Elisabeth Bergner

ahh,thanks for the pictures :flower:!
your last post reminds me of the fact that i should really,really finish reading her autobiography....or even better start all over again.i agree with what you´ve said earlier:her writing-style is witty and highly enjoyable and she seemed very modest to me too.
i have to be in the mood for biographies though....which i haven´t been ever since :unsure:.



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^that's one of the most wonderful pictures of her. :heart: somehow i couldn't attach it. thank you.

i don't read autobiographies on a regular basis, too. but if they are written well they are one of the best ways to get close to a time in the past.

i sososo love her profile. (why am i getting so obsessed with profiles? :huh: )


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i managed to carry a really heavy book about her home from the library. :rolleyes:

it's by klaus voelker and it looks like a really profoundly researched book on her. it has a detailed biography, faksimiles of the theatre posters, her letters (she wrote such nice letters, i almost can't believe she was such a precious person.) poems that were inspired by her, interviews, play pictorials, lots of wonderful pictures and portraits of her, most of them i couldn't find online. maybe i can scan some when i'm on campus the next time.

from ebay. \/


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^that sounds great, northernsky:woot:

i perfectly know what you mean about profiles^_^:heart:

i have only abandoned this thread because i feel bad for still not having bought her biography:lol:
ohh,i´ve never heard or read of that book before.you description sounds intriguing.thanks for sharing,northernsky :flower:!i think´i´ll have a look if i can find it on amazon.com.they often offer the possibility to read excerpts from books...even though i doubt that it was translated into english....

Ps.:i have to confess that i have always had a little profile-"fetish" too : john barrymore,garbo,shearer and so many more :heart:.
ahhh, nice to know i'm not the only one with a profile-fetish. :D

bad hair day? from ebay.

i love what she wrote about her "privatfrisur" (how does one translate that?)
she always refused to wear her peruke during the rehearsals before a play. later she was a bit embarassed about that, when she realized that on all the pictures that were taken during the rehearsal she 'wears' this messy "privatfrisur". :lol: :wub:


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i just noticed that her features kind of remind me of anais nin's. especially in profile.




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reminding me of elisabeth bergner pt. II.does someone else thinks this actress reminds him a little of ms. bergner here?
www.theaterkanal.de - katharina schüttler as hedda gabler
thanks for the piccies and for reviving this thread :flower: !
i like katharina schüttler a lot.she´s a great actress.i´ve never seen a similaritiy between her and elisabeth bergner before but now with this berger-ish haircut which she´s wearing on this picture i can definitely understand what you mean ^_^ .
i stumbled across that picture of katharina schüttler while doing a little research on "hedda gabler" (a friend invited me.) and i'm glad that not only i am seeing a resemblance.


this might be a little scary.. but nonetheless. ^_^

from ebay.
i know the picture has been posted before but i wanted to post this special autograph for fun.

it says what is obvious: "i can't write with this pen." :heart:

from ebay.
haha,this has to be the funniest autograph inscription i´ve ever come across :lol:.it´s obvious that the letters started fleeing her pen,yet admitting it underlines her natural attitude.
do you know which role she was playing on the first picture?it looks asian somehow,but to be honest i have no idea.
^^that's hilarious:lol:

and yes, i can somehow see the k. schüttler resemblance ... both have something that i would call 'durchgedrehter ernst':p and now help me to find an english expression...

thank you northernsky and somnambule for keeping the thread alive:heart:
another picture from ebay:


somnambule said:
do you know which role she was playing on the first picture?it looks asian somehow,but to be honest i have no idea.

neither have i. :unsure: i guess it's from none of her films, but i'm not familiar with all the plays she did. the ebay-description said nothing about it.

btw. i just had the honour to see katharina schüttler as a silent actress, because she lost her voice and couldn't speak. i guess comparing those two brought me bad luck. :huh:

estella mare said:
'durchgedrehter ernst' and now help me to find an english expression...

i know what you mean ^_^ but i can't think of an english expression either.
hello there. :heart:

i love the image in post #76. for the spooky element, ofcourseofcourse :p

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