
yes, i totally feel like the show is finally going somewhere too... and the least they focus on rachel, the more i like it...
personally i don't know who i dislike the most right now... Kitty for saying all that crap to Marley... or Marley for believing all the crap Kitty told her.
^Kitty and Marley are indeed such awful characters, in contrast to the new male characters! I honestly don't know who I like more; Brody, Ryder or Jake!
the less Kurt the better. most annoying character out of all of them. I liked Marley at the beginning but the whole thing with her and kitty is just.. idk.. not appealing? I mean I know what Glee is trying to do with the whole issue but still... I don't like seeing it or hearing it.
Okay they could easily remove all of the NY scenes and i couldn't care any less :lol: the whole school atmosphere that is getting build in the past episodes it's absolutely amazing. I couldn't get any prouder of Finn he's just terrific and so inspirational... I don't know if I like this glee club more than the one before because of how amazing all the past characters were... but as when they sing together... i think i preffer this one, i don't how or why but they amaze me every time they sing. The last performance of this episode blew my mind almost as much as the one they sang the episode before sectionals.

and next episode looks.... interesting:lol: (sam needs to seriously stop with this proposals... first Quinn now Britanny? this has to be some kind of joke:lol: )
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has anyone kept following the show lately? i just watched last episode... what i totally loved about it: Tina :woot: why i disliked about it... everything else? they seriously need to stop bringing back the old ones, as much as people love them, they are not letting the show evolve if they keep bringing them. it's nice to have them for a couple of episodes (like Quinn, Mike and Puck maybe...) but not keep them for that long :ninja: I'm starting to get annoyed by santana. and i wished that the thing about Finn and Emma didn't really happen, that's like the dumbest thing to have ever happened in the whole 4th season, really ryan? really? :judge:
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I disagree, the with the exception of Jake the new characters all annoy me. but I do like that the entire show isn't built around Rachel anymore.

I want my Mercedes back! she easily had the best voice on the show, it is such a joke to have Unique as the "token-black-diva-character"
I stopped watching after the third episode but my bf still watches so more or less I still do. I don´t care about the new characters and storylines anymore but gotta say that the shooting episode was really gut wrenching :(
I stopped watching after the first season cause i was moving out and moving in , and thens o many tv shows appeared and i forgot about glee . but im going to get back to it soon.
I am so so sad and shocked that Cory died:cry:
he was such a cute guy and one of the reasons I was still watching Glee. I'm hoping someone just says this is a sick joke and everything is okay.
I stopped watching Glee half-way through the second season, but that was some pretty heavy news.
I wonder what they are going to say in the next season. I hope they'll do some sort of hommage and say that Finn is dead, and not "gone somewhere" or something. But I think this calls for the end of the show
I wonder what they are going to say in the next season. I hope they'll do some sort of hommage and say that Finn is dead, and not "gone somewhere" or something. But I think this calls for the end of the show

I think it would be very, very difficult to have Finn die. I mean, I can't imagine Lea shooting a scene as Rachel learning that Finn had died. And the writers would have to explore the consequences of that in Rachel's life, and maybe it would feel too close to home for her to be able to cope with the emotion. It would be very hard for the others, as well, but mostly for her. Actually I can't even imagine her returning to the show at all... But that's just me.
I hope they don't say he's gone somewhere too.
I'm sure it'd be difficult for the cast but at the end it's the right thing to do. They don't actually have to get the news or anything, they can just do as if the news + funeral is behind them and how they are dealing with it or something ... But regardless of the storyline, Glee won't be the same without him :(
I watched the episode dedicated to Cory/Finn. It was really beautiful, I cried a bit. But I don't think I'll continue to watch since he was the only reason I kept watching. :cry::cry:

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