Elisabeth Bergner

oh right, you have german friends mullet, i forgot!
she basically says if she were as beautiful as dietrich she wouldn't know how to use her talent...and it says she seemed to have a secret power in play though she wasn't as spectecular at first sight...
but you probably got that all:flower:
thanks!, that's just what i gathered at the beginning..then i got confused and did not know who said that..marlene or elisabeth :doh:
MulletProof said:
lovely postcards. was that play of romeo and juliet in english or is it just the postcard?

mulletproof,unfortunately i don´t know where the picture was taken.the postcard is german but that doesn´t necessarily mean that the play took place in germany(if it took place in germany it was certainly in german not in english).she played juliet on stage in berlin during the 20´s but continued her stage carreer in london after she emigrated in 1932.i don´t know if she played the juliet there too.she looks very young to me on the picture so i would suppose that it was taken in berlin during the 20´s.but i´m absoltuely not sure :rolleyes:.
a funny side-note:one critic wrote about one of her performances in london,that she was good and all but that he was bothered by her heavy german accent :lol:.
and i forgot to add in my last post:
also from the "marlene dietrich" -biography:
"das idol marlenes war damals eine blutjunge schauspielerin,das zerbrechliche knabenmädchen (garconne) elisabeth bergner,die in shakespeare- und schnitzler-rollen glänzte.eine bühnenkarriere wie die der bergner-das war das ziel der marlene dietrich........marlenes erste rolle,die einer witwe,spielte sie unter der regie von iwan schmith in "der widerspenstigen zähmung"(the taming of the shrew) im grossen schauspielhaus.marlene war überglücklich,obwohl die rolle sehr klein war und kein kritiker von ihr notiz nahm.aber viel wichtiger für sie war,dass sie in dieser inszenierung neben ihrem idol elisabeth bergner,die die katharina spielte,auf der bühne stand."

mulletproof,if you have any problems with the translation,don´t hesitate to ask :).
anna karina said:
and as you know i love pictures of people writing as well, only i have never found a good way to search that kind of pictures via google....have you?
i had been trying when making the typewriters thread on kr but it was coming up with the oddest results..many secretaries and the like...

secretaries :lol:!!i loved your typewriter thread on kr,but i couldn´t find the right key to get access to these pictures either.i found the pictures of hesse and bachmann that i posted by chance.sorry, i guess i´m not a great help :blush:.
somnambule said:
mulletproof,unfortunately i don´t know where the picture was taken.the postcard is german but that doesn´t necessarily mean that the play took place in germany(if it took place in germany it was certainly in german not in english).she played juliet on stage in berlin during the 20´s but continued her stage carreer in london after she emigrated in 1932.i don´t know if she played the juliet there too.she looks very young to me on the picture so i would suppose that it was taken in berlin during the 20´s.but i´m absoltuely not sure :rolleyes:.
a funny side-note: one critic wrote about one of her performances in london,that she was good and all but that he was bothered by her heavy german accent :lol:.
and i forgot to add in my last post:
also from the "marlene dietrich" -biography:
"das idol marlenes war damals eine blutjunge schauspielerin,das zerbrechliche knabenmädchen (garconne) elisabeth bergner,die in shakespeare- und schnitzler-rollen glänzte.eine bühnenkarriere wie die der bergner-das war das ziel der marlene dietrich........marlenes erste rolle,die einer witwe,spielte sie unter der regie von iwan schmith in "der widerspenstigen zähmung"(the taming of the shrew) im grossen schauspielhaus.marlene war überglücklich,obwohl die rolle sehr klein war und kein kritiker von ihr notiz nahm.aber viel wichtiger für sie war,dass sie in dieser inszenierung neben ihrem idol elisabeth bergner,die die katharina spielte,auf der bühne stand."

mulletproof,if you have any problems with the translation,don´t hesitate to ask :).
Thank you somnanbule!, I was actually wondering if she had done any plays in London so thanks again for the information. I'll translate that last paragraph right away.

oh and that critic was funny, a bit nonsense if she hadnt resided in London for that long, I think fresh foreign accents sound great...unless you've been living in the country for 30 years and you still cant get rid of it :p (Schwarzeneger :innocent:).
^:lol:, yes!

i love accents but always dread to have one myself:blush:

(though when i last watched the nico documentary with friends, we couldn't stop talking her way, it's addictive!)

thanks for the many information somnambule, she really must have had a great presence!
i love marlene´s german ,greta garbo´s swedish and olga baclanova´s russian accent.i think a lot thier appeal would have been lost if they had spoken proper english.
but anna,i agree,i always dread to have one myself.in italian it must be quite bad.in the morning after getting up when i really couldn´t be bothered with concentrating on my voice the signora i lived at often told me that i would speak what she called "military-italian" and she imitated me by saying eins-zwei-eins-zwei-1-2......how awful is that :blink: :blush: :lol:.
i wonder why german always gets associated with the military.is it becuase of the nazis?or does it sound so hard?
okay,this was rather random but i have nothing to add to the bergner discussion right now :innocent:.
:lol: love the eins-zwei-eins-zwei-1-2

i love accents as well but i like them when they're natural and not done on purpose..for some ridiculous reason maybe, i consider as lack of respect when people dont even make an effort to pronounce correctly a foreign language.:unsure:

i dont tend to associate German language with nazis but i must say it does sound a bit aggresive sometimes so i see where the military thought comes from, my best friend is from the german-spoken part of Switzerland, we speak spanish here and her accent is actually really cool and very sweet sometimes but when she speaks german..it sounds a bit scary sometimes :p

on topic:
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mulletproof,thanks for your explanations.it´s hard to tell how your own language sounds in the ears of foreigners.you´re so used to the sound of your native language that you cannot really distance yourself from it....at least i can´t ;).so it´s always interesting to hear the thoughts of others.
i love spanish by the way :heart:.i can understand it a little bit too.italian is quite similar.as for the sound i prefer the spanish that is spoken in south-america,or better said in columbia and venezuela, to the harsher,more aggressive sound of the spanish that is spoken in spain.the latinamerican spanish seemed so much softer to me and was also easier for me to understand.

back to the topic:
thanks for posting a picture of her in her later years.i saw a picture of her taken on her 80th birthday in her autobiography (yes,i have to confess i bought it.it cost only 1,55 euro on booklooker.de,i just couldn´t resist :innocent:) and she was still full of dignity and grace.
i found 2 "new" pictures.
the second must be from one of her stage-performances as saint joan.


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i love the saint joan picture:heart:...are there lots of pictures in the biography?
was there another one for 1,55??

as to the ongoing language discussion i must say that whereas i love the written german, i can understand that our pronounciation and stressing of words does not appeal to everybody. apart from that i usually find beautiful (in terms of inner beauty:D) people speak beautifully in whatever language:blush:...but i still have to find a saxon(?)-speaking person that i like
somnambule said:
mulletproof,thanks for your explanations.it´s hard to tell how your own language sounds in the ears of foreigners.you´re so used to the sound of your native language that you cannot really distance yourself from it....at least i can´t ;).so it´s always interesting to hear the thoughts of others.
i love spanish by the way :heart:.i can understand it a little bit too.italian is quite similar.as for the sound i prefer the spanish that is spoken in south-america,or better said in columbia and venezuela, to the harsher,more aggressive sound of the spanish that is spoken in spain.the latinamerican spanish seemed so much softer to me and was also easier for me to understand.

back to the topic:
thanks for posting a picture of her in her later years.i saw a picture of her taken on her 80th birthday in her autobiography (yes,i have to confess i bought it.it cost only 1,55 euro on booklooker.de,i just couldn´t resist :innocent:) and she was still full of dignity and grace.
i found 2 "new" pictures.
the second must be from one of her stage-performances as saint joan.
well..i cant notice my accent either, lol.
there are very rare moments when i just notice my voice and i dont like it at all so..i think i'd be really sad to realize i have a thick and annoying accent a la salma hayek or penelope cruz :(

ooh how cool that you know some spanish!. i personally think it's a difficult language..like there's one particular word that has countless meanings, all according to where you put the accent..my mom is always correcting me..and it's my first language...
have you been to south america?, their accents are really nice, i'd say the argentinian one is my favorite..it sounds very romantic and clear. central americans are sweet too..they just tend to skip some words..or put an 'L' instead of a 'R'..which makes it a bit difficult.
and back to German, I was teaching myself some basics of the language, my spelling was horrid but i always thought i was good at pronouncing words..i have a friend in Raduhn (Mecklenburg-Pommerian?) and he'd sent me all those letters written in German. I became a bit lazy about it but it's still on top of my languages-to-learn list..i think it's not that hard to learn..and, at the risk of sounding a bit stupid, i think it's like english but it has more science and interesting sounds..unlike its counterpart...which is quite useful but i never found the beauty of it :ninja:

and now back to topic :lol: :
thanks for those pics, they're lovely, you should scan the ones in her autobiography:blush:
anna karina said:
apart from that i usually find beautiful (in terms of inner beauty:D) people speak beautifully in whatever language:blush:...but i still have to find a saxon(?)-speaking person that i like
2nd both statements!
anna karina said:
but i still have to find a saxon(?)-speaking person that i like

:lol: :lol:....i knew one that i liked but my auditory canals contracted everytime the saxon dialect entered my ears.but one gets used to everything :blush:.
there were 5 pages with offers at www.booklooker.de.
i was on page 2 or 3 when i found my offer,but i saw others that were almost as cheap.
there are many pictures in the biograhpy...there could be more but i don´t want to be too selfish.
mullletproof,i would love to scan them for you......if i had a scanner.i don´t know anyone who owns a scanner either,so i have no possibility of posting these pictures.i´m sorry :unsure:!
we can only hope that anna buys the book ;) :innocent:.
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MulletProof said:
well..i cant notice my accent either, lol.
there are very rare moments when i just notice my voice and i dont like it at all so..i think i'd be really sad to realize i have a thick and annoying accent a la salma hayek or penelope cruz :(

ooh how cool that you know some spanish!. i personally think it's a difficult language..like there's one particular word that has countless meanings, all according to where you put the accent..my mom is always correcting me..and it's my first language...
have you been to south america?, their accents are really nice, i'd say the argentinian one is my favorite..it sounds very romantic and clear. central americans are sweet too..they just tend to skip some words..or put an 'L' instead of a 'R'..which makes it a bit difficult.
and back to German, I was teaching myself some basics of the language, my spelling was horrid but i always thought i was good at pronouncing words..i have a friend in Raduhn (Mecklenburg-Pommerian?) and he'd sent me all those letters written in German. I became a bit lazy about it but it's still on top of my languages-to-learn list..i think it's not that hard to learn..and, at the risk of sounding a bit stupid, i think it's like english but it has more science and interesting sounds..unlike its counterpart...which is quite useful but i never found the beauty of it :ninja:
don´t worry,even if you have a spanish accent...i think it sounds lovely.much lovelier than a german accent.but i know these moments when you suddenly hear your own voice from a distance and you think :yuk:.one of the cruellest experiences for me was to speak on an answering machine in italian.i hate the sound of my voice anyway..even in german.but in italian it was worse than ever.i couldn´t believe my ears.i was so shocked that i tried it again and again at least 20 times...until i gave up.i sounded like marlene speaking italian minus erotism and sensuality.the beauty of the language got lost somewhere under my tongue :doh:.
unfortunately i´ve never been to south america but when i was in florence,italy,i got to know many latin americans mainly from colombia and i lived together with a girl from venezuela at the appartment of an italian signora.when the south americans came together and spoke spanish i loved to listen to them:heart:.
unfortunately i´ve never heard anyone from tanzania speak spanish so i have no idea how it sounds,but i´m curious.would you say that it sounds a bit like the spanish spoken in spain or is it closer to the spanish spoken in one of the latin american countries..... or is it entirely different to all of them?(sorry,for asking such dumb questions)
i think it´s admirable that you make an effort to learn a language on your own.i tried to teach me spanish but i admit that i was just too lazy,so i didn´t advance.german is certainly much more complex than english.if i just think of the grammar,our declensions and conjugations,you don´t find that in english.i know german people,not even dumb people,who have problems with that and who make mistakes.i make mistakes :innocent:....
ah haha, i know that feeling! when i was 13 i used to record my voice in a stereo..like silly radio shows with my friends and when i'd play it i couldnt even recognized my voice, it was horrendous..if i hadnt written my lines, i could've denied my voice and blame the awfulness on someone else:innocent:

hum, I heard both Italy and Spain have a large south american population..very strange, and their accents are lovely indeed..in fact, the argentinian one sounds a lot like Italian..given their italian invasion or whatever that was..
hmmmm..my location is fake!:lol: i live in Mexico, hopefully my accent isnt as bad as its reputation:unsure: . I'm lost about Tanzania's official language by the way...could be afrikan?..

anyway. is it easy to pronounce spanish? i mean..it's almost like we do every single letter, we dont miss the H or the last E like in german or english..or french, etc.
i think the laziness comes from the lack of practice, when i was learning german i tried getting some german music, i went to MTV Germany's website (wrong place, i know) and picked the first artist that had a song in german (sammy deluxe:shock: ), as you can imagine..it was hiphop..all fast and hard to follow. later i tried reading german news everyday but i cant even remember when i stopped doing it..I'm just too lazy, english was a mere casualty, if i didnt live right on the border (tijuana) i'd probably still be in english alphabet level.

for the topic:unsure: :

from Cry of the Banshee (1970).

..just found out i only shared the world with her for 5 months.
^oh you tanzanian! now i'll always imagine you rapping sammy deluxe:lol:
yes, this alienated feeling towards one's own voice is horrid!:doh:

..just found out i only shared the world with her for 5 months.
funny, i always think about this when i read people's birth or death date, too...i am especially intrigued when someone interesting died the year i was born because i believe his spirit was in the air then:blush:

well, somnambule, i think i HAVE to buy the book otherwise this thread will remain off-topic forever:lol:...

have you read it yet?
:lol: .. i really dont wish to know how bad he is.:doh:

I'm sure you have a decent voice...i've come to believe my voice sounds like this Will & Grace lesbian character..i dont know her name as im not a big fan of the show..but the sound only is quite memorable. :lol:

my mom believes in that 'spirit' after death. i just get frustration when i think about people who died before i was born..i wish i had lived to learn about them when they were alive or see them talk in the very moment, not from recordings...if that makes any sense :unsure:
MulletProof said:
hmmmm..my location is fake!:lol: i live in Mexico, hopefully my accent isnt as bad as its reputation:unsure: . I'm lost about Tanzania's official language by the way...could be afrikan?..

haha,revelation time :lol:.and i thuoght what a dumb and ignorant person i was that i didn´t even know that they speak spanish in tanzania :lol:.i´ve always thought that the national languages there were english and/or french.a great part of the population probably have their own african language though,but i´m absolutely not sure.well,so i can cancel tanzania=spanish from my list ;) :innocent:.

MulletProof said:
anyway. is it easy to pronounce spanish? i mean..it's almost like we do every single letter, we dont miss the H or the last E like in german or english..or french, etc..

i can´t tell if it´s hard to pronounce spanish ,since i´ve never spoken it.i only tried to understand it as good as i could and used some lines in spanish in some of my letters to a person from colombia.

MulletProof said:
i think the laziness comes from the lack of practice, when i was learning german i tried getting some german music, i went to MTV Germany's website (wrong place, i know) and picked the first artist that had a song in german (sammy deluxe:shock: ), as you can imagine..it was hiphop..all fast and hard to follow.

"learning german with sammy deluxe" :woot: :p .that´s cute.maybe he should call his next album "i´ll teach you" :lol: ;) .

i was hunting for elisabeth bergner pictures again and eventually captured two:
the second one is also in her autobiography btw...


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somnambule said:
i was hunting for elisabeth bergner pictures again and eventually captured two:
the second one is also in her autobiography btw...

o i just saw this. thank you:heart:
i still haven't bought the autobiography:doh:

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