It's kinda sad when the guy who has been ripped off is being slagged instead of the one who ripped him off. Blaming the victim? And no, it's not *always* about the money - the amount awarded isn't that much, and it's a bit insulting to insinuate this of someone's character without actual knowledge of that person. Isn't it possible that it is exactly as Klein claimed, that he feels his integrity as an artist has been compromised? The court has decided that it was in fact plagiarism and not dismissed it as inconsequential, and the court is privy to all the facts and details, not us. I'm sure Dior's own legions of highly paid attorneys would have tried to settle, to dig up as much dirt and to cast aspersions on Klein's claims,etc., and they lost. Accept the judgement. Whether it is Galliano himself who did this, I won't claim to know, but Dior did plagiarize, that's established by a court of law who had to follow strict parameters of rules to make such judgement. If you have compelling evidence that Dior didn't plagiarize, by all means contact their attorney to offer them the evidence.