
harivain said:
Wow. U called me Hari. Great! Only my friends call me so. OK better now? Its my message minus all the exaggeration.:D ;)

I must be your friend. Or can't be bothered typing your longer user name. Message much better, calmer, calmer.... :D

Someone should get this back on topic soon! Sorry Mods, my fault.
^^awww....don't apologize johnny...
you guys are cute..!!...:flower:

alrighty then...back on topic folks....:judge:

mikeijames said:
both oprah and martha stewart wear what they feel best in. oprah is hardly hiding in a low cut ferre wrap top and i don't think that martha stewart is hiding her femininity in a gold jacket by chado ralph rucci. these women's personalities exude from what they wear.

you issue of safety is quite valid. i have friends in the city, too and it's a real issue. i'm not advocating making oneself a target. i just think that if a woman wants to wear a slink low-slung a-line mustard skirt to work with a lacy top under a pin striped jacket (as one of my friends is wearing today) she should without thinking that she will not be respected in the work place.

it's fashion, it's appropriate, it's sexy, and it's feminine. and she dresses like that because she looks damn good in it.

I completely agree. You can look sexy AND suitable for the workplace. You hit it on the head and I agree with you wholeheartedly.

Good job in expressing that, hopefully more people will come around to what you've just said.

<3 Me.
oprah is not a good example...she is the practically the ruler of the universe...she doesn't have any worries about getting respect from co-workers...they're all busy licking her boots...

but you can bet she was dressed more conservatively when she was coming up...;)
have you seen early footage of her talk show???!!!...EEK!!!...:ninja:

and i have NEVER once in my life seen martha stewart in anything that could even remotely be called 'sexy' you really know any guys who want to f*ck martha stewart?!?!...:lol:...that woman certainly did not achieve her status and power using T&A...!!..quite the opposite really...she appealed to good old fashioned conservativism...and homeliness...and used some incredible business-saavy...
softgrey said:
and i have NEVER once in my life seen martha stewart in anything that could even remotely be called 'sexy' you really know any guys who want to f*ck martha stewart?!?!...:lol:...that woman certainly did not achieve her status and power using T&A...!!..quite the opposite really...she appealed to good old fashioned conservativism...and homeliness...and used some incredible business-saavy...

So she cashed in on the playing the kitchen-commando instead of the wh*re.:innocent: Martha's still enforcing the tired old virgin/sl*t thing, but props to her for making a meteric assload while doing it.B)
so slinky...
regarding the topic of this thread...
why do you wear the clothes you wear?...:flower:
Well I think sexiness exudes power and control. I like to chanel Samantha Jones, which some people might think is sl*tty and I might sound stupid helena but well that's my idea of style. :P
Very interesting topic, thanks Helena.

I guess Galliano just verbalize what lots of designers must think. I just think that sexy idea of baring almost it all very very cheap looking. the vamp-sexy style totally annoy me.

I think you can be sexy even if you not wearing anything low cut and tight. Its all in the attitude :)
softgrey said:
so slinky...
regarding the topic of this thread...
why do you wear the clothes you wear?...:flower:

Well i do think there is one general thing everyone can agree on...We all dress to look and feel good...More specifc reasons depend on the situation...For example, on a first date one may dress to exude class and standards (to play hard to get) and others seduction and acceptance (to allow themselves to be wooed)...Either way fashion and style are very personal...For an individual, comfort maybe the first and foremost consideration in dressing up and for others yet style maybe their only reason for dressing up...And still, others do not allow style to be compromised by comfort and vice-versa...
truth be told many (note that i didnt say all so if you arent like this dont even bother to attack) wear clothes that make men wanna f*k em whether its a prim prada or sexy versace still something about the clothes brings out this point at least 10mile heels which most women wear to feel sexy>feeling sexy=wanting to be viewed as a sex symbol=wanting to be fckd
Natural and basic bio chemical attraction. Think about it!

i sometimes feel that as a species our natural reassoning for being here has been lost. "to repopulate the earth" and naturaly a quick f##ck will normaly do it. look at the natural world around us guys you ll probably notice that we as "people" read far to deeply into things. though this does make us unique, in the whole grand scheme of things. women like and have evolved a sensious side, yet men have clung onto the fact that through bio chemistry they have to germinate with a quick turn over! i.e "premature ejaculation. was evolved to enable this fact, animals are more in touch with their natural " genetic programing" and are great examples of this fact.​
To concieve you do not need hours of fore-play! But as sensious creatures we do!
AND WOMEN. When we meet someone for the first time we have evolved a pattern of distinction/// or a level of attraction. f###kable or not! it is our most basic and natural instinct. so maybe designers such as JG are just emphasising it! and O M G do they do a good job.
hi gentleman caller...welcome to tfs...

i think this argument that you use about 'it's men's genetic make up to re-populate the earth' a really old and invalid one...

perhaps you do not believe in evolution and think that we are very closely related to cro-magnan man...but looking around this industrialized planet...i would have to say things have changed dramatically since men used to hit women over the head with a rock and drag them off by the hair...

and i do not believe that...
A-i was put on this earth...period...i believe i was born very naturally...
and B- that it is my purpse to re-populate anything...i do not plan on having any children...and i know plenty of other people who don't...and i still have a very full and productive life...with plenty of 'purpose; compare humans who live in a concrete jungle to animals who live in a real really a false argument...i know it's the cliche that people revert back to as an excuse for men's seeming inability to remain faithful...but i know not a few men who would be offended to have this comparison though they have no self-control...
**intelligent men who have other goals in life besides getting laid...

but i agree with urban ...
there are some people who have getting laid as their main goal...:lol:...

i think part of what is so offensive to me is the way galliano phrased his little statement...a woman choosing to dress a certain way in order to attract someone is one thing...and ususally it means she is interested in a guy as a partner...because women as a general rule don't like to just get f*cked and that's it...they usually want a's only the men who want that...and so it's really all about the men...
which seeems ridiculous in this century ...
First of all, I don't know wether it has been said before, but the quote helena gave us, I believe came from the fw 03 rtw collection John did for Dior. And that collection was all about sex, S&M and other erotic stuff.

Second of all, I wear what I wear because it makes me feel good about myself. It's true I guess and I think that everyone in the end wears what they wear to make themselfs feel better. But feeling better can be intepreted in many many ways. It can stretch from feeling comfortable and casual to being checked out by someone else, giving my ego a boost. It all comes down to the same.
My personal motivation is that I can look in a mirror and think about myself "I look pretty good" which is again, an ego thing. It's not necesarily for other people to think that i look great, but more for my selfconfidence I think. It's pretty complicated the more I think of it.
And the more I think of it, the more I think that it all is in the end about what another might think. I can feel as comfortable as I want in a fleece sweater, but I would never wear it in public, because I don't want people to think that I always look like this. Pretty stupid, come to think of it :lol:

Plus softgrey, I don't think that it's an invalid argument at all. We are related to Cro-Magnon, no matter how you twist it. And we still have our ancient comparisons with them. We want sex, 'cause lets face it, everyone wants it at times. Which means we at least have the urge to use our reproductive organs, i.e. reproduce ourselfs. We want success i.e. catching the biggest boar making you and the rest feel better about yourself. It may sound stupid, but it is very true. But I have to admit, we have changed and it's not all the same anymore. But the core is still there and still the same.
Plus softgrey, I don't think that it's an invalid argument at all. We are related to Cro-Magnon, no matter how you twist it. And we still have our ancient comparisons with them. We want sex, 'cause lets face it, everyone wants it at times. Which means we at least have the urge to use our reproductive organs, i.e. reproduce ourselfs. We want success i.e. catching the biggest boar making you and the rest feel better about yourself. It may sound stupid, but it is very true. But I have to admit, we have changed and it's not all the same anymore. But the core is still there and still the same

Humans could well be evolved to eat raw meat and live in the trees with the birds and the bees. A lot of us seem to manage to defy our evolution. The way pop culture treats male and female infidelity/promiscuity differently probably has a much greater influence. Lil Kim might defy Softie's image of women not wanting to 'just get f*cked' but all of her male chums are going on about what 'slick playas' they are because they've got fifteen women on the go at the same time.
that's the problem...
if women dress so that men ONLY want to 'f*ck them'...then they will never get anywhere in life...they will never gain any respect or power...

unless of course they are hookers or strippers...:rolleyes:

i think there are too many people in this thread speaking theoretically...people who arent' women...and have very little concept of what it's's not all high heels and make up, you know...

and the idea that men are running after women because of this pre-historic urge to reproduce is just don't want to have sex with women in order to reproduce...
look how fast they run if a woman becomes's not about's about 'getting your rocks off'...(sorry for my french)...but let's be real about this...people have sex because it 'feels good'...80 year olds have sex and little kids have sexual urges...and none of them is thinking ...'hey, i want to re-populate the planet'...your 'uterus' is a 'reproductive organ'..your vagina is not!!..and you don't need a uterus to have sex...all you need is a vagina...plenty of men who can't produce sperm can still get an erection...

sex and reproduction are obviously linked...but they are definitely not the same thing...

**and what about ALL GAY PEOPLE!!!...they are obviously not trying to what's the explanation for that??...
other than the fact that sex is just fun!!!...

that's why i think the argument is false...:flower:
softgrey said:
that's the problem...
if women dress so that men ONLY want to 'f*ck them'...then they will never get anywhere in life...they will never gain any respect or power...

unless of course they are hookers or strippers...:rolleyes:

i think there are too many people in this thread speaking theoretically...people who arent' women...and have very little concept of what it's's not all high heels and make up, you know...

and the idea that men are running after women because of this pre-historic urge to reproduce is just don't want to have sex with women in order to reproduce...
look how fast they run if a woman becomes's not about's about 'getting your rocks off'...(sorry for my french)...but let's be real about this...people have sex because it 'feels good'...80 year olds have sex and little kids have sexual urges...and none of them is thinking ...'hey, i want to re-populate the planet'...your 'uterus' is a 'reproductive organ'..your vagina is not!!..and you don't need a uterus to have sex...all you need is a vagina...plenty of men who can't produce sperm can still get an erection...

sex and reproduction are obviously linked...but they are definitely not the same thing...

**and what about ALL GAY PEOPLE!!!...they are obviously not trying to what's the explanation for that??...
other than the fact that sex is just fun!!!...

that's why i think the argument is false...:flower:

Oh my, they'd hang you in Texas :lol:
Now, I haven't read the entire thread, but I was certainly appaled at the comment Galliano made. Not only is that unneccessarily vulgar, it also gives a completely false view of modern fashion. To most designers these days fashion is beautiful and something that can be taken to a very intellectual level! If John Galliano thinks he is being refreshingly upbeat by saying things like that, he is wrong. Because today, nothing is as fresh as modest white shirt.
True, men don't run around women to reproduce, but to have sex. But sex is in the core all about reproduction. When a lion does a lioness he doesn't think "I want to reproduce." he just thinks "I have these urges I just need to get rid of" It sounds extremely stupid, but trust me, it's true. It's these urges that make us reproduce and the same urges that make us wanna have sex. The only difference is that humans have evolved their brain in that matter that they can choose to use sex to reproduce or not. But no matter what, sex and reproduction are still the same urge.
i have no urge to reproduce my dear...frankly..the idea horrifies me...
but i like sex very much...;)...

and again...what about all the GAY PEOPLE???>>>!!!>>>hmmmm???...

the argument just doesn't hold up unless you ignore 1/2 the argument...
we are not like lions... lions cannot go to work and sit at a desk and answer a phone (but if they did...i wonder what they would wear??...^_^ )...we do not rip apart other creatures with our teeth, eating them bit by bit...and humans never did...

if anything ...we are more like monkeys...
who chase each other around having sex several times a day and who masturbate all the time...

oh ...hello?...what about masturbation? that driven by a reproductive urge as well?..i don't think so...hard to reproduce when you're all alone..:lol:...i and reproduction are not the same matter what you read or heard somewhere...

***although it is ironic that galliano just sent a bunch of pregnant ladies down the runway...i guess it was all that f*cking that happened while wearing his other clothes that did it... ;) :lol:
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