Hair Loss - When it's falling out :(


Jun 8, 2005
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Hey! I have been loosing a ton of hair lately, but unusually a lot. I do not know what it is from, but i am starting to get really worried....Have any of you had this problem, and what are the causes/remedies? Thanx:flower:
It's normal to have periods where one sheds a lot of hair - ask your hairdresser he/she will tell you :flower: - also for me the longer my hair grows the more I loose because the curls get tangled up and the process of untangling it makes me pull out a lot :doh:
JEM said:
Hey! I have been loosing a ton of hair lately, but unusually a lot. I do not know what it is from, but i am starting to get really worried....Have any of you had this problem, and what are the causes/remedies? Thanx:flower:

It could be hormonal, but I would suggest seeing a doctor :flower:
i agree with hipkitten. you should go see a doctor, because my friend who is only 14 has Alopecia Areata where your white blood cells attack your hair follicles causing them to fall out
I have the same problem , it could be related to a hormonal related issue (generally it is) or a lack of iron (or even both) .Go see a dermatologist they'll probably tell you to do blood analysis and to see an endocrinologist.It could be psychological as well but it's rare.I have to take pills to balance my hormones , minoxidil (lotion for your hair to help it grow) , and folic acid .
Supplement with MSM.

MSM is a naturally-occuring form of dietary sulfur found in fresh raw foods that are involved in the cycle of rain. MSM is deficient in foods grown in greenhouses or in foods grown through irrigation. MSM is volatile and destroyed by cooking. In the body, MSM softens leathery internal tissues by rebuilding connective tissue with elastic sulfur bonds. This is how MSM lives up to its reputation of building collagen and maintaining healthy joints. This is also why MSM increases flexibility (good for yoga), hastens recovery time from sore muscles, and is excellent for recovery from athletic injuries.

Because of its collagen-building properties, MSM creates smooth skin, thick lustrous hair, and strong nails. MSM makes the tissues more permeable so that they may move nutrients in and toxins out with greater ease. MSM has a remarkable effect at neutralizing foreign proteins (i.e. allergens, toxins, undigested food) making it anti-inflammatory. MSM works particularly well in conjunction with vitamin-C rich foods.
Like Hanne said, each of our hair lives up to one year and then we loose it. Another hair grows on that same spot, so it's a neverending process.
The thing with me is, that a bunch of my hair falls at the same time ( which can make it look as if I'm loosing a lot of hair ) and that is why I have quiet a bit of hairloss once a year.
But all of those grow back again :smile:
I had major hairloss this fall, it all stopped now ( november or so)
. Its thick and healthy again.. so dont worry its just a seasonal thing.
I was becoming very distressed as I seemed to be dropping hair everywhere but since I have started being a bit more diligent with my multivitamins plus 5 brazil nuts each day the problem has since gone.
i had this problem because of iron deficiency - iron tablets solved it :smile:
Indeed, it was the iron lack! Thank you all for your advice!:flower:
LeonieAlexandria said:
I had major hairloss this fall, it all stopped now ( november or so)
. Its thick and healthy again.. so dont worry its just a seasonal thing.

That is soooo true. I almost die of fright every winter when my hair seriously thins out but thankfully that always passes.
I'm having this problem now due to huge amounts of stress. Don't worry, it grows back really fast!!
If your really worried see a hormone specialist, They helped my cousin a lot when her hair was falling out (due to a hormone imbalance).
Also, I hear vitamin B helps, good luck!
I do have periods where I lose a lot of hair...but it always passes.
My latest episode occured where my scalp was BADLY sunburnt and I had hair falling out in huge quantites in the sunburnt areas!
Not a pretty sight! :doh:

But being diligent too in taking your vitamin pills helps!
hi JEM,

hair loss can also be caused by nutrient deficiency, for example if you're crash dieting. it's important to have a balance diet so your body receives all the nutrients it needs.

anyway, i crash dieted before and lost tonnes of hair. after that my mother force-fed me for half a year and the hair loss got better. i also got the help of kerastase specifique aminexil (if you want to try some products to prevent further hair loss).
I just noticed today my hair coming out. And not in a natural way. I have very short hair and if I run my fingers through it, I always have a few strands in my fingers. What is scaring me though is that the ends of my hair where is attaches to my head is a dark brown speck, not like a normal follicle. As if it's been burned! I am not positive that this is the cause but I have been bleaching my hair a Mariacarla-platinum-blonde since about October. Does this mean my hair follicles have been burned??? What do I do? It's weird though b/c I only noticed this today and I've been bleaching it every 4-6 weeks for months. I go to an Aveda salon though so I thought their products were safer and natural. I can't believe this. What do I do? DO I go to a doctor? to the salon? DO I need to color my hair darker instead of so light? I am scared! I have always had extremely healthy hair. Come to think of it, a few days ago I had horrible dandruff which i never usually have. Could that be related to this? I wonder if my scalp is giving up on me. :( Please reply if you know more about this and can help me with advice!

same thing happens to me. It doesn't look like I am losing my hair at all, but every now and then, I lose a TON thoroughout the day. Like I can run my fingers through my hair and pull it out. It happens a few times a year, but stops after a few days. I still have all of my fluffy crazy hair, so if you are like me I wouldn't worry if it stops in a few days/a week.
Ive had this since winter started and it's really starting to stress me ot in some areas in the front you can even see the scalp!!! I'm really worried about it, should go and see a doctor about it. :(
The same thing has happaned to me recently... I used to have the thickest hair... people would comment on it all the time and compliment me... however with in the last month or two everytime I wash my hair... an unusal amount has started falling out... where it would actually form clumps (not at a time but when i had to gather it together and throw it away) it was disgusting... and I thought at first it may be stress or lack of protein because since I went to college its so hard to eat meat every day! hehe we live on TV dinners and Ramen Noodles... but I started forcing myself to eat meat every day and nothing changed.... every single day I wash my hair more and more comes out... I've never had this problem before! Now in a month my hair is scarily thin... i can feel the scalp... and it is almost to the point where there will be no hair covering some parts if it doesnt change. The weird part is that it is only in certain spots... I went to the doctor and they thought perhaps it was a thyroid problem and they ran blood tests but I was perfectly healthy!! I will try the iron supplements... I really hope it helps because it is scary!! I dont want to be bald at 19 hahaha.
Tierney said:
The same thing has happaned to me recently... I used to have the thickest hair... people would comment on it all the time and compliment me... however with in the last month or two everytime I wash my hair... an unusal amount has started falling out... where it would actually form clumps (not at a time but when i had to gather it together and throw it away) it was disgusting... and I thought at first it may be stress or lack of protein because since I went to college its so hard to eat meat every day! hehe we live on TV dinners and Ramen Noodles... but I started forcing myself to eat meat every day and nothing changed.... every single day I wash my hair more and more comes out... I've never had this problem before! Now in a month my hair is scarily thin... i can feel the scalp... and it is almost to the point where there will be no hair covering some parts if it doesnt change. The weird part is that it is only in certain spots... I went to the doctor and they thought perhaps it was a thyroid problem and they ran blood tests but I was perfectly healthy!! I will try the iron supplements... I really hope it helps because it is scary!! I dont want to be bald at 19 hahaha.

This sounds almost EXACTLY like me. My unnaturally thick, beautiful hair started falling out in September and stopped in December - but not before I lost about 2/3 of it. It's on the thin side of normal now. I can feel my scalp, there's no weight to it, it's so sad and scary, almost disconcerting. I don't feel like me.

I did go to the doctor, thyroid was fine. He said it was stress. I'm scared it's starting back up again, but maybe I'm just paranoid. I use no dyes or products on my hair except shampoo and conditioner, so it's not that. I started taking a multi with iron, just in case, and throw it up within 10 minutes whether I take it with food or not. I've never been able to tolerate any brand of multiple vitamin. I take folic acid and essential fatty acids daily, hope for the best, and try not to think about it.

Good luck to you, I really, really REALLY hope it stops immediately for you and starts growing back in. The just in certain spots sounds like alopecia though - mine was all over (though I swear it's more along the forehead and part). I would make an appointment with a dermatologist if you can to make sure.

Speaking of scary hair loss, my aunt is a PA in a dermatologists office, and they had one patient who lost FIFTY percent of her hair one morning. She was going through a divorce and losing weight and sat up in bed and half her hair was on the pillow :shock:

Edited, because I wanted to ask - has anyone with fair hair and hair loss experienced a different kind of hair growing back in? My hair is very fine, straight, and pale blonde - I get some growing in where the whole thing, not just the follicle, is thick, black, and wiry. I swear it could be mistaken for surgical thread. And it comes out SUPER easy, I barely have to touch it, it slides out like it's lubricated or something. So gross.
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