Galliano fined for copying imagery

Um, the advertisements are blatant copies. The images are not the same, but the concept is surely a noticeable rip off. This is the same issue that goes on with music sampling. If you dont clear it first, you get in trouble. Simple as that.
I completely agree with birdofparadise on this. Yes, the images are very, very similar. But it seems extreme to say he blatantly ripped off an artists work. Yes, obviously the paitings were the influence for the ads, but to call Galliano a ripoff artist because of that?

The images are not the same, but the concept is surely a noticeable rip off
Sums up my point exactly. Have the copyright holders of Guy Bourdin or Helmut Newton's work sued anyone for creating editorials and ad campaigns that are clearly influenced by, but are not actual copies of their photographs?
^well,you are right about that. i know madge could have been sued by bourdin for that blatant rip-off video she did a three years ago.

having said that,i don't know much about this guy's work to really make a specific assesment about this. i truly do not abide by copy-cats....everybody knows. but i never knew,in spite of all his annoying antics at Dior,Galliano to blatantly copy people.
It seems like all crapy things are happening to Galliano this year, hopefully this whole issue wont affect the company or himself.
What next: Is Yves Klein going to start suing for Yves Klein blue being used in the media then... Or The Libertines could sue every mainstream indie band who've released an album since 2003.
I'm with the artists on the line of divide. Artists have developed disstinctive signatures in their media, and if you just copy their "signatures" to sell and make a profit, it looks like they have been co-opted in your advertising campaign and it could cost them their integrity and credibility in the art world. Copying a well-known artist like Guy Bourdin or Helmut Newton is also another story. People in the circle would say, "That's so Bourdin.", and know for a fact that Madonna copied his signature. For lesser known artists, the damage is huge, as it could be the other way round, this guy copied the Dior ads, especially when Dior ads are plastered all over the world while the obscure artist only shows in galleries. Anyway, that $250K award is peanuts compared to what Dior rakes in a day. What's more important is for the luxury brands to be given a slap for "stealing" ideas while suing others for stealing theirs!
This is a blatant ripoff...and I must say I prefer the design when paired with the original Klein photographs :innocent:

[scanned by me,]
It probably is Galliano's fault, but this Klein fellow is being a ******. Artists copy each other all the time, why is he being all hungus?
^everyone wants to get some cash from john, im sure.

if it's some poor, no name artist/designer that copies klein...i bet he wouldnt even think twice about money.
It's kinda sad when the guy who has been ripped off is being slagged instead of the one who ripped him off. Blaming the victim? And no, it's not *always* about the money - the amount awarded isn't that much, and it's a bit insulting to insinuate this of someone's character without actual knowledge of that person. Isn't it possible that it is exactly as Klein claimed, that he feels his integrity as an artist has been compromised? The court has decided that it was in fact plagiarism and not dismissed it as inconsequential, and the court is privy to all the facts and details, not us. I'm sure Dior's own legions of highly paid attorneys would have tried to settle, to dig up as much dirt and to cast aspersions on Klein's claims,etc., and they lost. Accept the judgement. Whether it is Galliano himself who did this, I won't claim to know, but Dior did plagiarize, that's established by a court of law who had to follow strict parameters of rules to make such judgement. If you have compelling evidence that Dior didn't plagiarize, by all means contact their attorney to offer them the evidence.
And no, artists don't copy eachother all the time - it is a complete insult to anyone who is a true artist, not a plagiarist. Artists sometimes "quote" eachother, eg. Duchamp's "Mona Lisa", but the intention is not to pass the work of another as one's own, but to add a new dimension. Copying another is plagiarism, and that is subject to the same laws that protect intellectual property. In the end, it is the degree of plagiarism and the intention of the act of copying. If it is a clueless kid who doesn't know better, then what is the point of prosecuting if a warning would suffice? But if the plagiarist is making a huge commercial profit, then yeah, that is the worst.
thank you zazie ^_^ you expressed that so perfectly.

and having seen the images side by side,now,that's really disgusting. it's completely like the original and anybody who says it's not needs their eyes examined. sorry but as i said before....i do not abide by copying and this is just terrible. just as i was beginning to find some kind of respect for galliano again,he does something like this. no.
zazieee, go girl go

it's a shame (from Galliano's part) and i even suspect it was his very own 'idea', he might have 'asked' for something strongly inspired by the original artwork.
on the other hand, this is quite common in fashion
sad as it is, almost everyone out there is been consiously ripping off someone else..

Galliano, in a delirium of faux-grandeur, obviously thought he was 'untouchable'
that nobody would have the guts, the time or the money to openly chase up the 'god' of the house of dior

right :D

i'm so glad the artist spoke up
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i know it's not always about the money, and yes, galliano should be corrected from his overlooking of things.
but really...i highly doubt klein would careless if it's some small time artist that copied his work because the small artist doesnt have the bigger fame. where as galliano is one of the most highly rated designers right now, i would think there are people out there that will get him when ever they can. of course...this incident is mostly blamed on galliano and his people for being so careless since he is a very high profile person and should get at least a warning about his copyright issues.
personally...from my gut feeling...klein is probably giggling inside thinking he brought such terrible reputation to a high profile designer. if he really wants to resovle this issue, im sure there are other more reserved ways to do so and not so widely spread by the press.

edit: it is quite horrid of galliano to be so up front about his 'creativity'. he does seem like he's so consumed by his praise for being original and creative that he forgot he's coping others. honestly...i think he's a great designer..but alot of times he's gone too far with his inspirations that his clothes looks like costume designers rather than clothes to wear. too much coping...too little digesting
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Oh wow, those big companies are able and more than willing to have everything seized that looks slightly like their own stuff, calling it design patent injury. And then they go and steal other people's ideas???
Thats poor. :judge:
^Very true...Galliano's going to have a hard time criticizing the makers of the Canal St. knockoffs of his bags after this :doh:

P.S. Well said Zazie! I completely agree :flower:
i read the original article posted...
and it SAYS...
that it is not 'inspired' by william klein's work...
it IS william klein's work that was ACTUALLY lifted and used...

so THAT my dears is the difference..
they didn;'t even make new photos...they used HIS....
WITHOUT his permission....
this is ILLEGAL....
just like you can't sample a song without paying royalties to the person who did the original...

what is confusing?...
there is nothing to argue about...
stealing is not matter who does it...period...

copying might be a grey area...but this is just plain STEALING...
case closed...

*how did they think they would get away with it...???
that is the puzzling part...
I'd be honoured to have Galliano copy my art. So should Klein...he's being a loser...get over it.

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