Grace Kelly


thank you all for the wonderful pictures! and thanks boomer for the heads up. I havent seen High Noon in such a long time

scanned by me

another picture from the event in post #687, unfortunately its tiny but I love what she is wearing


I never liked "High Society". Probably my least fave Grace flick
I deeply dislike this movie too. I could not get past the first half hour. It was such an unnecessary remake of the brilliant Philadelphia Story in gaudy colors and stuffed with cheesy songs.
I also had a problem with the casting of Grace, since I had Katharine Hepburn flawless and iconic performance still fresh in my mind. Grace never struck me as a great actress. To me, it would be re-shooting The Aviator with Charlize Theron in place of Cate Blanchett...
Although I think High Society is kind of a silly movie, I cant help but like it. Then again I have never seen Philadelphia story, so I have nothing to compare it to


Any more from her modeling days in NY? I have only seen a few over the years; my guess is a lot of them went unnoticed or uncredited and are lost to history...:huh:

modeling in NY

in Paris



Kochie, you didn't list a source-don't want you to get in trouble


i did, but i typed it wrong. silly me :p

and that is a great picture. i love the detailing of her dress

EDIT: oops its been too long but the real source is
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Can someone recommend a great, objective bio of Grace? Thanks for the compliment, koch

i have only read one biography of hers, Once upon a time : Behind the fairy tale of princess grace and prince rainier, and it wasnt very good. I think the main reason why I didn't like it was because it was poorly written

please do not quote images
:woot::woot: thank kochie, i specially love this pic, i had this one but the quality is not so good like this and i love your second scan so much :flower: thanks thanks
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:woot::woot: thank kochie, i specially love this pic, i had this one but the quality is not so good like this and i love your second scan so much :flower: thanks thanks

that is one of my all time favorite pictures of her, i just love what she is wearing :heart:

the above picture was already posted in post #740 :blush:
but it is a lovely on set picture so i dont really mind seeing it again :p
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