Hayden Christensen

Orchide said:
you guys, this link is to IMDB message boards for "RotS"- it had me on the floor-
the topic is why didn't Vader attend Padme's funeral?
I had tears in my eyes...hilarious!
:rofl: :rofl: I'd like to think we're on a different stratosphere here Orchide.:D

Haven't read through all but these had me rolling:
Seeing that she was done up so beautifully, I think she would have been preserved and enshrined in a glass crypt.Vader would visit the site in secret and place flowers there.
Vader was doing physical therapy at the time of her funeral, so he couldn't attend.
LOL...Vader killing at the funeral:

Jar Jar (eulogizing at podium): Mesa liked Padme maxi big, she...(grabbing throat) ack..aaack..ack (fall to the ground)

Vader: Thank you, Jar Jar, for your - short - words. Anyone else?
CSI autopsy on Padme! Yes! Perfect! They would have to do one of those invasive camera zooms! She was having babies...we'd have to see the view starting from the medical droid and going right in and up.....oh this is a family board, huh?
Invitations aren't sent out, funerals are publicly announced. Vader should have been looking for the announcement in the obituary section of the Coruscant Times. He had no excuse for not going. He's a bad husband plain and simple.
You're funny! What IS the protocol for an attendance by an "Evil Empire" member anyway?

Where would he be seated? with her (the Naberrie) family?? I don't think they thought too much for their son-in -law at this point, limbs or no limbs!
Could you imagine him sobbing inside that mask and breathing apparatus??? It would have been so distracting to the other guests! Snot running through the mask vents! What a mess!
Tinuviel said:
:rofl: :rofl: I'd like to think we're on a different stratosphere here Orchide.:D

Haven't read through all but these had me rolling:

girl, we are:lol: out there!
i am dying laughing- here are my favorite explanations as to why Vader didn't make the funeral of Padme:

Yeah, unfortunately, Ol' "Stumpy" was probably still in the medical center recovering from thirds degree volcanic ash burns, smoke inhalation, and traumatic dismemberment.
It would have been nice if he finally visited Naboo after he was released from the medical center. Maybe he didn't want to attract attention ot perhaps her family forbade him from visiting.
He could have at least sent flowers, the big dummy! (lol!!!)


come on what he supposed to do show up there when he is a freaking sith and people will just be okay with it " Hey Mr Vader how are you"


The grieving black vinyl widower! (BOOHOOHOO!!!) Could you see him entering the chaple for the funeral. All the guest gasping in fear?? Suddenly everyone is on one side of the chapel and Vader is in a pew on the other side...alone.
Padme's family insenced that he had the nerve to show up at the funeral.

A rush of water from his tears is flowing continuously through those mask vents!
An usher is mopping up after the service.

During the internment, Padme's dad is sobbing and cursing Darth Vader screaming at him to leave. Body guards rush to hold the father back as he tries to lunge for DV. Dath Vader holds up his hand to signal to the guards to release the father. By this time all of Padme's family is sobbing. Darth tries to reach out to hug Padme's mother but she faints in horror!
DARTH VADER: Can't we get pass this??? Can't we all just get along???
Later, at the home of Padme's family, their is a buffet table set up. Darth brings a Tatooine bundt cake.
Meanwhile, Jar-Jar binks is sitting in the next room like Fredo in the Godfather (remember the scene after Michael Corleone's mother dies)He wants an audience with Darth who refuses to see him. Everyone is still pissed at him for screwing up the senate vote that gave power to Palpatine. Darth finally agrees to see him and embraces Jar-Jar then nods to Boba Fett who nod in the affirmative. After the funeral Boba walks over to Jar-Jar and pats him on the shoulder.

BOBA FETT: Come on Jar-Jar

JAR-JAR: Where's a wesa goin'?

BOBA FETT: Fishing, Jar-Jar, We're going fishing....
:rofl: :rofl: :p
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This imagery is too funny:
You can just imagine Vadar turning up with a bunch of lillies! the most badass lord in the galaxy and he turns up snivelling into his Kleenex, and politely telling everyone that they are cordially invited back to the wake on the death star! Where Cucumber sandwhiches and Tea in posh cups will be served by the troops. (thats what a good husband should be doing...not ruling the galaxy in you sparkly plastic black suit! and thinking "Im well shot of her anyway")
^ haha yes "the big dummy boohoo" omg my poor cheeks hurt. Karma coming your way Orchide for finding this treasure trove of funnies!
Tinuviel said:
^ haha yes "the big dummy boohoo" omg my poor cheeks hurt. Karma coming your way Orchide for finding this treasure trove of funnies!

thanks:flower: :lol:
a Tatooine bundt cake...ahhh me...i can't stop choking with giggles over this page myself!

this line is pretty hysterical too:
"and how long did they get anakin fixed? a day or sumthing... so he could have gone to the funeral...

but obi-wan thought he was dead so he didnt give him an invitation... ":rolleyes:
this is true...very true!
I can't tell if some of them actually take it seriously. lol Bundt cake:lol:, someone really needs to make a spoof of all that. Silly Jimmy Fallon, he should've checked IMDB for inspiration before his lame MTV movie award bits this year.
Tinuviel said:
haha and I just read this on jjb: :rofl: yes! All in favour say Aye!


The IMDb thread is hylarious. My tummy is hurting from laughing!

He's a bad husband, bad father, pitiful Jedi. What a PRIZE poor Padme got in him!!! Hey, Darth! How about shelling out some funeral and child support payments, dude????!!!!
Tinuviel said:
I can't tell if some of them actually take it seriously. lol Bundt cake:lol:, someone really needs to make a spoof of all that. Silly Jimmy Fallon, he should've checked IMDB for inspiration before his lame MTV movie award bits this year.
fo' real:blush:
"...sparkly black plastic suit..."^_^
and i would've thought he would offer "sithcumber sandwiches" myself:p
Wow.. I love those RoTs pics posted. He *is* alot bulkier now (that pic of him standing shirtless) and I hope he stays that way! His sister looks more like a dark blonde like Hayden than redhead. I must say, the guys in the family are better looking than the girls (imo).
Wow... I've been away from the internet for 4 days or so... and wow.. I loved "catching up" on this thread.. love the pictures.. love it all lol.!!!!!

I love this thread :blush:
I say "Aye!" as well. Haha.

I think his eyes are blue/green. People with that eye colour tend to have their eyes "change shade" while wearing different things and in different lighting...
I think they're green, my brother's eyes are green but sometimes they may appear to be blue (but they're not, it's just lighting....my eyes are dark blue but sometimes lighting make them appear to be brown or black)
we are so swoony over his eyes!
i think they are a light blue- my father has eyes like this- and when he wears certain colors or in certain lighting, they look grey or even greenish.
whatever color they are, they are very nice.
Orchide & Tinuviel Vix and I were saying Jimmy Fallon actually ruined a bit of RotS for us :lol: ... this scene

Jimmy: You have spilt bbq sauce on my bath robe
Obi: You have done that yourself

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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