Hayden Christensen

^ my best friend and ex boyfriend who gets mistaken for hayden all the time..

Yeah, the cake recipe is my fault...I know if you ask him a question he'll answer..so I asked how to make his favorite cake so he tells me the amount of everything...then he mumbles dont forget to fold not stir......then softer and hard to understand more fluffy that way....He also kicked me and my laptop while I was watching him sleep...but I know the secret...get him to cuddle something...so I grabbed..extra pillows and he is ultra still...downside- im typing with one hand cuz he grabbed hold of my other arm...

Since hes recovering from a really bad illnes that landed him in the hospital for months...I am over all the time...when I'm not I worry too much.
^ Sorry to hear that, you're sweet to take care of him.:) lol It just tickles me that he knows a cake recipe, my bf can't even make pasta. My hat's off to him oh and a speedy recovery. Being sick sucks.:ninja:
^ Thank you Tinuviel. Yeah he cooks fabolous...thats our favorite thing to do together and our friends favorite thing about being around us is that we cook!

This is hard...typing with one hand. He grabbed my other arm and cuddled it to his face.

hAH talk about me being protective.sitting here with him while he sleeps.

hhhmmm been ot...okay to relate to this topic I must say...now that hes sick he looks like the troubled Anakin...all dark around the eyes...tired..worried frown type..haha

okay cheap attempt at getting on topic of thread but..heeh..

should sleep...its 5am here.
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Yes i hope he continues to get better.:flower:
i dont know if these have been posted yet, sorry if they have ^_^
the second one is from a play he did in London which also starred Anna Paquin and Jake Gyllenhaal... how much i'd pay to see that :ninja:


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That's it! I'm nominating this thread as the nicest and most darling heart warming thread on tFP, so there! Ha!

29 pages of awwwww!
Cyan said:
That's it! I'm nominating this thread as the nicest and most darling heart warming thread on tFP, so there! Ha!

29 pages of awwwww!

I know!! I wonder if you can give group karma :flower:
Sephora_Socialite said:
^ my best friend and ex boyfriend who gets mistaken for hayden all the time..

...I know if you ask him a question he'll answer

Hey Sephora_socialite that's really sweet of you, to take care of him...
... by the way, if he answers to you, when he's sleeping, then you could ask him something that will make him answer with any Star Wars line. That would make him even more Hayden:lol: , and very funny!

Group hug
Sephora_Socialite said:
^ Thank you Tinuviel. Yeah he cooks fabolous...thats our favorite thing to do together and our friends favorite thing about being around us is that we cook!

This is hard...typing with one hand. He grabbed my other arm and cuddled it to his face.

hAH talk about me being protective.sitting here with him while he sleeps.

hhhmmm been ot...okay to relate to this topic I must say...now that hes sick he looks like the troubled Anakin...all dark around the eyes...tired..worried frown type..haha

okay cheap attempt at getting on topic of thread but..heeh..

should sleep...its 5am here.

:cry: So adorable!!! I wish I could see him sleep.....:blush:

Keep us uptodate with this clone Hayden please!:p

Awww bonapartept, such a sweet smilie!! Yes this is a thread I most definitely love, we all get along so well. Its great.:heart: I think I am going to see SW tomorrow...that will be my.......forth time! Yeeeeeee!:woot:

Cammy thanks for posting those pics!! I can't believe he was in a play in London! Where was I?!? Oh i know.....I didn't even know he existed....:doh:
BohoChic said:
I can't believe he was in a play in London! Where was I?!? Oh i know.....I didn't even know he existed....:doh:

I can only imagine the feeling, Bohochic, because I know how I felt when I realized I had let "life as a house" pass on TV 1000000 times, and by that time I couldn't care less, even though my father told me to see "this amazing film with Kevin Klein" so many times:doh:
Now I have to pay to rent it on the Video store! At least that didn't hapen with Shatered Glass I saw it a couple of weeks ago on TV and next week it will be on again!

But speaking of plays, Bohochic have you seen Guys and Dolls, with Ewan? I wanted so much to go to London to see it! I heard it will be on until Christmas, so I hope I still manage to go!;)
Bonapartept - id let you borrow my Life as a house video if i could :)
and Bohochic... i couldn't believe he'd been in a play in London either, it was supposed to be very good. I'm pretty sure it was about a group of friends, and Hayden was quite into drugs ( but thats all i know and can gather from the picture)
bonapartept said:
Hey Sephora_socialite that's really sweet of you, to take care of him...
... by the way, if he answers to you, when he's sleeping, then you could ask him something that will make him answer with any Star Wars line. That would make him even more Hayden:lol: , and very funny!

Group hug


:rofl: I asked him whats that saying Yoda and other Jedi masters say to the younglings?


I sat there like errr...thats part of it...then when I was walking down the stairs...

"my padawan learner"


I wonder if he knows any of Haydens lines?...I just don't know what to ask him about it though

OH BTW, the play Hayden was in was quite good. My Hayden clone took me when he was showing me around London since one of his friends was in the play...and no one mistaken him then since he had black hair and a fauxhawk.

P.S. So you London gals if you see a Hayden look alike yell out Josh and see if he turns.:lol:
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bonapartept said:
I can only imagine the feeling, Bohochic, because I know how I felt when I realized I had let "life as a house" pass on TV 1000000 times, and by that time I couldn't care less, even though my father told me to see "this amazing film with Kevin Klein" so many times:doh:
Now I have to pay to rent it on the Video store! At least that didn't hapen with Shatered Glass I saw it a couple of weeks ago on TV and next week it will be on again!

But speaking of plays, Bohochic have you seen Guys and Dolls, with Ewan? I wanted so much to go to London to see it! I heard it will be on until Christmas, so I hope I still manage to go!;)

Haha! I think I got to thank my dear friend for introducing me to him. And also seeing Hayden in the flesh helped.:innocent:

Its always the case isn't it? The films you could not careless about once you notice said actor you're like OMG how could of I had hated this movie?! What was wrong with me!:doh:
That was with me and the new Star Wars, I much prefer the old ones.......4, 5,6.....but now I want to see AOTC.

I heard about Ewan's play, but I never got the chance to see it! Do you have any idea what it is about? I have never been to the theatre before....:blush:

Aww Cammy beautiful pics sweetie, really love the one from Life as A house, speaking of which:


:heart: :blush:
Regarding Ewan's play, it's a musical and it has been put on film at one point starring Frank Sinatra among others...*puts on trivia hat*

I read this really cool interview with Jane Krakowski (from Ally McBeal) who's also starring in it, she made the musical sound so much fun that I really want to see it:woot:

It's showing in Piccadilly Theatre (which is just uhm round the corner from that massive building in Piccadilly Circus with the equally massive advertisement screens, I can't remember the name of the street but you can see the Piccadilly Theatre sign once you've turned the corner......yeah I checked it out to find out where it was.....LMAO:innocent: )

So ehm back on topic? I really like Hayden's off screen style :)
its funny b/c on every forum i am on which has a Hayden thread, there are girls who say they date a look-alike- so there seems to be many Haydens running loose everywhere:)
I know guys who have similar features or build but aren't the whole package!
Ah well...
Here are some pics of last year when Hayden was in Teen Vogue:

the 2nd one is bigger so i am attaching it.
this 3rd one i got from desiringhayden:


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i know- he kills me- here is another one i got from desiring hayden- i love this one:

plus a shot from behind the scenes of Ep. 3 in the new Italian coffee table picture book:

ps- thanks for the link info Tinuviel:) i spent an hour there last night!
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