Evangeline Lilly Needs To Get over Herself

^^I didn't really refer to your comment, oolie :flower:
I just think there's a difference between saying "she's not my type" and "she's ugly/nasty"
I know, I wasn't trying to fight or anything.. I just think it's perfectly understandable/normal if someone thinks she's ugly. That's the way the world works, there's billions of us and not everyone is going to find everyone pretty...
I think she's really beautiful--on the cover of Elle at least. She grew up on morals, and being attractive wasn't of importance to her. She was a tomboy and when she was 16, she got a different kind of attention from the boys. She got called a wh*re for not wanting to get in bed because the boys would make up stuff about what they did with her. So she connected being attractive to feeling like she was a wh*re.

But that's how she felt when she was 16. She got over it. Right now she's focused on Humanitarianism. It's not like she's a perfectly good person, but she's not an awful person.

And many people can have issues that sound petty to others. Like when someone talks about how crappy their car is--at least you don't have to take the bus! Many people are guilty of that sort of thing. I know I am.
oolie coco said:
That's the way people think when they're 16. Time to grow up. To me she's just average and looks like about 5 celebrities who are cuter than her anyway.

And everyone knows that men who leer, leer at ugly and old women just as much as they leer at anybody.

Very True.

I think this Evangeline girl is so overrated. When I saw her on Lost I didn't think she was all that pretty (actually, I kind of thought they hired her to be the 'nice, plain girl').

I think they do this kind of thing with all hit TV shows....they pick out the starring female/male actors and shower them with media attention in an attempt to turn them into 'hot stuff'.

IMO, Eva Longoria is so NOT hot.....like Evangeline, Eva looks like ten other models/actresses out there...the only reason she's this purported 'sex symbol' is cause she's on a popular TV show.

And you're right, the kind of men who leer are the kind who will hump anything that's female. :innocent:
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i might get slammed for this. but being attractive is a drag for a lot of people. just like success in general, and especially money. it brings with it as many bad things as good. and whether or not we find her attractive is sort of irrelevant to what she said. people around her growing up found her attractive, and surprise, surprise, men gave her a hard time, unwanted attention etc. some men can just be so difficult like that in general, to women in general, and then to the ones that really catch their eye even more so. and women can be catty. but lots aren't. i think all these things are really double edged swords. and it's a drag that people aren't allowed to call themselves -beautiful or call attention to what they believe are their good qualities without also getting slammed for it. who cares. let her call herself beautiful.
That's why I can't respect many actresses nowadays, they are like so "Oh my God,no I am just so average in my looks, or I wished I had a bigger but and it'll be great if I could be ugly so someone takes me seriously for once..." It's just stupid.

That's why I like so much actresses like Audrey Tautou who is intelligent and really sweet and doesn't go round with this crap of being ugly,seriously who's going to believe this story?

Don't worry Lilly, if Monica Bellucci can survive without breaking into tear you will too.
Interesting article here, it relates to the topic so I hope its ok to post it.


The Kvetchettes

In his treatise "Of Beauty," the philosopher Francis Bacon observed, "There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion." Sadly, nobody ever told the "Law & Order: SVU" star Mariska Hargitay. In an interview with People magazine, Hargitay revealed an unnerving relationship with her nose: "It tips down and does weird things in photographs. It scares me sometimes."

And Hargitay is not alone. She is just one of the current crop of celebrities who, despite every genetic — and often surgical — advantage, feel compelled to parade their physical imperfections before us huddled, misshapen masses. "I have cellulite," Salma Hayek declares. "Don't be too impressed with me." Jessica Biel, named Esquire's 2005 Sexiest Woman Alive, is uncomfortable revealing her "bum, thighs and legs," while the actress Eva Mendes lays claim to "the hugest overbite," likening herself to a human "bottle opener." Even Angelina Jolie says that in the past she has "often felt unattractive."

Is this just deluded narcissism, or a new aesthetic trend where nobody, not even the wealthiest and most celebrated, can ever be beautiful enough? The psychologists Dr. Sara Gutierres and Dr. Douglas Kenrick, of Arizona State University, have been studying perceptions of beauty for 20 years. One of the key findings has been that people will assess their level of attractiveness differently, depending on the situation in which they find themselves. Not surprisingly, women who are surrounded by other attractive women, as female celebrities are in Hollywood, consistently describe themselves as being dissatisfied with their appearance.

Albert Lee, a senior editor at the celebrity glossy Us Weekly, is not buying it. "It's a preemptive strike," he says. "The paparazzi are hiding everywhere, hoping to catch stars without their makeup or flashing some cellulite. So when they look like hell, it's like, 'See, I told you.'

"There's so much disingenuousness," Lee continues. "Nicole Kidman says she has a boy's body. Most women would kill for that figure. The girl does have her issues — I mean, her face looks like it has been absolutely blasted with Botox. But she's not going to talk about that, is she?"

Today, the omnipresent paparazzi and the voracious tabloid media they feed mean that, visually at least, our relationship with stars is very intimate. We see them as we might a friend or a lover — bed-headed, grabbing a morning latte; pushing a supermarket cart; even scooping up after their dog. While it's hard to imagine Marlene Dietrich ever complaining that her pores were ridiculously clogged, as Jessica Simpson has, this kind of unappetizing admission seems almost a natural offshoot of such intimacy.

The spiritual godmother of today's "flaunt the flaw" movement is the legendary comedian Phyllis Diller. Diller, admittedly no beauty, has made a long and lucrative career out of presenting herself as a cartoon gargoyle with pancake makeup, garish and unflattering clothes, and a line of self-loathing repartee typified by a quip: "I was in a beauty contest once. I not only came in last. I was hit in the mouth by Miss Congeniality." Diller's denigration of her looks was a calculated strategy to desexualize herself, making it possible for her to survive on the male-dominated, and often openly misogynistic, 1950's comedy circuit.

For Tyra Banks, the public dissection of her physical imperfections is a rebranding exercise aimed at transforming her from Amazonian supermodel to the Generation-Y Oprah. Accordingly, subjects covered on her "Tyra" chat show have ranged from her "big booty" and cellulite to the high forehead that earned her the nickname "Light-Bulb Head." She has, on camera, removed both her makeup — to show her dark under-eye circles — and, more notoriously, her bra, allowing her breasts to be scanned by an expert with a bleeping machine in an effort, as a tearful Banks informed us, to put to rest hurtful rumors that she has had implants. After much manhandling, it was confirmed that her now sagging cleavage was indeed real, but not as "real" as Banks herself.

At a time when so many gorgeous celebrities are, for whatever reasons, trying to convince us that they are ugly, comments like those made to British Cosmopolitan magazine by the "OC" starlet Mischa Barton come almost as a breath of fresh air. Her pain is that she is too beautiful: "The truth is, pretty people aren't as accepted as other people. It comes with all these stigmas."
While that might not be attractive when compared with the keening of Hollywood's beauty sob sisters, there is a visceral honesty to Barton's brand of self-involvement, and just a dash of authentic, if silly, glamour.
SwanDiamondRose said:
i might get slammed for this. but being attractive is a drag for a lot of people. just like success in general, and especially money. it brings with it as many bad things as good. and whether or not we find her attractive is sort of irrelevant to what she said. people around her growing up found her attractive, and surprise, surprise, men gave her a hard time, unwanted attention etc. some men can just be so difficult like that in general, to women in general, and then to the ones that really catch their eye even more so. and women can be catty. but lots aren't. i think all these things are really double edged swords. and it's a drag that people aren't allowed to call themselves -beautiful or call attention to what they believe are their good qualities without also getting slammed for it. who cares. let her call herself beautiful.

But like you said, MANY heterosexual men act like this with MANY/MOST women so ..... complaining about this is like complaining about having to go to the bathroom.

She is under the misapprehension that she is special or unique in this way.

I have no problem with someone thinking or even SAYING they're beautiful.
I have a problem with people being all faux-humble, pretending that this is a problem for them.

Suck it up babe. If there is something to complain about, it's sexism against ALL WOMEN, because women are treasured for their looks while men are treasured for their intelligence or abilities.

SHE is not the only person to face this struggle:shock:
^ That article is interesting, and it makes me want to kill Mischa Barton.


Maybe Mischa should consider that perhaps people don't accept her because she's, well.... a moron.
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I have to agree though... I used to really love Mischa Barton
then I read SO many interviews in which she sounded sounded completely self-centered and shallow... I mean one or two articles could be biased.. but when its nearly every single one.... you start to believe it

I dont know about Evangeline Lily... I also don't think she is anything special
Oh, I like Evangeline...

Although I do think that quote sounds really... well, not modest... she was talking about her experience when she went into puberty.
So she was a kid and suddenly she had to deal with men giving her nasty looks. lol
For a kid, it can be very confusing.

But yeah, she could've just wished men wouldn't disrespect her anymore! :lol:
oolie coco said:
^ That article is interesting, and it makes me want to kill Mischa Barton.


Maybe Mischa should consider that perhaps people don't accept her because she's, well.... a moron.

:lol: :lol: :lol: ITA
in response to oolie coco. good points.

i also think that men are really starting to feel what it is like to be objectified. the neurosis and microscopic self-examination has set in. i think when it comes more full circle. something might change, or just get worse for everyone. :blink:
She sounds like the perfect girl friend for Mischa Barton.

If she really wanted to be less pretty, she wouldn't pray for it - she'd try and make herself look ugly. That's what many women do.

ETA: and then she'd get over it and learn to live with the fact that she's an attractive female.
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I don't think being pretty makes people take you not seriously. In my opinion beauty opens alot of doors in the world and it's an advantage to be beautiful.

Evangelline should work to earn people's respect instead of carping about it.
These showbiz women that bemoan their 'good looks' are the same ones that don't mind taking their clothes off for a sexy shoot in some lads magazine to further their careers.

Women like that are their own worst enemies. If women are being objectified in the world of showbiz, it's because they encourage it.

And Lilly is AVERAGE. Fame's an amazing thing: it makes some of the most plainest women appear more attractive than they are. must be all that makeup and airbrushing. There's many women in Hollywood, if they were to walk down the street, they'd blend into the crowd....

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