How Has tFS Changed Your Style?

tFS has made me so much pickier!!! In a way, I wish I was open to buy anything that looked "so, so" but now I can't stand anything from any typical store. :(
It's all about online window shopping now! :flower:
Luckily, it's not hurting my bank account, right?
actually yes. well, its kind of 'enabled my style in away.

but its definitely refined and sharpened my fashion awareness in many ways.

the most obvious is my addiction to posting in the WAYWT thread. I live in the city center but work in the country and used to wear whatever i found in the morning - no pressure to dress up in my three-person office.

now i dress with a little more care because i see as a way to express myself daily; because i get really inspired by other posters and also because its fun posting it later on.

(this has also forced me to reach deep in my closet and get creative more often, so i don't wear the same thing again and again. okay - now i sound a bit sad . . . but there you go - i used to use like 10% of my stuff, now its on a larger rotation . . .)

also although i used to use magazines and a lot for references and inspiration, i get more exposure to (what i consider to be more) obscure, design-led fashion labels such as margiela, yohji, commes des garcons, dries, ann D etc. i still can't afford to buy it and am a definite vintage chick but its has illuminated some of these names as artists to me.

finally (and going off topic a bit), TfS has provided an arena for some interrogation of what the forces of fashion and style are and that's why i come back. threads come and go, but i love the ones that force me to think a little deeper about what its all about eg. defending your fashion interest, ethical consumer, Sexy, cute and many others.

Topics on the Spot run the gamut from celeb-watching to unpacking the fashion carousel and that is real diversity and inspiration.
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This thread deserves to be revived.

TFS hasn't exactly changed my style, but the combination of members and posts have caused me to become more aware of fashion as a whole. I may dress the same, but my knowledge of clothing and style has increased greatly.
^ I feel precisely the same way, seanutbutter.

tFS has changed other things for me - the sharing of contemporary and historic fashion, media and personal style, and so many other things that I am interested in. Until I was introduced to tFS, I didn't discuss style or fashion with anyone.

I really appreciate that tFS is an open, tolerant world-wise community with lots of local perspective from people of all ages and cultures. B)
TFS has opened my eyes to new designers, many different aesthetics, and in general it is a great source of inspiration. It has helped me discover and refine my own style, and now I make sure to think twice (or even three times) before buying a new piece of clothing to make sure that it will work within my wardrobe.
The Fashion Spot has without a doubt influenced my attitude towards fashion. In the short year of being a member, I have gathered so much information about fashion that I put to regular use on a daily basis. I've learn't the most important lesson of all, "how to avoid being a logo-wh*re", and to focus more on fabrics, textures, craftsmanship, and fit.

I've also become aware of so many designers I would have never known, had I not been apart of this forum. The inspiration I gather from other members here have really influenced my taste in clothing. Plus not only is this site educational there are some very funny people here. :)
tFS helps me realize that Wal-Mart copies designer looks for 99 cents 3 months later.

So don't wear it.
I wouldn’t be contributing anything new if I said that it has made me more aware of fashion and the thinking that goes behind dressing myself, it has polished my taste and allowed me to think critically of everything that I wear and purchase.
TFS has also taught me that there are good, tasteful sides in fashion and recycled, useless parts. Overly commercialized and dictated trends can be preventing you from seeing a wider aspect of fashion. For instance, depending solely on the word of magazines can narrow your preferences and cut off other outlets to learn from.Having an opinion on fashion/designs/art/aesthetics and having an eye for what suits you is fashion knowledge at its best.
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Tfs has had a tremendous impact on my personal style - I'm more label conscious, fabric conscious, quality conscious, etc. Prior to joining this website I bought cheap, somewhat cute clothes that were essentially disposable - both in quality and in name. I've finally discovered and adopted the fashion philosophy of "investment purchases" which has richly renewed my wardrobe and my outlook.
tfs has opened and exposed me to new, old, established and emerging designers in the Fashion World, I am forever indebted for teaching me about the likes of Antwerp Six, Margiela, Yohji Yamamoto, intelligent fashion. I mostly lurk around and take in the scene so to speak, but those more experienced & working in the industry e.g. softgrey, trinicoat (sp, apologies am typing this from memory), mulletproof, have taught me a ton!

For the most part, through exposure, I've been able to discern & appreciate brilliant items than say from the affable 'pretty' outfits. Granted Marc Jacobs use to be one of my favourite designers (age 17, but hey), the gateway designer to understanding there are better designers than him (ha!). At the same time, youth & experimenting has been the best education, learning from my mistakes! Plenty, plenty I look back and cringe at! Notably, following trends, while I like to dabble in trendy colours (I really adore the mustard colour) it is not a must. And ignore, only if it fits and compliments with my current style. I'm currently in an all black phase, rather dorky, but I love playing around with texture.

As an art student, I've come to appreciate a higher level of ideas and craftsmanship in the art world. Certainly differences in the way each industry operates, but I do adore the burgeoning immersion of different mediums/inspiration from and out of the art world e.g. science, engineering, Hussien Chalayan, Issey Miyake. They all fascinate me!
It is also a confirmation that there are other straight men who have a wonderful taste in fashion (I physically don't know any).

Yes! I joined tFs not knowing whether I'd be the only straight guy... it's nice to know there are others.

Also I like the fact that there are people from around the world, of all different ages. It's really interesting to hear all of their opinions, tFs was probably the driving force in what stopped me wearing Hollister :blush:

Love this site!
great thread! i shop online soooo much more for specific things. I used to go browse in stores but i hardly have the time to do that because i'm too busy in front of my computer doing work (and being on tfs) so i can immediately look things up and buy them without having to trek around to all the shops. sometimes i go to the store to look something up in person, but don't really buy in stores cause at times its easier to get it online cheaper at the online boutiques.
tFS has not changed my style, it has helped me to develope and find a sense of style that is my own. tFS is the first place that has taught me about real style and HOW to find it. I am glad that I found tFS at an early age, I am exposed to all the top styles in the world.
So much has happened since I joined here...

I remember being about 30lbs heavier when I joined here, being depressed to the max and wearing just the same frumpy pieces over and over - whatever I fitted in and felt sort of okay in...

When I started sorting my personal problems out (which I addressed here sometimes I think), it was as if I had woken up. I started taking care of myself, wearing make-up at least sometimes, became vegetarian, altogether got my act together for a bit, got more awareness for skincare wihtout animal testing. I recently started to get into the "fashion thing"more than before.
tFS made me feel comfortable with my addiction to ballet flats :p. I now start to dress my age, more mature yet with a twist if I can. I have started to like clean, neutral colours (as opposed to wild, hippie-ish colour combinations), striking shapes (like o-shape, short cardigans...) that actually flatter my body. I started knitting and developed a sense for the quality of knitwear. I'm currently revamping my wardrobe bit by bit whenever I can afford it and am finally able to throw out worn out clothes. I don't buy designer clothes (no money) but I look out for stuff I can combine with what I already own and like.
And: I got the courage to finally buy a pair of pumps. I never walk in high heels bc I can't, but I found the perfect pair for now and already improved my walking :woot:

I think I have become braver fashion-wise in general.
Oh yes, definitely, I am 55 lbs lighter than when I first join here, now I have the audacity to wear bright red skinnies ^_^ Not just because of a new perfect body, but tFS.
Yes! I joined tFs not knowing whether I'd be the only straight guy... it's nice to know there are others.

Also I like the fact that there are people from around the world, of all different ages. It's really interesting to hear all of their opinions, tFs was probably the driving force in what stopped me wearing Hollister :blush:

Love this site!

The fact that you said you quite wearing Hollister because of this site makes me want to hug you and get every single guy I go to school with to come here...!

I think that TFS has changed my "inner style." I'm just not brave enough to wear it out in public yet-thanks to a very conforming, similar styled town. I think many people would be surprised to see I'm on a fashion forum! I think TFS has changed my perception of fashion and that it doesn't have to be shallow and can be a great representation of one's self. I've also learned a lot about the history of fashion and the way the buisness works, though I'm probably still on a generic level.
I just love the fact that there are so many people here, from different places, backgrounds, cultures, ages who all have somewhat of an interest in fashion. It's great to see that I can like fashion even though I have no plans of a career in it-I'm going to be a teacher! It's an informative site and I've learned a lot about myself. I can like fashion and not dress like everyone else-I don't have to shop at the same stores everyone else in my age group does where I live. It's given me a lot of bravery and inspiration from the members.
The fact that you said you quite wearing Hollister because of this site makes me want to hug you and get every single guy I go to school with to come here...!

Haha:p I know how you feel.

I think a lot more guys would join this site if more of them realized being metrosexual isn't a bad thing, nor does it make you any less of a man. A lot of guys just aren't willing to openly admit they care about how they look, either because they don't want to come off as narcissistic, or because they don't want to seem gay (probably the latter).

Yeah that was a bit off topic but I really had to say it :innocent:
I'll say yes now I tend to look at the street style section and wear inspired street style clothing. I'm also more aware of trends.

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