How much do you spend on clothes?

Last year like 10k, this year probably 20k. My suits account for most of it.
umm, can we get married? our history and habits are shockingly similar;)
Chinor1z said:
My clothing addiction began around my senior year of high school. I really got tired of how I looked wearing XL adidas tees (a medium or a small is more of an accurate fit for me so just imagine how ridiculous this looked:sick: ), cheap jeans and vans all the time.

I started off with the basics... prada sport and gucci. This eventually developed moreso when I hit college and I "cleaned up my act" so to speak. I began to figure out what lines really enhanced my silhouette and what the term quality really meant.

As the desire for unique items and quality increased, so did the costs for individual items as well as total spending. Since getting to know DH and other brands (Helmut Lang, Jil Sander, Neil Barrett etc.), I think I spend something like $200-300 a month on average. Sometimes this spikes with $1000+ items :shock: but thats a rarity (1-2 times a year).

I think this spending level is going to drop once I meet a nice girl. Can't wait to buy awesome things for her!:flower:
I really don't know...probably a couple hundred here and a couple hundred there.
i prob average about $1,ooo a month ...but recently ive been spending a lot more ... i shop when im upset and my boyfriend and i had been having problems and then i left him ... so in the past 2 months i think my credit card bills were like $8,ooo ... when i finally organize all my crap (i just moved) im gonna have a lot of stuff to donate.

im really trying to cut back on the purchases and give my parents a break. so im gonna work on cutting back by half.
it depends...sometimes i can walk into a store and easily drop all of my money (well not all of it, i have some self control, but a good amount) and other times, i just can't find anything i like. recently (as in the past couple of months) i've been spending a lot though (this past month i've already spent over $1,000:blush:)
I've recently been trying to buy some more expensive and classic, good quality pieces, but as a student earning only £40 a week :blush: this is virtually impossible

Reading TFS it seems that a lot of people are able to afford designer pieces sometimes, even if they also shop in H+M, Topshop etc

I was wondering how true that was?

How many designer pieces do you own? How much of your wardrobe is 'expensive' pieces?
And how much do you spend on clothes?
I'm also a poor student, so I don't have THAT much money to spend on clothes. During the summer when I'm working, that's when I buy my more expensive items: $300 purses, $150 shirts, etc. I'd say during the summer I spend $1500 on clothes, which seems like a lot for me. :blush:

While I'm in school I spend no more than $100 a month I'd say, but sometimes I don't buy any clothes at all in a month because I just don't have enough money to. I really should be smarter about my money, and not buy sooo many things in the summer leaving me no money for when I'm in school! :doh:
I have a mix.
Most of my clothes are from American Apparel, H&M, Club Monaco, and Zara, with 'high-end' denim from APC, D&G, and Diesel.
I have designer accessories -- Dior Homme shoes, Prada glasses and messenger bag.

I don't have a job, so I save up money from birthdays/holidays. My spending is really erratic; I've spent $1000 in a week, and absolutely nothing at all for several months.

I'm hoping to add designer RTW to my wardbrobe once I start working (in February.) ;)
I am a poor high school student. I get money from my parents weekly as allowrance and by doing chores. I have limited money to spent on expensive clothes. If I want something expensive, I ask for them on birthdays, or new years (my leather riding boots, coat etc.) Another way my parents made up for me to get money is to get at least 90% for 3 times on tests/assignments in academic courses.

I also do a lot of vintage shopping, since a five minute walk from my school will bring me there. For retail, it is H&M, Zara, Urban Outfitters, Aldo, Department stores, club monaco.

So far I have no designer items in my warodrobe. However, I am learning how to sew, so for s/s 2007, I'll be wearing desginer designs made by *me*.

Am I even on topic? I think there is no shame about having no designer pieces in your waredrobe at this age. It is important that you will be able to afford them with your job in the future.

Whatever, balderdash:doh:
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I don´t own that much expensive Designer Clothes.....I have mostly Clothes from H&M, Ashley Scott, Melrose, Wrangler, His, S.Oliver.....Of cours I would love to buy Chanel and D&G.....but it´s just to expensive for me. So the few Designer Clothe sI have are presents.

Well.......I spend about 200-300 Euros a month for Clothes and Shoes. And yes that´s definately too much(for me).....but I just love Clothes. And it really depends....sometimes I only spend 100 for 3 always depends on what´s at the shops.
Im a highschool student, without a job. So I depend on my parents to buy me clothes, or birthday/christmas etc money.
So the clothes I wear don't tend to be to "high end", but mainly I wear things from Aritzia (Canadian store Sometimes I find some cute things from H&M.
And then sometimes my sister will take me into Toronto (Kensington Market & what not) for vintage shopping.
For jeans, I mainly buy Guess jeans because they fit well, and I hate jean shopping, so I just stick to what fits.
I'm still going to school, currently with no job and living on what my parents give me. I do try to earn own money by selling items which are useless to me, and I also try to save and not spend on unnecessary things. However, I do plan on spending more money on clothes this year. I cannot give a €/month, but maybe €2000-4000 for the whole year. Clothes are about all I buy, as I of course don't need to worry about food, rent, electricity, water ..., but I also do not purchase books, magazines or dvds at all and records only seldom. This year I plan to be even more strict about the clothes I buy, but I won't be leaving items I absolutely adore at shops. I am also slowly trying to build a long lasting quality wardrobe, which means replacing some lower quality items with higher quality (and thus usually higher price) items instead of other lower quality items. I plan and budget everything I buy, and write everything down to a list. I try to make wise choices and limit wrong ones.
I own Chanel lipgloss. :D

I do work, but I'm also saving up to move out in February, as well as buying a keyboard and an iPod, so clothes are hardly expensive. (I spend more on books, music, and movies than I do on clothing.) I shop at Express and Gap for jeans, and everything else comes from Gap, Express, H&M, JCPenny, Target, and sometimes I even shop at Wal*Mart for accessories.

I looove thrift stores and vintage shops. It's hard to find things that fit, but every once in a while I find something good.

Nothing designer, although someday I'd love to get a really high-quality bag. Something that is an investment that will last forever. I'm currently eyeing the Chanel Reissue, or the 2.55.
I mentioned how much I spend, but I didn't really mention what I spend it on...

Most of my wardrobe is from places like Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, and small boutiqes. All my jeans come from American Eagle because they're the only ones that fit me right (I'm short and curvy).

The designer things I buy are mainly accessories (handbags, watches, perfume, sunglasses, etc), but I also have some designer clothing items like sweaters and skirts. I won't spend any more than $450 on a handbag and $300 for any shirt/sweater/skirt. I would be willing to spend up to $500 for a nice coat though.

I guess my clothing is quite diverse... A lot of cheaper pieces, but some designer expensive pieces. Though whenever there is a sale on designer stuff, I'm all over that! :lol:
i don't buy a lot of clothes but what i buy are usually not cheap so it does add up; i probably spent about $4000 to $5000 on clothes this year.
I can't really say.... it's a lot......

But rather than listing out the exact make-up of my wardrobe, I'm a bit advocator of a high and low mix anyway so even if I was stinking stinking rich, I'd still be rifling racks at H&M and Topshop because I've found that wearing head to toe designer outfits really doesn't work for me - even designers I really like. So as I'm working in a pretty decent job right now, I do splurge a bit on full price designer stuff but most of the time it is eBay, sample sales and high street buys that keep me going.....

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