Ewan McGregor & Melanie Laurent in Paris walking arms linked, holding hands = WTH

think some people do not understand what an open relationship is.

I agree. It is ridiculous to suggest that Ewan's parenting would be in question if he has an open marriage..But I also would assume having an open marriage would be harder when you have children or when the kids are older. Just trying to explain an open marriage to grown folks would get looks. Imagine when you have to tell your children.

To be fair, walking out of a theatre in Paris isn't exactly where they'd expect to be photographed. Melanie lives in Paris and I've yet to ever see a candid of her - I suppose they assumed they weren't being photographed. The pics are very grainy which makes me suspect that they were taken from quite a distance. Perhaps he had no idea there was a photographer about.

I don't think Ewan was that unaware. :innocent:
I think some people do not understand what an open relationship is.
They probably think only men can benefit from this kind of arrangement and thus that only desperate women would agree to give their husbands a 'cheating pass' (and many do, but that's not an open relationship, that's a dysfunctional relationship).

Well for me an open relationship IS a dysfunctional relationship. If you need something from the outside to sustain your relationship then there's clearly something missing and wrong there.
^but that's just your interpretation of what a working relationship is supposed to be like (monogamous). i certainly wouldn't want this for myself, but when both partners are truly happy with this and no feelings are hurt i don't think it's dysfunctional at all
I keep hearing about these women who are just fine with the open marriages they have with their husbands ... but the funny thing is, I have yet to meet or hear from one who really was OK with her husband's affairs.

and you never will.

I'm sure i'm going to get blasted for this but...

There has never been a woman in the history of the world who has said to her husband (and meant it) "Hey, Sweetie.. what I really want to do is f*ck other men. And I'd be thrilled if you would go out and screw other women too!!!" :woot: :rolleyes:

If Eve has agreed to an "open relationship", I assure you, it was his idea...not hers.

I can think of four reasons she would stay with him despite all this: 1) his fame (and all the prestige that goes with it), 2) his money, 3) she loves him, 4) the kids.

In all likelihood, it's a combination of all those things.
Well to each their own. If it works for they and they're happy, why not?

For me, can't wrap my head around the idea of an "open" relationship. And I also think it must be a very difficult concept for children to grasp.
and you never will.

I'm sure i'm going to get blasted for this but...

There has never been a woman in the history of the world who has said to her husband (and meant it) "Hey, Sweetie.. what I really want to do is f*ck other men. And I'd be thrilled if you would go out and screw other women too!!!" :woot: :rolleyes:

i know a woman who said to her husband (and meant it) "Hey, Sweetie.. what I really want to do is f*ck other women. And I'd be thrilled if you would go out and screw other women too!!!" :woot:

i guess your brain is blown ? the funny thing is that the man don't date other people. he actually met her when she already was seeing another woman but they still married. i dont understand their relationship but whatever works. its pretentious to say you know the psychology of everyone on earth.
There has never been a woman in the history of the world who has said to her husband (and meant it) "Hey, Sweetie.. what I really want to do is f*ck other men. And I'd be thrilled if you would go out and screw other women too!!!" :woot: :rolleyes:
Lol! Well, I can't argue against universal knowledge.
ewan mcgregor came with his wife to the screening of his new movie 'ghostwriter' to the Berlinale film festival



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i have a question regarding open relationships (upon seeing this new photo with his wife) -
does it go like this? i mean, partner has a relationship with a person who's not his wife and yet at the same time he is with his wife?
i know it's a dumb question, but, when you're with one person you're splitting time to be with your wife too at the same time? or you put your marriage aside and you're all into this one relationship atm? or there isn't universal way?

once again, i know it's a dumb question, but really, i haven't put much thought in this (until Tilda came out with her relationships) and i would really want to know how this works (if someone knows ppl in open marriages/relationships do tell) ...i'm not judging or anything, just curious....
^dajrekshn, I don't think it's a stupid question since open relationships are very unconventional and there is no guide-books for these type of things.

I can't claim to be speaking from experience but my understanding is that it works for all intend and purpose like a monogamous relationship save for the sexual exclusivity part.
I.e., if a woman in a monogamous relationship were to be sexually attracted to, say, her gym teacher, she would probably refuse to act on it. A woman in an open relationship would be free to pursue that sexual adventure without it constituting a betrayal. But that has to remain just that: a sexual adventure. Or to speak in banking terms: lovers get to benefit from the interests of love but the capital remains firmly with the life partner.

What you describe sounds more to me like either a double life or polygamy, with two homes and two 'spouses'.
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thank you for that explanation.:flower:
i was more wondering from the tehnical part of it, meaning, is it okay for that woman to pursue sex on more than one occasion with that gym teacher or this just stipulates for one time only, meaning she can go into an relationship with that person after awhile or that's becoming a double life?
i'm asking this, cus, if Ewan's indeed with Melanie, there seems to be more than sexual connection cus they're all lovely/dovely outside the bedroom too?
i can't see the difference between double life and open relationship in that case.
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^^ That is where things can get tricky. Every couple is different. There needs to be strict rules. Honesty is the way to go. Some couples agree with having sex with a certain person only once. While other couples agree in having "friendships" with another person. Spending time with them outside the bedroom.An open marriage for me is the freedom of the wife or husband being able be with other people. Both have to agree.But go home to each other. The marriage is still the most imporatant thing. However, every couple and what they are comfortable with is different.

Personally I think having an open marriage is exhausting. It seems too much work. But so does monogamy. Or marriage in general. LOL
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oooh, TY for the explanation. :)
i wouldn't know how to please everyone and how to give the best you can and with the same quality to X number of "wives".cus of that i really don't think this kind of stuff can work for a long time (if it gets to higher level) or at all (but i leave that conclusion each to his own).
I do not believe in open relationships. Nor do I believe they can ever work. There is always someone that will have more to lose. And that is not a good premise to develop a relation. The apologists of the OP always strike me in the exact same level as the apologists of polygamy.

And for the third time, there was NEVER any hint that those two have an open relationship, quite the contrary.Laney never Knows s***, she doesn't know what type of relationship people have even when hits her in the face.

I find it funny that the reason she gives is that she seems to find strange that a man would travel on a bike around the world with a friend(and with a camera crew on the back) if he's not in an open relationship. Plus he did take his wife on the second trip. Or that a married man cannot work abroad for a certain time, unless he's "allowed" to cheat on his wife. Of course it's impossible for me to know what type of relation he has with is wife, but has a fan i can certainly tell there was not a single interview, book, remark, that he ever made that made people conclude something like that.
There's an interview with Ewan in the new Elle, and having read this thread, his comments in it seemed very wink-wink to me. He talks about having just finished two movies with beautiful French actresses and being EXHAUSTED!!! And makes some very flattering comments about Melanie--movie star of the highest caliber, blah blah. He probably feeds his poor wife some line about Method acting and staying in character :p

I'm not gonna say there are no women on earth who are fine with open relationships--I believe there are. But I also think they're pretty damn rare, and that not a single one of them would behave in the hands-on way described earlier in the thread.

If you listen to Goldie Hawn talk about Kurt's other women, her tone is exactly like Elizabeth Edwards' :innocent: To his credit, I suppose, I've never heard about them from him or anywhere else (granted, I don't read tabloids).
There's an interview with Ewan in the new Elle, and having read this thread, his comments in it seemed very wink-wink to me. He talks about having just finished two movies with beautiful French actresses and being EXHAUSTED!!! And makes some very flattering comments about Melanie--movie star of the highest caliber, blah blah. He probably feeds his poor wife some line about Method acting and staying in character :p

Maybe:p. Well he's always extremely complementary about about all his co-stars, much more than any other actor , and he's very candid in all interviews about his numerous and very explicit sex scenes. I sincerely see nothing strange about that.
^ You should go check out the interview at a bookstore and see what you think of what he said ... or maybe someone will be so kind as to scan it. I freely admit I don't care enough to figure out how my scanner works just to bust Ewan :lol:

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