How Has tFS Changed Your Style?

i thought i'd contribute to this great thread.

before tFS i was definitely aware of fashion, but mostly just the larger labels and brands (chanel, dior, marc jacobs, etc.). but since exploring tFS, i have been opened up to the lesser known designers and fashion houses. i've also been able to see street styles across the world and tFS members style (WAYWT). with all this new information in hand, i have been able to realize what type of clothing i like and appreciate and what works for me. the WAYWT thread has also made me more confidant in wearing what i wish to. i am still in my teens, and living in the suburbs, i get alot of stares and disapproving looks for wearing heels or more 'out there' clothes (not really, just conpared to the jeans and sweats everyone else wears around here). knowing that there are other people wearing what they want and enjoy because it makes them feel good has instilled a lot of self confidance in myself.

i think it has also made me appreciate clothes of better quality, instead of just picking up whatever designer knockoffs at forever21 or h&m type stores. i definitely think i will begin saving up for those pieces i can have and cherish for a lifetime thanks to tFS.
yeah it is nice to know that thier is other straight member on TFS!
i love TFS because of all the age groups and love reading comments and opinions.
I can't even imagine fashion without TFS... When I first got into fashion, I just browsed collections on, but TFS has definitely shown me more aspects of fashion. So much thoughts and ideas are involved in fashion, which makes me appreciate it more.

TFS's definitely made me more comfortable about dressing the way I want and trying new things. I dont' have friends who are very into fashion, so it's nice to read about and discuss trends, stores, shoes, etc. However I think it has also made me appreciate the quality and "specialness" of designer pieces, which is not at all good for my bank account.

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