1. What do women really want when they wear clothes?
Apart from the usual warmth/protection from the elements, when I wear my work clothes, I need a certain amount of comfort & professionalism. I'm a massage therapist in a doctor's office in a business district. So it's got to be polished, but not too form-fitting. Weekends, I still want to be comfortable: so it's jeans and a Tshirt. Sometimes, the Tshirt has a message, which may or may not be in earnest. When I'm going out to a nightclub or what-have-you, I assess the event and choose whatever subcultural costume will make me blend in. Sometimes, I do the "sexy" thing: makeup, skirt, heels, perfume. I have the tailored, designer pieces which make me look "money", but I'd rather live in Tshirt and jeans, honestly. That's why I'm always posting in the gossip section, really. I love fashion on others, on me it looks like I'm trying much too hard.
What I "really want" is to make an impression as someone who cares enough about myself to be clean and groomed. Caring about yourself first demonstrates you're capable of recognizing others' efforts, sartorial and otherwise. I will never be a fashion plate, not with all the money and leisure in the world: I do not look down upon those who are.
2. I don't think designers view us women "purely as objects of sexual desire", at least not their sexual desire, as many of them aren't on our sexual-preference team. I think many (gay male) designers view us purely aesthetically, yet more reverently and honestly than any straight man or woman could. Everybody has a mother, everybody has an image of ideal womanhood. Ditching concepts of sexual preference altogether, I can look upon another woman and say she's dressed or is "sexy" without feeling she's just a sex object, with no envy or confusion as to my own sexual preference. Anyone with any intelligence or maturity, regardless of their sexual preference, is well aware that a human being of limitless depth exists naked behind the costume.
3. Sexy is what you're imprinted with at an early age. I had a dumpy roommate who wore ill-fitting clothes on a doughy frame, yet her long, shapeless skirts featured a mile-high back-slit and milk-white stockings, paired with Birkenstocks, a fierce intelligence, and a blue-eyed, elvin grin. She was like a Hobbit librarian hooker. Her devotees are out there in droves. Like my grandma said, "Every pot has a lid." No matter your appearance, don't sweat it, sincerely...