Hayden Panettiere Tries to Save the Dolphins


Jan 11, 2007
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Hayden Panettiere is a young celebrity who has a passion. And it's not a passion for boozing, partying, or flashing their nether-regions to the paparazzi.

No, it's a genuine passion. She is part of various activist groups that are trying to save the dolphins from mindless slaughter. It is wonderful to see a celebrity using their high-visibility to draw attention to an important issue, and it is even more wonderful to see a YOUNG celebrity participating in intelligent and worthwhile activity. For me, Hayden is a breath of fresh air. Her sentiments are touching and inspiring.

Watch below to see a heartfelt yet heartbreaking video of her recent failed attempt to save a group of dolphins:

You know what, it is sad. Anything dying is sad. And it is sadder when pretty celebrities like Hayden Paniettiere and the girl behind her who is clearly the gorgeous one from Home and Away are crying.

But oh please. People eat different things in different parts of the world. And I'm a vegetarian. Killing animals in the wild is FAR better for the animals and for us than creating a multi million dollar farming industry. If people are going to eat something, they should kill it. That is the way it should be. None of this pre-packaged meat that we get in supermarkets. Not that is an either... or in this case. I am sure the Japanese have those industries too. I am sure that these dolphins will end up pre-packaged somewhere. But these people need to find a better cause. There is so much worse in the world. If it was a question of extinction, ok. But it isn't.
^ :blink: Returning to a hunter/gatherer lifestyle is impossible for most people today. It would take major catastrophes to cause such a shift in the human paradigm. And I don't understand your logic about killing wild creatures being better than farming.
That is a really touching video...I have so much respect for the activists here and I'm glad to see a young star like Hayden focused on something like this, rather than getting smashed at a club and showing her coochie to paps.
^ :blink: Returning to a hunter/gatherer lifestyle is impossible for most people today. It would take major catastrophes to cause such a shift in the human paradigm. And I don't understand your logic about killing wild creatures being better than farming.

Because it's better to not take the animal out of its natural environment and have it die there, than it is to farm the animal in a highly stressful and unnatural environment.

But yes, she's probably only trying to save them because they're "cute" and she'll go home, have a burger and forget about it the next day. I can't even count the number of friends I've had who have had 'save the dolphins!' phases. :innocent:
just saw it on Access Hollywood. It's so sad. They even showed a portion of the ocean colored in red (blood of dolphins). what are the hunters going to do with them? food? clothing? neither i am familiar with anything dolphins, edible or wearable.
Some Japanese, not all eat them.

This is a disgusting way too die and this should be banned. There is no need to eat dolphins.
Some Japanese, not all eat them.

This is a disgusting way too die and this should be banned. There is no need to eat dolphins.

there is no need to eat any kind of animals.

i don't really see what the big 'save the dolphins' or 'dolphin safe tuna' deal is. you eat the tuna, how is the dolphin any different?
I think if we ban killing & eating dolphins, killing and eating all animals should be banned...but that is never going to happen across the entire world...yes it is very sad...but so is killing cows, pigs, lambs, chickens, turkeys, etc...they are all living things and it is sad when they die

But...as someone said before, at least they are not being killed in some sort of slaughterhouse atmosphere where they are bred from birth to be killed in some warehouse, like other livestock...

Ughhhh this makes me want to just stop eating meat altogether...I feel so bad for the poor animals...all of them...
there is no need to eat any kind of animals.

i don't really see what the big 'save the dolphins' or 'dolphin safe tuna' deal is. you eat the tuna, how is the dolphin any different?

i'm just thinking of the size --- killing dolphins is more a massacre than that of tuna which you can reel in?
But yes, she's probably only trying to save them because they're "cute" and she'll go home, have a burger and forget about it the next day. I can't even count the number of friends I've had who have had 'save the dolphins!' phases. :innocent:

I agree...though it is quite sad. :cry:
i'm just thinking of the size --- killing dolphins is more a massacre than that of tuna which you can reel in?

Smartarse, the reason you need Dolphin friendly tuna nets is because Dolphins and Tuna are the same size and therefore Dolphins get caught in their nets. Tuna are huge.
Because tuna are not as human-like as dolphins.
Well, exactly. Dolphins are pretty smart, by most accounts, and one can imagine they suffer a much higher degree of mental anguish because of this. That's pretty much the idea, anyway. Not that tuna fish don't suffer physical anguish, but well, we assume they don't suffer the same degree of mental distress.
...dolphins helped sailors for something... i know the military used dolphins for something .... i forgot what for:huh: but they're useful for the navy
Ughhhh this makes me want to just stop eating meat altogether...I feel so bad for the poor animals...all of them...

Pretty easy to not eat meat, if you feel bad for the animals then that's a valid feeling that shouldn't be thrown away imo. :ninja:

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