i told a friend that i was thinking about having my hair cut like elisabeth bergner's, but she didn't know who e.b. was and asked google about it, and naturally it came up with the fraeulein else-picture at first. you see, google does not love me. it spreads rumours and tells my friends i was a punk.
i think i get your impressions of her.

of course, i cannot be sure about it, but the impression that she always seemed so real as you said, probably stems from her intuitive acting, or how shall i put it..? she never analyzed a role - she knew if a role suited her or not, but she never decided how a role had to look on stage and how she could realise this and so on, she played very intuitive, almost somnambulistic (she never even remembered her performances on stage

) so there should be nothing that could be seen as intentional in her play, used to get an effect.. and so one has to get the impression of her being real --- but that are only my speculations. to me she seemed to be a natural talent, a born actress, at least telling from her
not describing her acting style in her memoirs (because she apparently wasn't aware of an "acting style"), and her not over-analysing things beside the stage, too, but having a kind of understanding without that. i hope i don't sound like a complete imbecile talking like that.
some more pictures from getty. i love her profile. so fragile and perfect.