Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
Have you ever uploaded a collection or a large batch of images? I have and I can see both sides of it because like you, I like seeing full-sized pictures, but I have also posted collections and that can be a very laborious, multi-step process, although there may be short-cuts and tools that I am unfamiliar with. Furthermore most image hosts create thumbnails as part of the uploading process and image shack is the only one that I know that you can go in and manually edit the code to create a full-size image, with others you have to either upload an image at a time or grab the code for a full-sized picture an image at a time but not as a batch, again there may be techniques that I don't know about. The point I am getting at is not so much that people should be satisfied with thumbnail images, although it is not an either-or thing because it is good to see the details in an HQ image, rather if this is something that people want to see more of, then those of us who do should to start pitching in to make it happen.I hate thumbnails. I really do. I don't have all the time in the world to open each one and wait for it to load while being bombarded with p*rn ads on the imagehost. PLEASE don't post thumbnails, I know I'm not the only one because I just got a bunch of karma comments saying the same.
can we just rename this 'Valentino' and be deliriously happy with it? and can whatever those 2 purse designers have in store?
i see how people see Chanel in it, but imo this seems a lot warmer, more inviting than Chanel, which has been rather cold recently...
can we just rename this 'Valentino' and be deliriously happy with it?