Finding Your Style

Originally posted by twilight fairy@May 12th, 2004 - 12:11 pm
but the thing is i don't really know my style. i want to feel comfortable and look great, but i end up looking too simple and boring :doh:
i adore japanese street style..i love retro glam looks..i like the mixture of things people wear but i don't know how to wear/mix it on me..and when i do mix something together people look a bit funny at me because it's not usually 'my style'.
i wanna transform into wearing something classy/cute/comfy and just nice..
but how can i find something i like, not look dumb and be comfortable?
I know exactly what you mean. I'm 16 and I've been having just the same trouble, which I've only recently begun to overcome. What I've found is that as I get basics like plain shirts, jeans, etc, I'm able to build on that foundation pretty easily to get looks that I like a lot. It's sometimes a slow process, but once you have a skeleton of clothes in your closet you can easily add in items that you absolutely love to personalize your outfits. You can take your wardrobe in tons of different directions from where you are now!

Okay, so how can you make your things into great outfits? Take a good look at all of your clothes. Maybe ypu'll want to sketch little pictures of each item or take pictures so that you can play around easily, but you could also just line up the clothes themselves. Then play mix-and-match. Put together basic outfits from what you have, even if they're a bit boring, and step back and look at them (one at a time). What would make them fit together properly into some sort of outfit or look? What would make the outfit complete? Here's where a lookbook can be really useful, or just magazines that you like. Maybe you'll realize that adding a thick choker would help, or a pendant, or pearls, or a hat. Maybe you'll see a dire need for a jacket, a bag, a belt or...whatever. Use your imagination, too, not just what you have, then look around and see what fits your idea.

Doing this can help you feel more put-together, and eventually you can start to be a little braver with the things that you add. Experiment! Draw pictures of ideas that come to you or of attainable variations on types of looks that you want to try.

Especially once you have the basics, adding pieces that you find and just love can be tons of fun because the new things can inspire especially interesting looks.

You said that some people look at you funny if you wear something that they don't see as 'you,' but I think that if your looks always look finished and/or put-together, it won't matter what the style of it is after a while. I mean, if you wear a preppy outfit one day, a 60's outfit another day, a punk sort of look the next day, a glamorous look the next, etc, it won't really matter that your 'style' is changing if all of the outfits are fabulous (or at least finished)! So what if you don't have a set style that you follow religiously? So what if you do? If you look good, you look good.

I can't help you to make Japenese street style work for you, because I can't get my clothing to work with that look either. Ditto some of the other ones. I would actually love advice from other FSers on that topic (with maybe some specific suggestions of product combinations to get a better idea... :innocent: ), but I hope I've helped to at least sprout some ideas as far as developing your wardrobe.
Originally posted by eloes@May 12th, 2004 - 11:51 pm
I mean, if you wear a preppy outfit one day, a 60's outfit another day, a punk sort of look the next day, a glamorous look the next, etc, it won't really matter that your 'style' is changing if all of the outfits are fabulous
That's what I actually do most days. Fashion can really be a wonderful way to express how you're feeling, sort of a living form of art. I do think that the bottom line is just to have fun and be comfortable in what you're wearing. :flower:
My style is ever evolving and changing and more than having one look I have many looks I'm known for..

One day I channel socialite deubtante, on day surfer,one day vintage classic, vintage punkie....etc.etc...

usually I get inspiration from celebs and people with style..maybe I can take things I like of their outfit and find something similar to it then make it my own by adding in my classics or other interesting pieces..I just start to experiment with looks and keep what I like and what feels right on me..its hard to find something that I feel good in ....for the time being. You see fashion is always changing and so is my taste...the key though to loooking kool is just be comfy in your own skin
Originally posted by purplelucrezia+May 12th, 2004 - 11:57 pm--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(purplelucrezia @ May 12th, 2004 - 11:57 pm)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-eloes@May 12th, 2004 - 11:51 pm
I mean, if you wear a preppy outfit one day, a 60's outfit another day, a punk sort of look the next day, a glamorous look the next, etc, it won't really matter that your 'style' is changing if all of the outfits are fabulous
That's what I actually do most days. Fashion can really be a wonderful way to express how you're feeling, sort of a living form of art. I do think that the bottom line is just to have fun and be comfortable in what you're wearing. :flower: [/b][/quote]
This is pretty much what I do, myself.

I worry that I should be outgrowing the act of playing dress-up, rather than just getting dressed, but I think that this is just how I am. I guess so long as I don't get the mad whim to dress up like Baby Spice or something totally juvenile, it will be basically okay.
I love you guys :heart: i knew i'd get good advice and i did!

okay so from saturday on i'm starting a look book..what a great idea! that way i'll see the pattern of my clothes..

yeh maybe having a 'style' is boring..and i still do have time..but i just want to look good and feel good. =]
all of your advices really helped me out..
i'll mix and a few 'classic' pieces and like a few of you said, accessorize them with some really cute things like hats, bracelets, necklaces, belts and so on.
thank you everyone!!
Originally posted by twilight fairy@May 12th, 2004 - 12:11 pm
blah as you probably have guessed i have some style problems/questions..since you're all so amazingly smart i think it's the best place to ask these questions :flower: now i know how to shop..(making a list of things and NOT buying ANYTHING until i get something on my list..get 2 or 3 plain coloured pale pink, white, black and green shirts or jumpers..well fitted jeans and so on)

but the thing is i don't really know my style. i want to feel comfortable and look great, but i end up looking too simple and boring :doh:
i adore japanese street style..i love retro glam looks..i like the mixture of things people wear but i don't know how to wear/mix it on me..and when i do mix something together people look a bit funny at me because it's not usually 'my style'.
i wanna transform into wearing something classy/cute/comfy and just nice..
but how can i find something i like, not look dumb and be comfortable?

oh another problem...since i'm 14 my mum thinks its her duty to go off buying stuff for me..i mean she does have quite a good taste..she's young and so on..but she likes the stuff that's a bit more 'trashy'..not like too bad trashy but stuff that i'm not really that close to. just basically i only like 70% of the stuff she gets me..
and i don't want to be rude..and it's hard to shop with her if she doesn't like what i like :wacko:
ehk..i wish i were older and had my own credit card etc :P
OK Twilight fairy - as most have mentioned you are still pretty young to be focusing on your style at the mo. Its time to experiment with colours and styles, just dont get obsessed about it. You should have fun, feel like a teen and not like an adult. I would say, start looking through your wardrobe and list the majority of colours, styles and types of clothings e.g. my colours are bright and deep(colour analysis) my fav colour is red and bright colours(before i became an image consultant). What im trying to say is that you already know your colour scheme, you might not have noticed it until now, but people ususally have an instinct that is correct. Get the scrap book together and then you can show your mum the things you really like, so that way she sees what YOU want(within reason, as teens can go ott). My teen daughter(15) likes lots of jeans and t-shirts, its normal.

Which teen stars style do you like?
Originally posted by softgrey+May 12th, 2004 - 11:23 pm--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(softgrey @ May 12th, 2004 - 11:23 pm)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-blumarine@May 12th, 2004 - 10:01 pm
Personally, I think that your style suits your music taste ... checking whatever you got on your cd rack (or Ipod) can definitively help you to find whatever you're the most comfortable wearing ... break a leg!
interesting theory...dress like you're in a video for your favorite band...i like that!!! :flower: [/b][/quote]
It means we have the same style with Rob Zombie? O_o Wow.... ^^"
Originally posted by blumarine@May 12th, 2004 - 10:01 pm
Personally, I think that your style suits your music taste ... checking whatever you got on your cd rack (or Ipod) can definitively help you to find whatever you're the most comfortable wearing ... break a leg!
I've got Puccini, Beethoven, The Clash, Charlie Parker and Sidney Bechet on my desk at the moment...if someone can make out my style from that then good luck to them!

I like exceptionally beautiful old-fashioned things like Armani and Brioni...

Paired with modern stuff like the best of Yohji and lots of electric blue and shocking pink...

Sometimes I go to either extreme...
i have my wardrobe planned out in my mind.......i just need the time and knowledge to make it all ;)
Originally posted by PrinceOfCats+May 23rd, 2004 - 6:37 pm--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PrinceOfCats @ May 23rd, 2004 - 6:37 pm)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-blumarine@May 12th, 2004 - 10:01 pm
Personally, I think that your style suits your music taste ... checking whatever you got on your cd rack (or Ipod) can definitively help you to find whatever you're the most comfortable wearing ... break a leg!
I've got Puccini, Beethoven, The Clash, Charlie Parker and Sidney Bechet on my desk at the moment...if someone can make out my style from that then good luck to them!
I ditto that. Looking at my Frank Sinatra, Alicia Keys, Maroon 5 CD now sitting on my desk... I don't think the dress like your favorite singer or band thing is going to work for me ;)
Originally posted by purplelucrezia+May 12th, 2004 - 11:57 pm--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(purplelucrezia @ May 12th, 2004 - 11:57 pm)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-eloes@May 12th, 2004 - 11:51 pm
I mean, if you wear a preppy outfit one day, a 60's outfit another day, a punk sort of look the next day, a glamorous look the next, etc, it won't really matter that your 'style' is changing if all of the outfits are fabulous
That's what I actually do most days. Fashion can really be a wonderful way to express how you're feeling, sort of a living form of art. I do think that the bottom line is just to have fun and be comfortable in what you're wearing. :flower: [/b][/quote]
i wish i could do that.. and i'm kind of working on it but it's taking too long :doh: :ninja:
Originally posted by rayncloudx+May 23rd, 2004 - 10:16 pm--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rayncloudx @ May 23rd, 2004 - 10:16 pm)</div><div class='quotemain'>
Originally posted by purplelucrezia@May 12th, 2004 - 11:57 pm
@May 12th, 2004 - 11:51 pm
I mean, if you wear a preppy outfit one day, a 60's outfit another day, a punk sort of look the next day, a glamorous look the next, etc, it won't really matter that your 'style' is changing if all of the outfits are fabulous

That's what I actually do most days. Fashion can really be a wonderful way to express how you're feeling, sort of a living form of art. I do think that the bottom line is just to have fun and be comfortable in what you're wearing. :flower:
i wish i could do that.. and i'm kind of working on it but it's taking too long :doh: :ninja: [/b][/quote]
It sure does. I'm still working on it, too...but I am working on it, and I think that's important. I think most of us are in that stage at least at some point, and it just takes a while to fix things. Keep up the good work and you'll get there, though. :flower: (That's what I'm counting on, anyway :rolleyes: )
I would definitely suggest the scrapbook idea-I've been doing it for a few years now and even if it doesn't help as much as you would like in the end it's fun to go back and see how your tastes have evolved. I mean, at the beginning of my book I had loads of pics of popstars who were mainly all dressed the same - now I have loads of Sienna Miller and Kate Moss, and I've always loved how Cat Deeley dresses. The Olsen Twins have been looking too amazing recently!

As everyone has said, be true to yourself. ;) Never go out and just copy an entire look-it is a slippery road to nowhere, and if you are not comfortable in it I can guarantee the people around you will be able to tell.

Don't be afraid to experiment, but not at everything straight away, and if you are going to, do it cheaply first! Just get some cheap accessories and work your way up.

You may not find exactly what you want straight away-I've been doing my scrap book since the last few years of school, I'm 20 now and I feel I'm only just settling into a style that is my own and that I am totally comfortable with ;) -it's way more classic than before,I know exactly what suits me now, and I never buy into the trend of the season just for the hell of it.

But one thing-don't do the normal early-teen thing of wearing every single label you can get your hands on :sick: -I think someone said this before-trust me, I was guilty of that and I can't help but look back and cringe. :wacko: I see too many people doing that here, with fake Murakami LV bags, and it is so not a good look! But you seem sensible enough not to!

Have fun!!! :P
Oh wow, I can't believe you keep a scrapbook too impossibleprincess, we are getting similar everyday!!!! I have been doing the same thing for the last 3 years!!! But the other day I had a good sort through it & chucked lots of stuff out (remember I was telling you about my footballers wives style?! :innocent: ) Now my folders more 'streamline' which makes my style feel less cluttered too, weird, I guess its phycological! Of course now its very seinna/kate moss-esque! It's funny looking back on your old styles! :o
I'm starting to get involved with fashion. I'm a college freshman and I never cared about clothes, because I didn't like how they looked on my body. I lost some weight and then things started looking nice on me. I used to think people that were interested in fashion were ditsy, but now I view people that like fashion as people that like art. For instance, some people like skateboarding and some people like cooking. Some people like looking cool. Fashion is a type of art and I'm starting to realize that. When I'm bored I sometimes sketch pictures of my outfits.
I know it is too weird-i mean its one thing having the same style icons but we used to like that more glam-label look glad that phase is over! And now the scrapbook thing-I threw so much stuff out too-maybe I should try the ebay thing-but i don't feel anymore de-cluttered, maybe it's because as soon as I go rid of stuff I went out and started buying more boho-chic pieces so I never really made much more space in my wardrobe... :blush:
finding your own style

i hope it is okay to ask this here. i have more then enough clothes and stuff...but lately when i open my wardrobe in the morning i just stare at all the stuff, not knowing what i should wear, with what i should combine it and so on. anyone ever experienced that?
so maybe all you lovely people here can help me. how to find your own stlye and "learn" to combine things?
just go for wath you like most and what flaters you! look at yourself and think a bit about what you like most,think if you are more girly or if you prefer a more androgine look, or maybe more boho, hipster, trendy...or maybe you are a mix of all of them! just be yourself thats the best you can ever do, dont folllow every trend cause it will look bad for sure! watch the streetstyle topics, they are great for inspiration!
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