I'd rather spend the $8k tuition the OFI wants for Kwantlen's full program.
i finished school 3 years ago in the vancouver area. if youre looking to find a job in the industry look for a school with industry connections and a good job placement program.
it's a tough time for our industry, and at the end of the day everyone needs a pay cheque.
where did you go to school? I am not interested in a long four year program, that is why I look at Kwantlen of all the schools I've seen. They seem to offer the technical skills, internships/connections, and creative part that all others offer, but without the long time to spend in school. I already have a degree and other training and diplomas as well. I just want to switch careers next year altogether and don't have the time or intention of spending it in a 4 year degree.
I am working on building my fashion related portfolio (garments) for the April call. Any tips or advice regarding building a garment portfolio for kwantlen?
I also read that Helen Lefaux closed its doors this summer, due to high rental costs!!!??? which makes me wonder if that is the reason. With tuition in the $10 range per person, I don't see the "rent is too high" reason be too reasonable, no pun intended.
I went to UFV in abbotsford. Because its in the valley the tution is less and the class sizes are smaller. it's made a lot of imporvements even since ive been there. i originally wanted to go to kwantlen, but i lived closer to ufv. theres pros and cons to both, kwantlen is amazing, this years fashion show was unreal. but if you dont want to spend 4 years then maybe consider a 2 year program like the UFV one. good luck!

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