Getting dressed - easy or difficult?


oh! darling
Dec 17, 2005
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I saw an Elle podcast about the women that work there. The cameras took us to their homes and showed us their closets.

It seemed that even with more clothing that could fill a department store, these women still have a hard time deciding what to wear in the morning.

As for me, it seems as if I don't have enough clothes. I have to rotate. I always think that if I had this or that, I could pull off an awesome outfit no sweat before leaving the house.

Is this the case for everyone? Is your closet with flooding with clothing that you can browse and pull out something to wear right away? Or, is it that you have too much stuff and can't decide or still feel as if you have nothing to wear?
^ I should think it would be hard to get ready with more clothes than can fill a department store :wink:

I have a compact wardrobe that works well, and can always find something to wear quickly. It's rare that I change after choosing my first outfit ...
i think most women have too much stuff and can't decide or still feel as if they have nothing to wear.

I have a solid basic staple which I can pair up with almost every top/cardigan/sweater/tee I have, so getting ready is never a problem for me:D
I agree. I have so much that I can't ever really decide. I usually go to dark skinny denim and a loose white tee, when in a rush. But I think if I had fewer pieces and I LOVED them all, then it wouldn't be so hard. I have a lot that are so-so, or just need to be altered to fit/flatter me better. I've got to stop buying clothes that I don't love..
My answer to this changes everyday, really! Sometimes I feel like there's too many options to choose from when getting dressed, and other times there doesn't seem to be enough. I usually think about what I'm going to wear the night before, but factors like weather can occasionally interfere with my planned outfit.

I have a few sweaters that match with most of my dresses, so it's really just a matter of picking one. Now, how come it doesn't seem that simple when it's 6 AM and I'm trying to come up with an outfit?
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I make it hard than it ever should be, haha. I have the same problem about never feeling like I have anything. When I bought my apartment, I actually had to later renovate it to make a bigger closet/dressing space. I'm always buying too much, because I never feel like I have enough. My friends always tell me "you could actually open your own clothing store and make a mint". It's hell getting dressed when I have to rush :lol: But for the most part, it takes me about 30 minutes to 1 hour to figure it out. Terrible, no?
I can see how it would be difficult to find something to wear when you have a huge wardrobe.

I have maybe a medium sized wardrobe, but I usually get dressed pretty fast. I think this is because I usually have a set of outfits that are on heavy rotation according to my style mood for the year/season/etc. Whenever I buy something new, I usually try it on in a bunch of outfits to see how it fits in, so I already know what outfits I have. I mainly get in trouble when I imagine a new outfit in head and try it out in the morning ... about 1/3 of the time, the new outfit is a miss, and I have to change.
It really does depend on the day. Some mornings I wake up and know exactly what I want to wear, I put on the outfit, am pleased and walk right out the door. Other days its an absolute struggle to find anything I am satisfied with. I don't think it has to do with how much clothing you have, but more with what your mood is. For me, no matter how much I have I always end up strictly rotating the same 10 pieces for continued periods. So, in theory choosing an outfit should not be hard, but its such a personal and psychological thing sometimes that it becomes difficult.
It's easier when I have a piece of clothing (or an item) I really feel like wearing. Then, sometimes, I am able to come up with an idea quickly. But when I start to agonize over it, it takes longer and seems like I have nothing to wear. I do better in a hurry. But I too have so many things, that I forget about stuff sometimes or I just don't feel like digging for it, thus making it difficult.
sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's hard. when it's hard though.. it's REALLY hard.
The one thing that makes it most difficult for me (& probably lot of other people in UK) is the weather. Can be warm & sunny when I first get dressed, then by the time I come to go out, its pouring down & blowing a gale, so I get changed. Get into town, the wind drops & the sun comes back out! I usually take a large bag (with brolly in at least) and can either add or discard sweatshirt, hoody, net jacket etc.
Sooo difficult!:doh: I have wayy to many clothes.
Plus last week and now its raining on and off so thats a drag
I think that sometimes it´s really easy others really difficult, i think it depends on a lot of factors such as one´s mood, the time you have, the amount of new clothes, etc.

Lately it has been a bit difficult because i am a bit tired of my clothes and wished i had lots of money to spend on new items, so i just have to arrange something between the old (which is a lot) and the new (very few). :s

I never choose clothes in the morning, always the night before to save time in the morning and to think properly rather than choosing something so quickly that i then regret it trough the day! lol
I also actually find I get dressed better when I don't have enough time to think about it!
I just grab whatevers first in my closet or on the floor and make it work.
Somedays I even do too much in so little time .

If I do get complimented on my outfit my answer is usually because I only had 10 minutes to run out the door!
i find it hard. i find my self constantly hating my wardrobe or finding that things dont fit me right. then i just throw on something that i hate. perhaps i need a good closet cleaning.
I usually give at least a little bit of consideration the night before as to what I'm going to wear the next day, but I think we all have mornings when nothing looks like it's supposed to when you actually put it on. :flower:
Usually when I am bloated around my period days. I will try on about 5 outfits and hate all of them. Everything just feels wrong of feels to tight.
I find it difficult. I never know what to wear, so I always pick the sames thing because I know that looks good.
I usually give at least a little bit of consideration the night before as to what I'm going to wear the next day, but I think we all have mornings when nothing looks like it's supposed to when you actually put it on. :flower:

some nights I have a hard time falling asleep because I am contemplating on what to wear!:lol:
I usually find it hard. My problem is that I dont have a ton of clothes to begin with, and then lots of it is dressier clothes that I rarely get to wear. So I feel like I'm wearing the same thing too much and ignoring too much of my wardrobe.

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