Hilary Rhoda named Estée's newest spokesmodel

She looks so young there. They toned down her eyebrows!
i love that even though it's super airbrushed it still looks nice. i agree with la bordelique that it's got a serene vibe
The picture is a bit on the bland side, but afterall it's skin care... I don't like the expression or lack of on Hilary's face.
oh how over airbrushed.

can't wait to see other images.
The new photograph is very plain, but really gorgeous. :clap: Go, Hilary!
well that doesnt looks so bad but it is so simple!!they should try sth. more crowd.
love the new ad she kinda looks like a younger sharon stone
I think she looks fantastic and can't wait to see more.
Estee Lauder have a nice little group of models working for them at the moment and quite diverse too. Well impressed.
Her face looks photo shopped on to someone else's body! Hilary is one of the prettiest models out there yet they take her & make her look horrible! The pose, the hair, the make-up, the lighting it is all hideous!
I don't understand why Estée would have a spokesmodel like Hilary and, instead of embracing her unique face, airbrush her to no end. The final result is beautiful, but it's not Hilary.
I'de buy that product with her face selling it :blush: Good for Hilary, she's getting up there!

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