I think with this step
She looses all background in fashion
What designer gonna hire her now?
What campaigns she will get?
SI can be trashy in my opinion
Once again folks, 'fashion' is nothing. It's a starting place, like a baby taking it's first steps. Anyone can walk a runway. You don't need talent or fame or even looks (G. Ward is proof of that). All you have to be able to do is walk a straight line.
Hiliary is transcending that on her way to something big. She's about to become one of the new breed of supermodels, the likes of which the world hasn't seen since Evangalista, Alt and Crawford. Hiliary is about to take the world by storm and become a household name. Soon EVERYONE will know her name. Can "The Tonight Show" and "Letterman" be far off?
Why do so many of you insist on her turning around and going back to nameless, faceless runway strutting? Why do you want her to go back to being a nobody?