Hayden Christensen

*dies all over again at the pic of him running his fingers through his hair* :heart:

You girls are great, keep on posting! :)
Orchide said:
SS, i just noticed we are both in LA so hmm...if he is really a deadringer for old Haydie;) and y'all don't work out...:innocent: :lol:

:rofl: Right now we aren't working out because he's only staying back here at home for the summer and back to London to finish school and end his contract with work there. I'm happily dating a drummer in a band :mowhawk: BUT... since I've been taking care of my Joshie...its hard not to to want him back again:ninja: He's wonderful. Cooked dinner for my today to thank me for spending the whole weekend with him. He said I do more for him than the doctors do.:blush:

If you see him around LA, its free rein for you to get him for a summer fling.:p

OMG I just finished through the thread...:shock: One of those candids...errm eeekk aaa ummm....Lets just say I think I don't need to send those things into my tabloid contact...:blink: I'm gonna get to the bottom of this before I point it out though. :ermm:
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are you saying that there is a pic of your friend and not hayden in a shot???
which one?
on a lighter note, look here at how big his light saber is- haahaa- hoho:
Sephora_Socialite said:
OMG I just finished through the thread...:shock: One of those candids...errm eeekk aaa ummm....Lets just say I think I don't need to send those things into my tabloid contact...:blink: I'm gonna get to the bottom of this before I point it out though. :ermm:

OOoo.. do tell! Please PM me if you feel it inappropriate to disclose it publicy in this thread.
more pics ;) (desiringhayden.net)
how i would :heart: to be that girl!
i can't remember if they have been posted, but no harm in seeing them again :flower:

mmmm- thaks for the big 'uns vix:)
can't get enough of them!
here is a silly BK site with Darth Vader- its interactive and I really like the way he insults you- heehee...love that Vader voice...
two screenshots taken from the "Return of Darth Vader" dvd:


and a photo from DHnet:
Orchide said:
here is a silly BK site with Darth Vader- its interactive and I really like the way he insults you- heehee...love that Vader voice...

:lol: When Vix and I went to see Star Wars we went into K-mart (for lollies etc) and there was a little toy version of the Darth Vader and we played it (we had Hayden in mind) but we didn't get get to finish it
Oh my goodness, all these pics!!! You ladies are.....oh bows to you all. He is simply amazing!

I don't know where to start drooling first!

Oh Orchide thanks for the site, its hilarious.:lol:

Those screencaps what DVD are they from?:blush:
UAU! I've been just one tiny day away, and 3 pages more on this topic! And the pictures Ohhhhhhhhhhhh my!

And Ms. Orchide and Ms. Bohochic let me warn you. If in the next days I see your pictures glued to the second photo in post #628 in new avatars I'll be officially dead and there will be no emoticon to translate my feeling!:lol: :rofl: :lol: ;)

By the way, this thread is really collecting fans. I don't understand why, I mean this guy is nothing special. As a matter of fact he's kindoff ugly :innocent:
:cry:No, I can't lie. He's :winkiss:

I finally got to see LAAH. OH MY GOD I loved the film! and the good thing is that, because it is an "old" film, I only have to return it by Monday!!!!
...Well I just have to see it more times, because, you know that actor, that plays the son... he's quite good....

Orchide, your avatars are awsome. the one from RTOS, curious, because last Sturday, when I went to see the movie... again... in that scene I remember thinking.. " I whish this scene would play over and over in my head... but LIVE!" ahahahahah

Bohochic, your new avatar is pretty cool.
Damn! I have to get myself a decent one!

Now I got to go drooll over that fist picture Vix123 posted on #628:lol: ...

Now everybody!


I got to get help!:shock:

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