Forbes' The Five Most Important People in Modeling

ugh I know what you mean... I'm supposed to be studying calc for my test tomorrow, and I'm here on TFS!
i think i have said it already. it's not how many times a models face is plastered to a glossy or on every billboards. its the MONEY -- how much it pays.
Uh hi, you might as well remember that this thread is about the most influential people in modelling not how much money their contracts get them or else galliano and Dior or Prada would have featured in the top five before Aerin Lauder (re-read the description of each person of the list, money or how much money they win by getting a contract isn't mentioned in any of the paragraph),however the names of the models they've been involved ARE,or else Meisel's name wouldn't be mentioned (since he's not the one getting them the contracts) so that's not how MUCH these people pay them but how influent their decisions in choosing a model can effective for a model's career and Meisel/Anna Wintour got their names out there because they've influenced a lot of models career not just two or three.

If it's the money, then clearly l'Oreal should have been mentioned since they're the most important cosmetic brand (l'Oreal makes a 14 billions a year, Estee Lauder makes a mere 5...Do you think Estee Lauder pay them more than l'Oreal ? I doubt so)

Besides, I've never said that the number of times their faces get plastered on a billboard was important but how many models's career these have influenced was.I think there is a difference between the two , right ?
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Uh hi, you might as well remember that this thread is about the most influential people in modelling not how much money their contracts get them or else galliano and Dior or Prada would have featured in the top five before Aerin Lauder (re-read the description of each person of the list, money or how much money they win by getting a contract isn't mentioned in any of the paragraph),however the names of the models they've been involved ARE,or else Meisel's name wouldn't be mentioned (since he's not the one getting them the contracts) so that's not how MUCH these people pay them but how influent their decisions in choosing a model can effective for a model's career and Meisel/Anna Wintour got their names out there because they've influenced a lot of models career not just two or three.

If it's the money, then clearly l'Oreal should have been mentioned since they're the most important cosmetic brand (l'Oreal makes a 14 billions a year, Estee Lauder makes a mere 5...Do you think Estee Lauder pay them more than l'Oreal ? I doubt so)

Besides, I've never said that the number of times their faces get plastered on a billboard was important but how many models's career these have influenced was.I think there is a difference between the two , right ?

uh, if you knew what kind of magazine it was written from you'd know it's alll about the money . and modeling is not just a face and how many times it lands a cover. every model wants to snag the biggest paycheck from a client, hence. the title.
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uh, if you knew what kind of magazine it was written from you'd know it's alll about the money . and modeling is not just a face and how many times it lands a cover. every model wants to snag the biggest paycheck from a client, hence. the title.

Then why do you think I've mentioned a brand like l'Oreal , smartarse ?

Because if it was just about the paychecks, l'Oreal should have been cited first or even Prada or Dior.

And why are Steven Meisel or Anna Wintour mentioned ?

beCuZ it'S nOT juST aBouT THe MonEYZ.
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And that's why I'm surprised that Meisel does ANTM.


also, I agree that Aerin shouldn't be on the list, just for the mere fact that Estee Lauder models are already hugely successful models when they are signed, their careers aren't made from those contracts, its just another thing to add to their successes
I think Steven Meisel came to everybody's mind.


I think this is a pretty accurate list overall, but I will admit that I'm a little iffy on Aerin's inclusion on this list. However, there is no denying that Aerin and her business are prominent influences in this industry.
Estee Lauder models are already hugely successful models when they are signed, their careers aren't made from those contracts, its just another thing to add to their successes

au contraire. the only hugely successful are the celebs that adorned Estee campaigns. whereas, the models aren't , that is until they were personally hand picked by Aerin. like Carolyn, she really didn't catapulted her career till she got Estee. then everything else just fell into place for her, in terms of money and as one of the highly paid models.

That's complete nonsense.

Are you kidding ?

Carolyn got the 'Model of the Year' Vogue/VH1 award in 1998 and was featured on the 'Models of the Millenium' cover in 1999, if that's not a proof that she was a successful model before .Hell, I even can remember her walking for Prada or Burberry back in 1996.So sorry, I don't know if you work for Estee Lauder, but that's not getting a contract with them that made her a famous/successful model.She only got it in 2001.She had quite a successful career going on before she got a contract with them.So no, sorry, it's not like 'everything fell into place ' when she got it.

In terms in recongition in the modeling world, Carolyn got it a loooooooooooooong time before she got the Estee Lauder campaign.You tend to confuse money and recognition a bit too much.If anything I think I remember more Carolyn's campaigns and editorials before she got a contract with Estee Lauder than after or even now.
I mean. that's like saying that Daria wasn't successful before she got the Lancome contract.
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Actually, most of her editorials and covers appeared during the highlight of her career as in during 1996-1999 (she appeared more than 10 times on cover of the U.S Vogue, and 'W' before she got her Estee Lauder contract , which is twice more than the number of covers she got after getting it) campaigns (Calvin Klein,Versace,Missoni), same thing for the catwalk appearances , she was more successful back then (walking for Chanel,Chloe, Dior mainly during 1996/1998) than after she got the contract .

If anything, getting a contract with them seemed like the achievement of her career but that's CERTAINLY NOT what catapulted it.
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Originally Posted by nanker_phledge
Aerin Lauder's came out as being a surprise to me, I would have never thought of her as being one of the most important people in modeling.

Originally Posted by smartarse
the Estee Lauder Cosmetics campaign is one of the most coveted contract a model hopes for. to have Aerin take interest in you (as a model,) is like winning the lottery

first of all, THE ABOVE QUOTE, is the basis of my argument with you not Carolyn's career. Secondly, no doubt you do not know the industry. In my observation most who follow the models on tfs only knows one side of the whole spectrum of what these girls and guys have done or did or achieved. There's more to just being awarded a VH-1 Model of the Year, walking in one or two cool shows like Prada, D&G, and the like or having a campaign that are not exclusive to one girl etc... case in point it's more than beauty ,or what you've listed in regards, to Carolyn's modeling achievements nor do i dispute her achievements either.
  • catapulted meant her earnings in modeling not what she's done. a model can have so many editorials, covers and runway shows and earn next to nil in terms of dollars but earns exposure.
Forbes basis on its summations of the important people in modeling is not just the exposure (Anna, Meisel, Ivan) its also the money (Aerin and Razek)

that's why i agree with Forbes on listing Aerin. i already said my reasons
not repeating myself—just going in circles. And by your arguments you seem to think you know more than the industry and Forbes which clearly you do not. Me, however, don’t argue with Forbes. :lol:

GRRRRR... have you know I missed my chat with Tanya D b/c your post popped up on my blackberry thus distracting and made me laughed out loud. :argg:
Forbes basis on its summations of the important people in modeling is not just the exposure (Anna, Meisel, Ivan) its also the money (Aerin and Razek)

major exposure = top money
My previous post was QUITE OBVIOUSLY related to the one you made above it, not to the argument we had before.

I was also commenting about this which was total nonsense to me :
the only hugely successful are the celebs that adorned Estee campaigns. whereas, the models aren't , that is until they were personally hand picked by Aerin

Tell me what Carolyn has achieved and has been successful in after she got 'handpicked by the hand of God'.My point was simply , I repeat, that Carolyn Murphy has done more career wise before she got her contract than after (and basically it wasn't two or three campaigns but a whole lot more), by far, so no, saying that she wasnt hugely successful before she got her contract is NONSENSE .If she hadn't been really successful before, then she wouldn't have got the Estee Lauder contract.

I said that I disagreed with Aerin Lauder featuring there because there are other people in the business who got more lucrative contracts (because basically Estee Lauder isn't the MOST successful brand in the fashion/BEAUTY department.Think l'Oreal and I'm sure that a lot of fashion brands are) with a lot more models than just two and whose models who represent them are a lot more successful than Carolyn or Liya.

Estee Lauder in terms of money ISN'T the most lucrative contract you could get.Handpicking two models doesn't make you the most influential/successful in the modeling world .
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Oops, I got mixed up. Still, he'd probably like to be with Twiggy *wink wink*
For some reason, Meisel's name was the first one to spring to mind when I read the title.
Me too! He's just fantastic. He's put a heck load of girls on the map!
it would have never crossed my mind to call Aerin "powerful", influential yes, but not powerful.....

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