Gisele Bundchen

mikaeljansson Gisele, fresh as the new year to come.*

inezandvinoodh Dearest*@gisele*what an incredible new book spanning your career you just send us! It holds the most amazing collections of images that all show your life energy , exquisite beauty and truth . Many complements to*@gb65*for this so perfectly 'Gisele-ish' designed book we are proud to be a part of it! Kisses iv*@taschenbooks

Gisele is the celeb with most commercials aired on Brazilian tv in 2015

Gisele Bundchen tops ranking of famous TV commercial
In 2015 model was the 2nd year in a row to lead the ranking.
List has Zeze Di Camargo and Luciano, Marilia Gabriela and Aline Strike.
For the second year, the model Gisele Bündchen was the celebrity that most appeared in advertisements on Brazilian television in 2015, ranking second Control Competition, which monitors the advertising market.
The poster girl, which in April announced his farewell to the catwalk, during the Sao Paulo Fashion Week, after 20 years of career, appeared in 2015 on 8,527 commercial inserts broadcast television, according to the ranking in campaigns of Sky brands, P & G , Carolina Herrera and Colcci.

1st Gisele Bündchen, 8527 (Carolina Herrera, Colcci, P & G and Sky)
2nd Zeze di Camargo, 7308 (Embracon Group, Marabraz, T4F Entertainment, Zaeli food) 3rd Luciano, 7192 (Embracon Group, IBCC Breast Cancer, Marabraz, T4F Entertainment)
Gisele,Tom,Vivian watching Benjamin's hockey game, Boston, January 9, 2016
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GISELE is the new face of Brazilian shoe brand AREZZO. She will work with Giovanni Bianco once again.
G said that fashion isn't her focus anymore, that's why I think we won't see her everywhere, but she also added that still she has fashion contracts and will work.
Soon we'll see new campaigns for Brazilian brands Arezzo and Colcci. Unknown shoot wih Luigi&Iango. They tagged kerastase, but as Luigi said it was not for kerastase campaign.Also I remember when G posted pictures from new project named: Say A Little Prayer.

Plus campaigns for: Chanel N5, Chanel Les Beiges, Under Armour, Falabella, GB Intimates, Sky, Oral B Brasil, Pantene, Vivara.
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She is no longer with Grendene and Oral B. And no confirmation yet about her contracts with Vivara and Sky, which she usually shoots around january/february. The same for Falabella, as she signed a 2-year contract and it is supposed to end in march.
In Brazil she has confirmed Colcci, GB Intimates, Pantene and now Arezzo.
Around the world she has Chanel N5, Les Beiges and Under Armour. And we dont know if she will allow Carolina Herrera to still use her image from 212 this year.
As we can see she is actually very restricted now. Its part of her decision.
In my opinion she will only leave home now for big contracts in terms of campaign, Vogue covers (or special issues of other magazines) and events for UN, MET or a brand she has a contract. Otherwise we won't see her that often.
She is no longer with Grendene and Oral B. And no confirmation yet about her contracts with Vivara and Sky, which she usually shoots around january/february. The same for Falabella, as she signed a 2-year contract and it is supposed to end in march.
In Brazil she has confirmed Colcci, GB Intimates, Pantene and now Arezzo.
Around the world she has Chanel N5, Les Beiges and Under Armour. And we dont know if she will allow Carolina Herrera to still use her image from 212 this year.
As we can see she is actually very restricted now. Its part of her decision.
In my opinion she will only leave home now for big contracts in terms of campaign, Vogue covers (or special issues of other magazines) and events for UN, MET or a brand she has a contract. Otherwise we won't see her that often.

Its important to add she is also with Pantene in North America
thanks, all ^_^

Gisele and Tom watching Benjamin's hockey game in Boston, January 17, 2016
Gisele and Tom watching Benjamin's hockey game in Boston, January 17, 2016
Fenin Brazil F/W 2016
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working in Brazil

instagram/lilliferrazoficial, rogeriomakeup
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That new shoot after Arezzo was for Sky commercial, so Gisele still has contract with them.

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