For Every Season CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE - transition from summer to fall


flaunt the imperfection
Jan 28, 2004
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some decent tips here...

Variable to good weather
(Filed: 05/09/2005)

In late summer your wardrobe should be as changeable as the weather, writes Charlotte Mackaness

Choosing clothes can be a struggle at the best of times, but the transition from summer to autumn is particularly tricky. The weather is still mild and there's the annual tantalising promise of an Indian summer; yet shops and magazines are full of wintry clothes in rich colours and cosy materials. It can be hard to resist the temptation to pick up new pieces and wear them straight away, but there's nothing cool about sweating under heavy fabric, however fashionable. ...:P

By selecting pieces that straddle both seasons, it's possible to satisfy the urge to shop and the need to update your wardrobe. "Cropped trousers and jackets, and wrap dresses are everywhere at the moment. These are excellent buys," says Jenny Siese, a personal shopper at Fenwick of Bond Street. "I particularly like wrap dresses because they're so versatile. You can wear them with sandals and flip-flops, or with opaque tights and boots once the weather turns colder. Wraps are good news for women of all shapes and sizes, as they flatter curves but also help to soften boyish figures."

Although autumn-winter collections are more tailored than summer's carefree clothes, haphazard layering is still prevalent. The result is what stylist Chloe Beeney describes as "dishevelled chic", which is ideal for unpredictable conditions. For instance, shrugs and capes work equally well with a skinny top or over a thick polo-neck. "You can add or remove layers as you need," says Chloe. "And don't worry about mismatched lengths, textures or patterns - anything goes."

Adaptability is just as important when it comes to colour, especially with key pieces such as trousers and jackets. Heritage fabrics and dense, Highland-inspired hues are perfect for later in the year, but only grouse-shooting enthusiasts would consider them summer staples. Caramels, nudes and creams are classic colours that work with both a winter and summer palette. "Metallics are another good bet during this transitional period as they look great with everything," says Beeney.

Cropped trousers look equally good worn with bare legs and Mary Janes or with thick tights and boots.However, cropped trousers should be worn with care - cutting off the leg makes your bottom look larger. Heels help to lengthen legs, and wearing boots the same colour as the trousers will elongate them further.

Cropped jackets, especially with a military feel, are big news. However, the high cut highlights the midriff. Unless you've got a flat tummy that you wish to show off, distract the eye with appealing detailing above or below this area - a Victorian-style ruffled shirt is ideal.

Shrugs, capes and boleros come in styles to suit all tastes and shapes. (not so sure about this one myself)...:ermm:

Tank tops are a fun way of layering with any kind of shirt, whether it's a T-shirt or something more tailored. They are generally flattering, but watch out for short ones that allow tummies to protrude.

Wrap dresses are incredibly versatile and flattering. *-personally i' just say all dresses

Metallics go with just about any colour, but it's best to limit them to accessories.

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feel free to add tips of your own...:wink:

i am big on LAYERING...
yes . .
layering always !
makes yr whole wardrobe much more versatile . . !
i don't think i ever wear just one top . . :ninja: unless it's a really summery day ! :lol:
a pair of black/ coloured leggings so that you can transition the sheer summery skirts right into fall......
When you live in a warm climate, I think you have to become expert at this ...

What I do is take a single piece from the next season and mix it back with pieces from the previous season and pieces I wear all year round.

For example: Before my jeweled shoes lost a jewel, they were the key piece of my transitional wardrobe. I was wearing my ivory layered sweaters I bought for spring with either a long brown cotton knit skirt I wear year-round or the brown jeans I bought for fall with the jeweled ballets I bought for fall. This is also the time of year that I wear heavier cotton knits that aren't appropriate when the sun is beating down.

Conversely, in the spring I'll wear a long-sleeved light-colored sweater with a light-weight spring skirt.
Tights, leggings, long sleeved tops and lots of layering tricks can all help to convert summery clothes into winter mode.
susie_bubble said:
Tights, leggings, long sleeved tops and lots of layering tricks can all help to convert summery clothes into winter mode.

Agree w/ the long sleeved tops and layering tips. Also using some lighter garments, such as the long sleeved tops mentioned above, in darker colors can also be a good strategy for welcoming the fall/winter state of mind.
I'm all for knitwear, thin and thick in all materials; easy to layer and works any season.* :heart:

*except for really hot summer days, an airy cotton or linen shirt is the best when you feel like you're melting...
Yeah knitwear is good...i'm still kicking myself for not buying one of those basic Miu Miu cotton knit polos this past s/s season, while they were on sale. They were really soft, but probably fragile.
Something else I do ... perforated suede skirt with black T and flats for transition, later with layered black sweaters, tights, and black suede boots ...
Great topic! Thanks for the article, Soft & the input everyone :flower:

I would add skirts to the dresses category, too. I wear all but my linen skirts in the winter with tights/boots as some have mentioned and a sweater and/or jacket. I'd also extend cropped jackets to any jacket :wink:
Wear some of your summer clothes but with ballet flats or some simular pump style shoe, so then your toes stay toasty but with out feeling all winterish in boots etc. or too summery in sandels etc.
advice from the times for giving up the boho look and moving onto an autumn lady...

Six steps to giving up boho

1. ease out the layered skirts in favour of slim or pencil skirts, or clean, sweeping A-lines

2. banish smocks and drapy tops and replace with neat blouses and cardigans

3. resolve to include one tailored piece in your outfit every day

4. invest in a pair of new black trousers

5. invest in a great, structured bag

6. dump all pale gloopy lip glosses and try some stronger colour
i'm still having trouble because the temp changes from minute to minute now...
much like the british isles...
cold and rainy to hot and humid ...all in the same day...

i'd like to hear from our members in england, ireland and scotland regarding how they deal with such fickle weather...
come on guys...
what's the secret??...:wink:

my friend in london says that british girls are just made from hearty stock...
but i don't buy it...

*so what do you do...
just accept that you will freeze or melt at times ...
or do you have tricks for dealing with such weather conditions?...
layers ! :heart:
& carrying a pashmina / woollen shawl
can be v.versatile in how it's worn
depending on how warm you need to be
pinned w/colourful cute brooches . . wrapped . . folded . . :heart: !
as for the rain . . a cute lil umbrella :wink:
oh yes...
i have a cashmere wrap i used to carry around...
that's a good idea...i forgot about that...
thanks chanel!!...:flower:

and i do carry a tiny blk/why polka dot umbrella...

this is what happens...
it gets so blasted hot in the summer that you forget how to deal with cold weather...
i swear happens every single year...

softgrey said:
this is what happens...
it gets so blasted hot in the summer that you forget how to deal with cold weather...
i swear happens every single year...


Definitely. That's when I get sick the most. Except this summer - I was SO ready for the fall, I was begging for it, literally :D
one word- scarves - where would the french be without them. simply change from cotton to silk to mohair to casmere....

It's getting to be that time again ... I think these pre-fall shoes are going to be a great transitional item. I love peeptoe shoes for this reason ... you can wear them barefoot till it gets cold, and then add tights. I didn't realize it till I wore them, but these are really a modified oxford ...

I will also break out my 3/4 sleeve cashmere-blend sweaters ...


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knitwear is practical for this time.. not cold enough for a jacket but too cold for bare arms

I also find accesories work well bringing in winter trends in bit by bit

leggings and thing tights and socks work well in this weather i find

I also layer alot

Im so glad i live in england and i dont vary my clothes much from season to season haha the weathers always bad here haha... i never really haev to do the whole summer dressing thing haha

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